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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Here's the link to where I first saw the screenshots on MMORPG.com.... will have to dig up the trailer, as that was on a different site:




Edit: There are a couple of screenshots in the community update here on the official site:




And you can see the high res trailer at the bottom of this page. Be sure to switch it to 720p for the full effect. A lot of it may be cut scene footage, but the combat stuff after the one minute mark is definitely gameplay and is still using high res.




OK Ive been through all that and watched the vid a fair few times. Its hard to see with all the cinema style edits they use but at 1.05 theres a trooper getting lifted and choked.

I dont have that type of armor but I have one with a similar sleeve logo in this picture.




Bear in mind it looks a bit worse on imageshack than in game as well. I think it looks as good.


Try this one also. The detail on this droid im shooting is excellent




And this one shows fairly good detail on the chest logo and nice shine.




Finally try to bear in mind that this is how you generally look at you character when playing. The lower detail is very hard to discern.




It looks good, its smooth, the animations are nice as are most of the explosions etc.


Just play the game and have fun, and try not to keep zooming in on your character if it makes you sad.

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OK Ive been through all that and watched the vid a fair few times. Its hard to see with all the cinema style edits they use but at 1.05 theres a trooper getting lifted and choked.

I dont have that type of armor but I have one with a similar sleeve logo in this picture.




Bear in mind it looks a bit worse on imageshack than in game as well. I think it looks as good.


Try this one also. The detail on this droid im shooting is excellent




And this one shows fairly good detail on the chest logo and nice shine.




Finally try to bear in mind that this is how you generally look at you character when playing. The lower detail is very hard to discern.




It looks good, its smooth, the animations are nice as are most of the explosions etc.


Just play the game and have fun, and try not to keep zooming in on your character if it makes you sad.


Great advice.


I think I'd rather just quit playing though.

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That's why you have graphics OPTIONS. If your machine can't handle high res, then leave it on medium or low. Every other MMO works this way. Most have low, medium, high, and even "ultra" settings that the player can choose based on what their machine can handle. The fact that TOR only has low and medium as playable options is pretty sad.


The problem is the mentality of the player. They need to appeal to people with older systems they were playing World of Warcraft with, as well as everyone else with lower systems. It's all about subscription numbers.


[edit 1]As opposed to the much bolder approach, include the better graphics for the high end machine users and keep medium graphics for medium machines, etc.


[edit 2]It is also nice to keep the client running on lower quality because they get less technical support tickets and less complaints from lower end users asking why they cannot play the game at full textures. Obviously they cannot run the game at full because their older computer cannot handle it (and they don't know this because they are running on a low end machine in the first place).

Edited by Aisar
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It isn't false advertising, the textures are in the game. During cinematics. Nothing ever advertised that you would be able to use them. That's like saying cinematic trailers are false advertising lol.




When they show actual game play on their videos they show it with high quality graphics, not the graphics we get when we play.

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Whatever you did to fix FPS/texture issues Bioware, you failed horribly.


Yes the game needed a really strong and stable system to be played on max with high res textures, but I had such a system. Now, my overall experience is more lag, more choppyness and worse textures. This has really put a gigantic dampener on my gaming experience, to the point where I'm considering waiting with lvling my char, because I don't wanna see or experience the game this choppy or horrible looking.


We might not be the grand part of your consumers, but we are quite a few people with high end systems these days and to give us something and then take it away and replace i with something uglier and less fluid to satisfy the average moron who doesn't know what a gfx card is, is just poor problem solving if you ask me.


GIFE high res textures back or tell us if it ain't happening, cuz if it ain't I might aswell save myself some time and get that sub cancelled.

Edited by Blackweb
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I'm thinking of doing some Lotro screenshots later just to emphasise the fact that games which are now in their fifth year of age have far superior graphic fidelity than Swtor several times over. That is a game where if you PvP in Ettens then you get a LOT of players on screen at same time all with high resolution texture detail. I don't PvP but I do Raid and even then you have twelve players plus mobs on screen at same time all with beautifully detailed textures.


Posts from people who state those who unsubscribe because of this issue won't be missed are either missing the point or merely trying to get a rise out of you. Either way I wouldn't bother replying to them.


From my point of view regardless of the money involved this whole thing is a totally shambolic professional embarrassment. Right from the way they first attempted to stealth change it which is completely insulting to a person's intelligence all the way through to the official response in which they give a vague statement regarding possible solutions. Plus their continuing usage of textures in advertisements for the game which you simply cannot achieve in the live client. It is an absolute disgrace.


Far more than the money involved I would be concerned about the huge dent to the reputation of the Bioware name.


