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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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They really need to turn them back on and soon. I really like the game, just looks like shabby and thats not what I bought a new pc for after playing the beta. They should have told everyone before it went live that they were downgrading the visuals in game.
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hey bioware!


Just wanted to let you know that the issue with my subscription being active while having medium to low resolution textures while playing turned out to be a bug and it is corrected now.




  • fixed a bug where subscription would be active without high resolution textures.


thank you for your patience!





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I would get refund but I actually like this statue.



Actually the box was pretty epic, the game tho >.>


Just tell them you'll settle for a partial refund of $60, the cost of the game by itself.

Edited by Zorvan
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This has me concerned, at the moment I run almost every area of that game at an FPS of over 100, and would not mind playing the game at a much reduced FPS but with more detailed textures on my, and other characters around me. I find the approach that Bioware has taken "to ensure performance" out of my hands and to place it within their hands because the vast majority of gamers are in denial of what their computer can handle baffles me. After reading the post by Steven two questions stuck out that I had to ask to get clarification on, so I can direct my anger to the appropriate channel.


Will the addition of highest textures as an option cause a low graphics setting machine to experience more performance quality issues than if it was left out (aka is it poor coding *low textures should not be linked in any way w/ high textures*)?


If not then why do you assume everyone has a mental deficiency and cannot determine that maybe "high" is beyond their current computer specs?


If you could answer me those two questions sufficiently I believe you would have perhaps a little bit more understanding from the playerbase. However pretty much any answer you give to those questions will reflect negative on Bioware.


Thanks for your time.

Edited by Paralassa
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This has me concerned, at the moment I run almost every area of that game at an FPS of over 100, and would not mind playing the game at a much reduced FPS but with more detailed textures on my, and other characters around me.


While playing beta with high textures it didn't drag down on fps on my end, playing with over 100 as well.


As for your other question, its either low or high textures, just look at how you can chose it in LOTRO.

Edited by Mineria
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Tweaking the LOD in Nvidia inspector really helped the armor textures to pop and make the leather/metal reflect light properly, but it also undid alot of the AA on the diagonal edging. It helped alot on the characters, but the trade off for the environment wasn't worth it to me.


I just want my character to look better. It isn't nearly as noticeable on armor with dimensionality, but the Atlas method they used turns flat clothing like robes that have patterns on them into an unrecognizable mess...

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This is what the game should have looked like all along. The amount of time and stress and frustration it took me to figure out why it did not..just wow. I feel like I should be paid lol. here is the screenshot.




I am happy with the graphics now. Too bad I had to learn how to fix what I assume well paid coders could not.

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Greetings everyone!


We recently had to remove several posts from this thread for not being in compliance with our Rules of Conduct.


As a reminder, the topic is regarding feedback and opinions on High Resolution. We ask that you please keep your replies constructive and on-topic.


Thank you! :)


Yes, you're right.


And my opinion is that telling us we can't use the high resolution textures and then within days of that statement advertising a new content addition showing high resolution textures is false advertisement. So I'm sure you'll add my post back, but just in case you don't, we now again know my position.


If stating an evident case of false advertisement is against the ToS or RoC, I request you please post that section now.


Thank you.

Edited by Zorvan
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Greetings everyone!


We recently had to remove several posts from this thread for not being in compliance with our Rules of Conduct.


As a reminder, the topic is regarding feedback and opinions on High Resolution. We ask that you please keep your replies constructive and on-topic.


Thank you! :)


It would be appreciated if Bioware would actually discuss this with the community.

I'm aware you're doing your job but it doesn't look good when all we see is posts being removed and well a horrible excuse from SR.


Most posts are civil and constructive enough, we're talking about a game not politics.

It shouldn't be such an issue to give a reason.




Can't resist the urge to copy the posters above sig.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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This is what the game should have looked like all along. The amount of time and stress and frustration it took me to figure out why it did not..just wow. I feel like I should be paid lol. here is the screenshot.




I am happy with the graphics now. Too bad I had to learn how to fix what I assume well paid coders could not.


What did you do?

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Greetings everyone!


We recently had to remove several posts from this thread for not being in compliance with our Rules of Conduct.


As a reminder, the topic is regarding feedback and opinions on High Resolution. We ask that you please keep your replies constructive and on-topic.


Thank you! :)


You missed one quote!


Thank you! :)

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What did you do?


Nvidia inspector to tweak ToR via Nvidia drivers. http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h2/N19h7m4r3/569197b8.png


Such as decreasing LOD to add reflections and increase shinies as well as improving mapping, and enabling ambient occlusion to make shinies really shiny like they should be, enabling AA bypassing the broken .ini settings, etc.


Enable AA through the .ini and you'll get a fps loss and nowhere as good, with Inspector you bypass the game settings entirely, getting AA with less loss of fps and better looking, such as AA would normally work in other non-beta games.


Still doesn't fix muddy textures, but it's still a massive improvement.

Edited by Zorvan
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Nvidia inspector to tweak ToR via Nvidia drivers. http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h2/N19h7m4r3/569197b8.png


Such as decreasing LOD to add reflections and increase shinies, and enabling ambient occlusion to make shinies really shiny like they should be, enabling AA bypassing the broken .ini settings, etc.


