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Play a darkside Bounty Hunter before you assume.


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Indeed, the classes that are iconically 'on the fence' suffer from this the most. I mean where would you put Han Solo, he's certainly not that all two goodie shoes character even that he leans to the 'light side'.


The devs have said that they'll implement neutral alingment rewards too, but no date or ETA on that. It's really odd that this seems to be like an after thought of theirs. Howcome, at any point during the developement this didn't come up?


It's the way bioware have always done it. Look at the Kotr series, you were either the ultimate evil maniac or a pure spirited paladin of justice. I understood it for that game because of the setting, but on swtor with the greater variety of characters it was a poor choice.

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i'm trying to think back on some of my class-quest bounties now.... but for the most part, most of the LS-DS choices have been of the 'take my mark in alive' vs 'take him in dead' variety - and i dont see any reason to not take them in alive - my client can still kill them the second i hand them over if they want to. it just gives more choice to my client, which is a good thing.


i'm actually quite amused by the people who go all light or all dark and then whine that 'the games making my character do things they wouldnt!!'... take choices as choices, not just as a light or dark button... but i guess actually putting thought into it is more effort than just going 'hurr durr, i r teh evil, i will choose dark side'.


i mean why, why, on the Brental Star (black talon flashpoint) would anyone choose to kill the general, if not just because they mindlessly click on dark side choices with no thought of consequences? he's already your *********** prisoner, why kill him rather than taking him back to be tortured? thats not a choice between light and dark, thats a choice between Taking-A-Valuable-Intelligence-Source and Actively-Sabotaging-The-Empire.

Edited by Atsurak
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Full dark for me, No point in being a BH and "caring" about people. Just show up do the job and have a little fun on the side :)

Thats more toward being an assassin, NOT a bounty hunter.


I've been picking true bounty hunter choices, executing when asked to, bringing in alive when asked too. No un-needed disintigrations (unless the person tried to kill me), and I am at light 3 (level 50).

Edited by RycheMykola
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I have been picking whatever feels right in the moment. Most of the time it's lightside but there are times when the dark choice feels the most appropriate. The way I see it if the person doesn't need to die to accomplish my goals then I will let them live. If they tried to kill me and are begging for mercy or trying to con me into letting them live, they die.


I kinda model my character after the bounty hunter in Cowboy Beebop. It never hurts to have people owing you favors. I know, they likely wont come into play since the whole story is scripted but its cool to pretend that, since I let this smuggler/slicer/etc live, in the future they owe me a huge favor.

Edited by Crashedhardrive
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Exactly. People may assume dark side choices are the type that just kill, but most of the time the darkside choice is what you were paid to do! And I think people are taking the darkside options from the Sith classes and applying them to BH, which makes no sense at all.


Well, you can't play 100% dark and feel honorable and right. There is that quest in Nar Shadda around level 32 (the bonus stuff) where Gorindo the Hutt has his "Lords of Chance" guy get you to blow up a shuttle full of Republic wives and children. You can't say that is an honorable choice.


I've played mostly dark but there are moments when the Light side is the better choice. I took the light choice for the honor duel with Sendyn, I took the Light side choice to let Toran Blood blow up on the Aurara. There are a lot of good light choices that don't necessarily involve shooting everyone down. On the flip side, though, most of the "pay me" and "its my job" choices are dark and those seem the best. I'm not a rainbow and kittens kind of BH, that's for sure.

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I enjoyed reading everyone else's method on playing a BH, I wanted to share mine as well.


I'm not actually a bounty hunter or anything else. I'm just a guy that agreed to represent a small mercenary group in the Great Hunt.


At the moment my focus is on taking some vengance out on a Mandalorian Hunter, making enough credits to improve my life and noticing that the young woman that insisted that I couldn't just abandon her on Hutta is rather cute.


My choices going forward will follow the simple philosophy of "improving my life" while still making choices that allow me to look into a mirror without regrets every day (or at least not too many).


Just another opinion from a guy with a blaster...

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I am a DS Bounty Hunter. I shoot people just for the fun of it... but hey, that's just me. I agree with the OP though. "Most" of the DS choices involve keeping to your original contract, while others just seem to fit with the cool professionalism of a BH. There has been the odd time though where I choose the DS just to hear the npc's grovel.
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I picked every DS option I saw :p Kill em all, no loose ends! Does that make me dishonorable or an assassin instead of bounty hunter? Fine! lol, it's my story!



