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Cross-Server WZ's Need To Come Sooner Than Later


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If every server has the same population imbalance what does cross server warzones to solve the problem? Instead of 100 Imps and 20 Republic doing PvP it will end up being 20000 Imps and 4000 Republic doing PvP. The ratio of Imp to Republic is still the same.
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You can all say "shouldn't have rolled imp", but the fact is playing a million huttballs is nauseating.


I'm fine with just server WZ's at the moment, I enjoy the community aspect and being able to know the people i'm playing etc. But you're right, constant Huttball is annoying and they should at least either tone down the average Qs, or simply allows us to pick which one we want to Q for.

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it also reduces the possibility of having meaningful WZ.

Although they could create a daily campaign still it is more meaningful on a per server basis.


Once it become cross server it really only will be a little fun and loses most any chance of epicness.

although the chance is pretty small anyway.


would like to see in game video of WZ, hutball teams, betting, holocom game, and whatnot.


all of that means much much less if i never get to see the players or guild with them and such

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Current warzones are just 8v8 arena with objectives.


The Warzones I want have dozens of people on each side. Think "old"-AV from WoW.


Yeah. another Queue for realm fights.

Someone does a PvE thing on ilum perhaps to open up a realm instance.

Working much the same as a normal WZ but with lots more folks joining up as solo or groups for some epic assault on a hut palace or planet assault.

Like a huge "civil war"


That would create epicness.


Options for HARDCORE WZ too. no respawn just revive with a time limit.


Id like to see campaign instances too. set of 3 or 5 instances where people from previous maps get reserved slots in the next. Groups moving to the next one if they win and failing back if they lose. With stats and titles.





I would be OK with cross server stuff when populations get low. I play pretty late at night midnight+ PST and the WZ's start to get a little sparse around then.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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Current warzones are just 8v8 arena with objectives.


The Warzones I want have dozens of people on each side. Think "old"-AV from WoW.


Right, you mean where it always ended up being a stand-off on the path between the bases? On my server the matches usually went on for up to a day.

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If every server has the same population imbalance what does cross server warzones to solve the problem? Instead of 100 Imps and 20 Republic doing PvP it will end up being 20000 Imps and 4000 Republic doing PvP. The ratio of Imp to Republic is still the same.


This here- xserver doesn't do a thing to make it easier- it merely screws over the few servers that do have good numbers.

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Right, you mean where it always ended up being a stand-off on the path between the bases? On my server the matches usually went on for up to a day.


Those kinds of battles are fun. There needs to be a mechanism for people to be able to join and leave the battle without penalty.

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Cross server only means faster Q's, and would mean chances actually fighting the opposing faction instead of Huttball 24/7.


I would support it for PvP.




Cause either you pre-made or you pug.


Want to play with people your server make a group, if not then suffer the ratio of fighting people that like making pre-mades.


It's that simple.



Edited by Caeliux
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