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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Ok so I just read the devs response. Why are people still complaining? He just said why they won't be changing it anytime soon: Most peoples computers don't have the raw horsepower for the large amount of "draw cells" in heavily populated areas.


I feel like people would rather have better looking characters at 5 fps than decent looking characters at 45-60 fps.

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Many people DO have really good computers that can run anything else. I would even buy an upgrade if mine couldnt perform.


Me personally I'm still complaining because this should be within their top 3 priorities. While I understand a fix might take time, I would like a regular update like on other hot issues. But we haven't heard anything about this in two weeks... that's not cool

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I love this game, but having muddied out textures is awful. I am really disappointed with this and Bioware should definitively look to enable High res textures in the future... hopefully once they optimize the game better? Edited by Jemfisto
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This is somewhat true. Even with their current method though the game is running badly in high populated areas.


I'd definitely still like the game to show the players their own gear, in super high resolution, to them, on their client.


The odd thing is, many beta testers claim that the old method they used when the high res textures were in, as in before adopting texture atlasing that the game actually ran far better.


Hell many people have reported performance increases by forcing AA and Level Of Detail in the graphics card drivers.


The main complaint though is denying the Option of these graphics to customers.

They claim it will cause a performance impact, well duh. If you set a game at its highest possible settings it's logical it'll take an fps hit.


Most games bring up a dialogue box when selecting these features, informing the user that they'll cause drop in performance.


This has been the norm in games for well over a decade, and rather insulting that Bioware claim our systems can't handle them, so they'll just remove them from use. Bar in cutscenes.


Quite a few people on these forums have systems that have no problems with games such as BF 3, Metro 2033, Crysis or The Witcher 2. Yet we get told the medium option was a bug and that what was originally Medium textures are actually meant to be High.



This brings us to their response, no where was it stated that they're bringing back the High res textures. They merely stated that they're looking into improving the "graphical fidelity", which be anything fom a 2% improvement to 10% and then claim they lived up to their promise.

While a 100% increase would be reimplementing the high res textures previously used.

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I too have noticed that before their "famous" update (the one they have activated the AA filter option) both performance and image quality have decrease (where are high resolution texture ?) !



Before that I was just using my graphic carte control panel to activate the AA and I had both a better image quality and no major FPS drop.


Now, even the AA activated through the game is not as good as AA activated with my graphic card control panel before this "famous" patch !


I am most disappointed.


I really hope, the dev team will give us the option to setup the graphical option accordling with (al least) what we had before AND our own individual hardware.


We are playing on PC not on an over dated Xbox.


A bon entendeur, salut !

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I really want those High Res Textures :(


Currently getting 80-111 FPS Whilst in buisy fleet

111 FPS Flat out doing Operations and Warzones.


I'll take my chances....



What kind of PC do you have?



3.5 ghz quad core, 570 gtx, 8 gb ram and 120 gb SSD (512)



I get 30-40 fps in warzones and 60 in Ops

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What kind of PC do you have?



3.5 ghz quad core, 570 gtx, 8 gb ram and 120 gb SSD (512)



I get 30-40 fps in warzones and 60 in Ops

My 5870 was pushing 120 FPS last night with everything as high as I could push it, in fleet or in hutball.

I think the lowest it dropped was 70-80 during PVP.


I am running,

AMD 1055T at stock clocks.

XFX 5870 (XFX 7970 will be in today :D)

8 giggs of DDR3 1066

7200 RPM Western digital HDD.


However I know that my $550 XFX 7970 won't be able to handle the game on high :rolleyes:, its just too much for my junky old pc to handle. ;)


Its ok, I am sure I will see some gains in other games, namely metro 2033 and Skyrim.

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My 5870 was pushing 120 FPS last night with everything as high as I could push it, in fleet or in hutball.

I think the lowest it dropped was 70-80 during PVP.


I am running,

AMD 1055T at stock clocks.