I choose whats most profitable, keeping to my contract, un-needed loss of life. I'm a professional soldier. If someone double crosses me or pulls a blaster on me though, they DIE! lol.


My Sith Inquisitor on the other hand.......................trail of corpses.

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Just posting my take on it....I'm playing my BH PT as a "good guy" that just happens to be stuck working for bad people...he's got to make a living but he also has his honor. He's a Mandalorian and they do have close ties and care for their own so can see that it others as well. I've played it that way and sometimes he'll kill a mark but if the contract wants them alive or he has the option he goes with that.
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My favorite was on Alderaan when the dude, I forget who, bursts in the door and starts yelling etc, then your client says something along the lines of "shot this man and I'll pay you". Then the cut scene is like a quick shot to the guys chest with a "Hey, it's your credits". I literally lol with that one.
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"Dark sided Bounty Hunters are the HONORABLE and RIGHT way for a Bounty Hunter to act. Just saying. "


Please. I've only made it to Alderaan so far and have been presented with at least 3 or 4 situations in which the Dark side option would either have me betray my employer, get bribed, or let the target get away. For BHs the Dark/Light side thing comes down to you being either an ahole [super dark] or a saint [super light]. I'm leaning light and can only really think of one case in which I totally "broke the contract" (on Balmorra, the one with the escort quest in it; and I did that because I wasn't given the option to turn the employer in for a reward [moron kept top secret documents in his house; big no no]).


If being dark sided is so important, roll a sith.

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  • 3 months later...
Didn't go LS or DS in particular. I just picked the choices that a Mandalorian would. You know, Honor, Respect, Glory. Kills are quick and clean. No killing someone who wasn't a worthy foe.


Ended up mostly lightside.


Did enjoy beating the snot out of that alderaanian noble though.


I agree! But I would like to note that most Star Wars BH are darkside or at least lean twords DS more than light. I mean the idea of a all LS bounty hunter is kind of stupid IMO. If you are that goody-goody then you wouldnt be a solider of fortune anyway, you would be an enlisted man/woman like a trooper. Name one example of a Light-side BH in the Star Wars movies, books etc. I dont think I know one. You work for Hutts and Darths for cryin out loud!!!! A LS bounty hunter is kind of like an all darkside Jedi character, SURE you can do it but why didnt you just play your counterpart in the first place instead of trying to be soooo different! I understand though if you have a role-playing reason for making opposite choices at times. But, for the most part its just kinda annoying when you group with a character and see theyre just being opposite for the sake of he/she can. Bounty hunters should just follow the credits. I have made about 300 LS points in the game myself but thats only when its part of my contract or because It works out better for my employer if i let the target live, Like when you go after Nem'ros accountant and hes able to return the credits and finacally destroy Fath'ra in return for his life. But a professional BH never takes a bribe or switches sides, a professional does what hes hired to do and if he doesnt, hes slighted his own reputation. So if i took the job i see it thru. AND ABSOLUTELY NEVER SELL OUT YOUR EMPLOYER, unless they double cross you. When in doubt just ask yourself WHAT WOULD BOBA DO?? And the answer is hed shoot everybody and smoke some cigaretts :) !! Id also like to note that Mako is for all intensive purposes a pet, and pets dont run PCs, we run them. Im tired of hearing how people dont want to upset Mako, there are many other companions you get in the story that would be fine and dandy with a DS choice. But everybody acts like they are playing by Makos rules. I told her in the game that I work alone and she still insisted that she was coming along..... so If she dont like how I do things she can go offworld anytime! But she wont, shell still heal me like a good little pet!

Edited by ForceSworn
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Meh, I'm grey. And I like it, if I log on stressed out I'll choose a few dark side options for the hell of it. But most of the time I dont bother killing civilians, then again I dont show enemies mercy for the most part. Except for that quest on Hoth where you killed the Trando...I let him go out like a Warrior instead. I also tend to take the choices the Empire can benefit from, i.e. letting someone live because we could gather Intel from them instead of killing them. Shoot first ask questions later isnt the Bounty Hunter way to me. There's money to be made and you always have to be on the lookout for opportunity.


Also, I'm Mandalorian first, Bounty Hunter second. Honor foremost.