They have done this not only to their own customers, us, but spare a thought for their own employees who have worked hard on those high resolution textures only for us to be forced not to use them.


The shame.

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The problem is the mentality of the player. They need to appeal to people with older systems they were playing World of Warcraft with, as well as everyone else with lower systems. It's all about subscription numbers.


[edit 1]As opposed to the much bolder approach, include the better graphics for the high end machine users and keep medium graphics for medium machines, etc.


[edit 2]It is also nice to keep the client running on lower quality because they get less technical support tickets and less complaints from lower end users asking why they cannot play the game at full textures. Obviously they cannot run the game at full because their older computer cannot handle it (and they don't know this because they are running on a low end machine in the first place).


I think it's more the case of them trying to pander and appeal to the wow sub base, who generally have low end machines. hence every other bad Star Wars decision in TOR.


Obviously BW have no confidence that an original Star Wars MMO could stand on it's own 2 feet without being fed on WoW steriods to fill the coffers... it's sickening.


Even this Rise of the Rhakgouls is ridiculous... how about Rise of the Proper Star Wars content rather then some regurgitated EA Deadspace hand-me down?!

Edited by Caspian_Rho
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But srsly tho, can we at least have high res textures when we preview what an item looks like on our characters? The textures appear as high res when we preview on our companions... but I'm tired of having Elara Dorne model my Trooper armor for me. :[


This is working as intended. You were never meant to see those textures on your own characters preview. As in real life one also previews new clothes on models just to see later how terrible they look when wearing on them self.



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Well it seems some guilds I know now seem to have stopped playing entirely.


Down to multiple issues and one they kept going on about since day one. Graphics.


I myself thought it was just the computer I was on just being too weak. As it only had a little AMD 6770 gpu.


Got to my pc and oh look, no changes what so ever. Game runs faster, looks the same.

It's really disappointing.


I'm finding it extremely hard to recommend the game to friends I know have wanted a Star Wars mmo since SWG. Yet they're all PC Gamers, they expect graphics, options and good gameplay.

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The problem is the mentality of the player. They need to appeal to people with older systems they were playing World of Warcraft with, as well as everyone else with lower systems. It's all about subscription numbers.


Um, WoW has an "ultra" setting for graphics and it's highest setting looks much more detailed that TOR's. When I play WoW on my laptop that's three years old with onboad graphics, I have to play it on low and it does indeed look as bad or worse than TOR on low. When I play WoW on my high-end desktop that I built less than a year ago and jst put a new video card in, I can easily play it on ultra and it looks amazing. TOR on the same machine looks like all the medium res screenshots you've seen in these threads.


The issue here is not Bioware wanting to cater to people with worse machines. WoW is playable on a HUGE range of machines. No way I could play TOR, even on low, on my laptop but then it looks worse on my desktop than WoW does. So TOR is cutting off both ends of the spectrum. If other game manufacturers solved this problem years ago and are able to have their game be playable on a large range of machines, why are TOR's base requirements so high and yet they don't allow people with high-end machines to experience better graphics?

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Well, this thread is funny...


c) If you think you have to unsub, do it, you won't be missed. And I'm pretty sure you won't reach anything at bw with this. I heard there are already 2 million ppl playing swtor, that means, even if 20k ppl would unsub because of this, it would be only 1% of the sub-base....an amount bw would barely feel.



That's nonsense. As a business, we miss every one of our customers, particularly if the nature of your business is based upon maintaining long term relationships with customers. That's true where I work (~40 million customers per year) and BioWare isn't any different.

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Something like this flexibility in toon creation would be great but lets face it since in game we can only see the odd end of the nose and chin and the rest of face obscured by shadows and blur what would be the point...



I think its great that I get to run around in an old potato sack rather than something more revealing - after all its more realistic like that and I prefer that kind of realism as I often run around lopping off the limbs of strange aliens with my trusty lightsabre in RL :rolleyes:

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Wow... this is the 6th thread now? So over 3,000 posts total? Haha, wow.


I'm very disappointed with the decision by the Dev team. I was having a lengthy and heated conversation with some guild members about how screenshots of GAMEPLAY (not cutscenes) have a much higher res textures than we see in-game. I even linked to some screenshots being advertised on the official site.


Needless to say we're victims here... of false advertisement. They claim cutting edge technology and clearly haven't applied it. They give you screens that look vastly different than anything we have access to (and I play completely maxed out on everything).


I wouldn't be surprised to see a class action lawsuit pop up as a result and while I might not sign up for it, I would 100% without a doubt support the move. You can't promise something to get sales and then not deliver. But not just fail to deliver... but say that they never intended to give you that.