XFX 5870 (XFX 7970 will be in today :D)

8 giggs of DDR3 1066

7200 RPM Western digital HDD.


However I know that my $550 XFX 7970 won't be able to handle the game on high :rolleyes:, its just too much for my junky old pc to handle. ;)


Its ok, I am sure I will see some gains in other games, namely metro 2033 and Skyrim.


You forgot one very important big of info mate, what resolution are you running at?


I myself can run the game well over 60 fps at 2560x1440 with x8 FXAA and LOD-3


System specs

2600k stock

Asrock z68m-itx/ht

8GB 1600mhz low profile ram

Nvidia GTX 470 stock

Momentus XT 500GB hybrid HDD/SSD

Spinpoint F3 2TB Storage drive



I'm currently waiting on Nvidia's new gpus before upgrading.

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Does anyone have beta screenshots with high res textures enabled ?


I was in the November invites and can't recall seeing them.


Due to the NDA at the time, we were not allowed to take screenshots or videos. However, I'm sure if you searched for one of those 'beta leak" sites, you may find some.

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I think alot of people are missing the point here...

I see people replying saying that they dont see the logic in removing the high option for everyone when you could just have the medium option for low end machines.


The answer to that is quite simple: The problem ISNT our machines or hardware, the problem is their client.

If their product could actually deliver what we want properly (like it did in beta :o) then they would have done so.


It obviously cant however, and they just made a blatant lie up to send us all speculating for another two hundred pages orso.

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You forgot one very important big of info mate, what resolution are you running at?


I myself can run the game well over 60 fps at 2560x1440 with x8 FXAA and LOD-3


System specs

2600k stock

Asrock z68m-itx/ht

8GB 1600mhz low profile ram

Nvidia GTX 470 stock

Momentus XT 500GB hybrid HDD/SSD

Spinpoint F3 2TB Storage drive



I'm currently waiting on Nvidia's new gpus before upgrading.



The answer to that is quite simple: The problem ISNT our machines or hardware, the problem is their client.

If their product could actually deliver what we want properly (like it did in beta ) then they would have done so.

Well, I guess they broke it and can't figure out how to fix it.

I was recording my FPS across TOR/AoC/STO and Skyrim/Metro 2033 to see what change my 7970 makes when I get home today and install it.

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My preformance made a saddening drop to an average of 5 FPS. For no clear reason (that I can discern that is).

Regardless of my system (which isnt top of the line I assure you) I ran the game flawlessly during the last Beta test weekend, and moderately well (with around 30 FPS when alot of mobs were in sight) during the first week of januari.


I had some exams to make however, so I didnt play from about januari 8 untill yesterday.


The drop in preformance was appauling, asif the game had suddenly taken a huge leap in system requirements, and my computer is no longer able to run it.

Now if this "change" came with a a big new feature or vastly increased graphics I mightve understood.... But I seem to have missed either of those



The questions I'd like to see answered are these ones:


Question1: What exactly changed from beta to release that required...

  • 1: to dumb down the graphics
    • 2: Increase the demands the client places on our systems.


    Question 2: What exactly changed from 1.0 to 1.1 that required...

    • 1: To further increase the demands of the client on our systems.
    • 2: To make the graphics appear slightly worse than they were before 1.1 (altough this may be due to my system no longer meeting your new requirements).



    ((Come to think of it, this may just be smart marketing tactics, you release a game in an unfinished state, that doesnt run as intended, but will run on lower end machines.

    This will result in a large number of people buying a game they think they can play, but actually cant.

    Then you slowly start updating towards the actual goal of what the game is to become. Slowly phasing out those with mediocre hardware (they purchased the game already anyhow, thats money in the pocket!)

    In favor of those with high end machines (who really can run the game just fine on high as its intended to be, we just dont tell them that yet)

Edited by Flaksim
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((Come to think of it, this may just be smart marketing tactics, you release a game in an unfinished state, that doesnt run as intended, but will run on lower end machines.

This will result in a large number of people buying a game they think they can play, but actually cant.

Then you slowly start updating towards the actual goal of what the game is to become. Slowly phasing out those with mediocre hardware (they purchased the game already anyhow, thats money in the pocket!)