I'd love to know why people assume Bounty Hunters are Dark side or Light side. They should be Neutral. Every single one of us is Neutral. LS and DS dont make our choices, as a Mandalorian Honor should, as a Bounty Hunter Credits should. I mean honestly can you think of one Bounty Hunter that wouldn't pick up a job from the republic if it paid well?



Edit: Also the quest on Nar Shaddaa killing the Assasin, didnt turn him over to the Hutts either...he was a Warrior, so I let him die like one.

Edited by Valhalyn
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Got a new BH/PT that's lvl 17 now. I go Light every time for Mako rep. Seems like my guy is a real chump. Not really digging it, but sticking with it.


My lvl 28 Sorc female is pure evil and the best fun I've had in a long time. Some of the stuff they've had her do.. yikes.


I have a feeling that Dark is just more fun.


Don't let her fool you. Mako has a dark side. ;)

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Meh, I'm grey. And I like it, if I log on stressed out I'll choose a few dark side options for the hell of it. But most of the time I dont bother killing civilians, then again I dont show enemies mercy for the most part. Except for that quest on Hoth where you killed the Trando...I let him go out like a Warrior instead. I also tend to take the choices the Empire can benefit from, i.e. letting someone live because we could gather Intel from them instead of killing them. Shoot first ask questions later isnt the Bounty Hunter way to me. There's money to be made and you always have to be on the lookout for opportunity.


Also, I'm Mandalorian first, Bounty Hunter second. Honor foremost.



I'd love to know why people assume Bounty Hunters are Dark side or Light side. They should be Neutral. Every single one of us is Neutral. LS and DS dont make our choices, as a Mandalorian Honor should, as a Bounty Hunter Credits should. I mean honestly can you think of one Bounty Hunter that wouldn't pick up a job from the republic if it paid well?



Edit: Also the quest on Nar Shaddaa killing the Assasin, didnt turn him over to the Hutts either...he was a Warrior, so I let him die like one.


Yeah I can name one: Boba Fett

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I don't plan out a path to go on the non-force classes, but on both of my hunters I've reached Light II and III. I turned off the ability to see the light/dark dialogue choices, even, but so far I've gone both sides in certain situations. And light in most cases is more honourable. Is it more honourable to kill the father and take the boy to Korriban? More honour in shooting Jogo in the back? I don't think so.


If I've promised the mark they can go if they tell me what I need to know in order to fullfill the cotnract, then I won't betray them.

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I don't plan out a path to go on the non-force classes, but on both of my hunters I've reached Light II and III. I turned off the ability to see the light/dark dialogue choices, even, but so far I've gone both sides in certain situations. And light in most cases is more honourable. Is it more honourable to kill the father and take the boy to Korriban? More honour in shooting Jogo in the back? I don't think so.


If I've promised the mark they can go if they tell me what I need to know in order to fullfill the cotnract, then I won't betray them.


Maybe not more honorable but its more professional. You took the job so now your obligated by contract to see it thru the way your employer intended. If it dont fit your personal code then dont accept the job in the first place. But to take the job then handle it the way you think it should be is very unprofessional!!!! A bounty hunter has no place with a holyer than thou approach on the job. Thats what jedi do.

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Got a new BH/PT that's lvl 17 now. I go Light every time for Mako rep. Seems like my guy is a real chump. Not really digging it, but sticking with it.


My lvl 28 Sorc female is pure evil and the best fun I've had in a long time. Some of the stuff they've had her do.. yikes.


I have a feeling that Dark is just more fun.


Well then why dont you just put Mako incharge then. Sometimes Robin dont agree with Batman, Tonto and the Lone Ranger dont always see eye to eye, and Wattson doesnt always like Sherlocks philosophy on life.... but theyre side kicks so who the hell cares.

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Total DS here...As an ex-marine I say kill em all, let (insert diety of choice here) sort em out!!

I did not like the look of the corruption either so I just turned that off, as well as the LS DS indicators on choices.

Have to say that playing a DS Hunter is AWESOME!! so much fun.

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Is it more honourable to kill the father and take the boy to Korriban?


Personally, I let them escape then lied to mom--I'm a BH, not a interventionist marriage counselor



More honour in shooting Jogo in the back?


I told Jogo if he was around when I got back I'd kill him...he was there so I killed him. Also killed Thana Vash as I told her I would

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