Bioware... you lost the last bit of respect I had for you. I don't blame EA on this one at all. I will never buy any game developed by you guys in the future.

Edited by GauwynVorec
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This graphics fiasco WILL lose subscribers if it isnt confronted by the developers, to give HIGH options or some sort of compromise.


I want to play the game with it looking (mainly armour textures) a lot better than it does now (my choice with a pc that can do it) within the next few months (3 or 4 then i rethink longterm)

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This graphics fiasco WILL lose subscribers if it isnt confronted by the developers, to give HIGH options or some sort of compromise.


I want to play the game with it looking (mainly armour textures) a lot better than it does now (my choice with a pc that can do it) within the next few months (3 or 4 then i rethink longterm)


They've said they'll increased "fidelity" of graphics by march. It's not like they're trying to give us the worst options possible, they have to have a REASON for it that we may simply not be privy to.


It's kind of vague, but vague doesn't necessarily mean bad, they could just use these vague terms to try not to get our hopes up in case they can't give us the hi res textures (for whatever reason).

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They've said they'll increased "fidelity" of graphics by march. It's not like they're trying to give us the worst options possible, they have to have a REASON for it that we may simply not be privy to.


It's kind of vague, but vague doesn't necessarily mean bad, they could just use these vague terms to try not to get our hopes up in case they can't give us the hi res textures (for whatever reason).


Not be privy to ???????????????????????? c'mon i have paid up for 3 months in advance already.


We should be told some sort of reason.


If they cant give us anything better (as good as the gameplay is) than the medium textures at the moment full stop, then thousands WILL leave.


Graphics aint everything i admit, but in a 2012 MMO , something better than the textures (its the armour mainly) we got at the moment should be available, if you wish to use.



Whats fidelity supposed to me exactly ? (in graphics sense)



If someone at the moment sees all the high rez adverts and buys it for that fact, they aint gonna sub when they see what they are like at present.

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Not be privy to ???????????????????????? c'mon i have paid up for 3 months in advance already.


We should be told some sort of reason.


If they cant give us anything better (as good as the gameplay is) than the medium textures at the moment full stop, then thousands WILL leave.


Graphics aint everything i admit, but in a 2012 MMO , something better than the textures (its the armour mainly) we got at the moment should be available, if you wish to use.



Whats fidelity supposed to me exactly ? (in graphics sense)



If someone at the moment sees all the high rez adverts and buys it for that fact, they aint gonna sub when they see what they are like at present.

Fidelity just in general basically means competence (faithfulness is what people generally use it as, but it works as both, even if not technically correct). When you're saying someone is an infidel, they're basically incompetent or lacking faith. So it means they'll be bringing better graphics, but no one knows by how much.


I'll agree that they should share with us, but we may not know the full circumstances. There could be a very good reason they are not, IF they are not which it hasn't been demonstrated that they're hiding things from us.


I can see the wisdom behind your post, graphics ISN'T everything, but graphics is a good part of it. I too hope they will fix it, though it's not going to overall factor into whether I resub or not.

Edited by BobTheTeepo
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This graphics fiasco WILL lose subscribers if it isnt confronted by the developers, to give HIGH options or some sort of compromise.


I want to play the game with it looking (mainly armour textures) a lot better than it does now (my choice with a pc that can do it) within the next few months (3 or 4 then i rethink longterm)


You are correct, me and a few of my friends I play with, will not be paying for a subscription until this is fixed. I spent a good amount of money on a high end system.


As much as people from all over will tell you this isnt a simple fix I dont buy that bs. If they can turn up the way things look in cutscenes then they can just set more "draw calls" outside of cutscenes, sure it may not look perfect at first and may take time for all textures to properly draw high res but it would still be better then this. Also I would find a high res texture pack acceptable as well even if it was a additional 20gb.



I really enjoyed playing my free month of TOR and its by far the best leveling experience ive had in a mmo. It makes me sad to have to withhold from buying a subscription but I hope my lack of money speaks loudly.

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You are correct, me and a few of my friends I play with will not be paying for a subscription until this is fixed.


I hope my lack of money speaks loudly.


Same here. As much as it saddens me to do so, I've cancelled my upcoming 6 month subscription. I saw what the game looked like in beta. It was beautiful and it ran smooth. What we're getting now is garbage.



I could have lived with a response that they would be putting it back to status quo, just working some kinks. The statements we received are just PR weasling. The verbiage is so non committing it makes me laugh.


Add on top of that lies and deceit that is STILL going on advertising game play for 1.1 with high detailed textures just shows the true colors of BW and EA.


Very underhanded. Shame on you.

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