In favor of those with high end machines (who really can run the game just fine on high as its intended to be, we just dont tell them that yet)


And cash in on a few months subscription fees in the meantime :mad:


Give us the High-Res Textures we are already paying for BioWare! :mad:

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So no update before the weekend.


Thanks for nothing Community Mangers!


Another spit in the face of the people that are paying for your salary!


This again. I could/should prob repost my last reply to the same vitriolic dummy spit like this i read.


What exactly would you like them to say to you? Should the just repost the answer they have given to appease you or are you looking for something different. Perhaps they could just paraphrase the original reply to make it seem different.


The reply has been made weeks ago. A bunch of melodramatic posts laying down the "law" and demands and throwing up "I quit" posts isnt going to change anything.


On a different note. On the previous page someone asked about screenshots from the Beta that show the improved textures. I also was in the last few betas but dont have any screenies showing them nor do I remember the game looking any different.


If someone has any please post them. Thus far in this thread all I have seen is holotrick comparisons.

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Is it too much to ask for an update every other week? They keep massaging other big issues and this hasnt even made it into the Known Bugs list.


Anyway only the first couple beta tests had awesome textures, they were disabled for the final few already. With plenty of qq accompanying it so this is not a new or unheard of issue either, its just being completely stonewalled by BioWare.

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This again. I could/should prob repost my last reply to the same vitriolic dummy spit like this i read.


What exactly would you like them to say to you? Should the just repost the answer they have given to appease you or are you looking for something different. Perhaps they could just paraphrase the original reply to make it seem different.


The reply has been made weeks ago. A bunch of melodramatic posts laying down the "law" and demands and throwing up "I quit" posts isnt going to change anything.


On a different note. On the previous page someone asked about screenshots from the Beta that show the improved textures. I also was in the last few betas but dont have any screenies showing them nor do I remember the game looking any different.


If someone has any please post them. Thus far in this thread all I have seen is holotrick comparisons.


While I do not agree with the tone and attitude of the post that you are replying to, what we would like them to say to us is fairly simple. A commitment to optimize the engine and implement the higher resolution textures. What was said is simply a vague statement that can be interpreted in a million ways. Most importantly it allows the company the freedom of doing a marginal 0,1% increase in quality and still be inline with their statement as it would still fall into "higher visual fidelity". The problem is clear. If they plan on putting in the higher resolution textures they can say: " We will work into optimizing the engine so that it allows the high resolution textures to be enabled for high end systems". The problem is that they are not saying that. The "higher visual fidelity" statement is a blanket statement which covers everything so it is absolutely no commitment. It is as simple as that. Considering that every statement and post here has gone through a PR department what you should wonder is why they choose this particular wording that means nothing at all. It is very simple. All it takes is one proper statement and everyone will relax but apparently we're in lack of one.

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Their statement is even incorrect, why do they claim that they have removed the hi res textures because "high end machines couldnt even be guaranteed to handle it." and removing it was supposedly in an effort to "keep the game playable on mid range machines."

When their updates are only making the game more demanding of our hardware anyhow?

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Their statement is even incorrect, why do they claim that they have removed the hi res textures because "high end machines couldnt even be guaranteed to handle it." and removing it was supposedly in an effort to "keep the game playable on mid range machines."

When their updates are only making the game more demanding of our hardware anyhow?


Because they were so afraid of having a botched up launch. Sadly all their efforts ended up making things worse. They seem to forget that many people play pc games for the choice of having different settings in their games. If I want to take a performance hit for better quality graphics then that should be my choice. Teasing us with the textures in cut scenes and seeing it when clicking on the holoterminal is upsetting. Especially since the JK robes look like a muddy mess without the high res textures.

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What I don't understand, is the fact that cut-scenes are displayed in high (which looks fantastic), but are set to medium at all other times. Surely it is down to the user to decide if their PC can handle it or not? I love this game, but I wish they would stop making those kind of decisions for us, it's totally unnecessary. Edited by DarkZenith
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