Still doesn't fix muddy textures, but it's still a massive improvement.


Yep. Unfortunately even as an obessesive gamer I still did not know about how to use optimization software (not Catalyst, that is easy) or edit a .ini graphics file. I just never needed to do it. Now I guess I am closer to being the real gamer I think I am lol.

Edited by Aisar
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Yep. Unfortunately even as an obessesive gamer I still did not know about how to use optimization software (not Catalyst, that is easy) or edit a .ini graphics file. I just never needed to do it. Now I guess I am closer to being the real gamer I think I am lol.


Well for one, enabling AA through the .ini was/is a waste since AA in the game is disabled/broken. That's why people are taking a bigger hit enabling though the .ini, because they're telling the .ini to tell a broken system to work, instead of bypassing the system altogether.


Glad you figured it all out though, bet you're a little happier, eh?:D

Edited by Zorvan
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Well for one, enabling AA through the .ini was/is a waste since AA in the game is disabled/broken. That's why people are taking a bigger hit enabling though the .ini, because they're telling the .ini to tell a broken system to work, instead of bypassing the system altogether.


Glad you figured it all out though, bet you're a little happier, eh?:D


For sure. If i reboot my computer, run the game and never alt-tab I get very acceptable performance and the game even looks better than the screenshot I posted (it's impossible to stop the very slight breathing movements and constant shifting the characters do). Right now in fleet I get 40-60 FPS pretty consistantly with the unavoidable dip to 20-30 now and then. Frankly I am just so happy I got the game to look good I don't even care about dipping to 20-30 sometimes.

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So I guess a day or two ago, advertising and marketing materials for the new content were released to media outlets.


Those materials relatively match the quality of the game you actually pay for, and aren't rendered using lighting, shaders, and texture quality vastly superior to what the customer actually gets when they buy the DVD case, right?


No? That's not the case yet? The promo screens and videos still look like a completely different game? That's legal now? When are they just going to start releasing all of their previews as the CGI scenes that accompany the intro to the game, and pretending that it's in-game footage? Cause the night and day difference we have now isn't that far off anyway.



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Tell me, if I'm wrong, but all this performance problems seems to relate to the official start of SWTOR.


In Beta it was ok, but as soon as the servers started to get populated the performance was affected heavily. But that means that their modified Hero-Engine was not tested to scale properly with a high number of players in the same region.


But this is a serious issue, it's imperative that the video engine for an MMO scales properly with high numbers of players to cater a huge number of possible players. Who made the decision to choose this engine that is obviously outdated and doesn't scale properly? Let's hope our engine performs well and not just test it (with a high number of generated character models or whatever).

Edited by GHeissi
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Tell me, if I'm wrong, but all this performance problems seems to relate to the official start of SWTOR.


In Beta it was ok, but as soon as the servers started to get populated the performance was affected heavily. But that means that their modified Hero-Engine was not tested to scale properly with a high number of players in the same region.


But this is a serious issue, it's imperative that the video engine for an MMO scales properly with high numbers of players to cater a huge number of possible players. Who made the decision to choose this engine that is obviously outdated and doesn't scale properly? Let's hope our engine performs well and not just test it (with a high number of generated character models or whatever).




We had thought about offering our engine and tools to developers but we had expected that we would have to actually ship a game first, like Epic did with Unreal Tournament before they licensed the original Unreal Engine.


“It’s not productized yet,” we told Gordon. “There are whole sections of code that is only roughed in and not optimized for performance or security. And there are very few comments and very little documentation.”

He didn’t care. “We are going to have tons of engineers. We can finish it ourselves. We’re going to want to modify your source code for our special project anyway.”



I am sure that BioWare had rooms full of engineers who customized the engine for their needs. That is normal for projects of that scale. Because of the way they chose to convey combat and the graphical style, they clearly had to highly tailor the renderer for their own needs. I don’t have much contact with their engineers any more (the last code drop they took from us was about 3 years ago) so I can’t really speak to how much of our rendering technology is left in SW:TOR but I honestly don’t think there would be much.


On the other hand, from the videos we saw before release it looks like most of the tools and production process are still in place, and that’s what we focus on when we show people why HE is special.


I think the game is awesome and I am sure that BioWare will release patches that address the issues that people are reporting. They are a solid developer with an amazing track record for making great games that work well.


Nothing that has been added to the Heroengine in the last 3 years has been used for ToR. EAware decided to buy what was then a fledgling, buggy, unfinished engine and try to remake it themselves as they went. You see the results of that mistake today.


You will also take notice of the fact that NO other AAA developer has even sneezed in the direction of the Heroengine. Wouldn't you think others who came along after EAware bought the engine would get in on it if it were that great? EAware buying it should have been the greatest selling tool the Heroengine devs could want. Game devs should have been beating down their doors. Sadly, other devs were smarter.

Edited by Zorvan
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The game did look promising I was lucky enough to have gone to GamesCom2011 where I saw SWTOR for the first time when I was on holidays though GW2 from what i see ATM animation on character much better also in customization and world environment, now I'm just hoping they don't dumb it down at launch... cancel sub till I get what I saw at GamesCom and SS images by press
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