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Game was pushed WAY too soon...


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wait wait, so let me get this straight


the MOST subs wow ever had was in december 2010 yet it was OLD in december 2011 when it lost 2 million subs lol?


Let me get this straight. You are saying we should not try and emulate a game which even after losing 2 million subs has 8 million more than swtor? I think Bioware would love to have a few more million subs like WoW has. BTW Chuck Norris and Mr T both play WoW. Nuff said.

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I really think they could have added more to the game to bring it in line with what I feel is a next gen mmo..


I don't think they had a choice. They were looking at three big reasons to get it out before the holidays.






If any of those had hit before the SWTOR launch I think they would have suffered lower numbers than they see now.

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You must be one in a million.


No he is at least 2 in a million because i also have good experience with blizz costumer service :) And about this game, some ppl think the game is to big and empty, some think it's too cramped... Some people think it's not what they expected, then maybe they expect too much. Same mobs? I just ran into bugs on bal morra, havent seen them on the 2 earlier planets. And i do have the sence that i'm playing a ongoing story with my marauder. I love being darkside and stabbing ppl in the back :p I actually felt a bit guilty when i betrayed the revanites :) Or when this guy asked if his son at least put up a fight and i told him that he wet his pants, just for some more darkpoints! It's great!! And i have companions that heal me or help with my DPS even. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder right? If you think its not so beautiful then don't behold...

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Originally Posted by Jswizzle

Hi sorry you are unsure of your continued support of this epic game.







Probably it's his first game and he is excited.He may be 12 years old.So naive.


Calling ppl kids because their opinion differs from yours, You just lost all credibillity :D

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The games amazing, BioWare is working on some things to make it even better, The game will evolve in the same manner that other wonderful MMOs have in the past. Love the stories and companions. This game was in no way rushed through development. Stop complaining and play something.
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TLDR; It's said this is one of the most expensive games, and pieces of entertainment media in general, ever made in history. I can only imagine due to licensing, because it definitely doesn't show in the gameplay.


Nobody cares about your worthless opinion, because in MY opinion it's extremely well made not counting issues that need to be worked out that should be expected in ANY MMO launch.


And that's my opinion, which not everyone will agree with. You don't see me creating a thread for it, do you? :rolleyes:

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I agree with the questing. I was really disappointed that there wasn't any consequences in the dialogue. Rolling alts was supposed to be fun but it isn't! I don't wanna do the same quests over and over again.. it's just not worth it since the class quests are only a small part of the leveling. I really think they wasted a lot of resources on VO.


They couldn't allow a whole lot of options due to complexity and the game being an MMO. Some things change depending on choice but there aren't near as many as there would be in a normal BioWare game. As far as implementing story in an MMO, I think BioWare did a great job. I think BioWare has set a standard for story-based MMOs if the idea catches. Some people don't care for the cut-scenes and dialogue, but people like myself find leveling a lot more fun.


I know there are many bugs that people say shouldn't be in a game, but some aspects like class balance won't get the fine-tuning they need until the game is released.

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Regardless of the current bugs, glitches, and other issues in the game. It is far more smoother and polished then most other MMO's that have launched in the past. I remember WoW's launch, and it was horrible to the point that I am surprised it was able to come back from that.


Yes, BioWares customers service could use some work. However also consider that they are getting swamped by nearly all players who are having issues with EVERYTHING. From a rock that they feel is not in the right place, to a more serious class quest that is bugged.

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never said blizzard lied... but Chuck Norris and Mr. T are habitual liars... I mean they both keep telling people they can act and we all know that's a blatant lie ;)


Yep, false advertising. When I subbed to WoW I wanted to play with chuck norris, Mr. T, Ozzy, Mini me.


Now that they dont actually play, ima make a class action lawsuit.


/sarcasm. (reminds me of people on these forums).


Oh, I love how almost every thread vorps/xugos, whatever his new account names will be is always busted.

Edited by darthdoll
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No it wasn't. One of the most stable launches I've ever seen. Every engine has bugs and issues. I havent had anything game breaking. Sorry for those that have, but thats not my problem.


I hope for the rest of you, there is a solution to your issues.

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I'd rather play the game not totally finished then not at all :p

I also think Bioware did a great job creating swtor with all its pro's and con's.

I'm having a lot of fun playing the game if only time wouldn't fly away that fast.

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All MMOs launch 'needing more time.' That isn't anything new. Look at Blizz (please don't bash me ;) ). They are notorious for taking a ton of time on releases. Too much time to some. And they even release games that have issues at launch. It happens. What's important in MMOs is the ongoing battle. How fast are bugs fixed. How fast is content coming out. Remains to be seen how BW/EA does there as it's so so early.
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Initially, I would have said you were wrong (fanboi blindness). But, I am really starting to think they should have waited another month or two to fix some of these stupid bugs. 3 or 4 small bugs is not a bad thing, but 20 to 30 small bugs gets annoying: Ability clipping from damage, companions, AA, graphical color glitches, landscape disappearing, textures in movies, etc, etc, etc... None of them are huge or game breaking, but they do add up to annoying POS's.
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Every time someone says that this game was released too soon or that it was a bad launch they should be beaten with sacks full of World of Warcraft, Asheron's Call 2, and Dark Age of Camelot boxes filled with cement. Why? TOR is actually playable on launch, these are simply three MMOs out of literally dozens that can compete for 'Worst MMO Launch Ever', of which TOR isn't even in the running for due to the aforementioned ability to actually play the game.
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