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  1. What makes you so entitled that Bioware should share all information with you before they are ready too? What happens when they share information with you that isn't finalized and then change it only to piss you off? Likely you will bring up the subscription you pay for their service but that subscription doesn't grant you entitlement. I subscribe to Netflix but I don't yell at them about how I should be entitled to know all their plans for new content and functions. I pay for the content they currently provide and the promise they will increase that content in the future. If you don't like it play a different game (though you won't find ANY large game company that fully discloses what they work on until they are ready to share that information.)
  2. I move on the thumb stick. Then I map my abilities to the keys based on most used abilities to the prime real estate and least used on the outskirt buttons.
  3. Wouldn't tools like cross server warzone and flashpoint finder help you better find "allies" to do content? Combine that with server transfers to get on more populated servers to find more "allies" to play with. Sounds like the perfect name for 1.3.
  4. Isn't that what makes a world boss a world boss? It being in the world and thus you have to deal with other people around?
  5. I don't mind that it is only usable out of combat. Would be nice if I could use it in places I could not mount though.
  6. If you don't want to sub and play the game anyway why does it matter? Regardless you can not be a dedicated player if you don't plan to sub anyway.
  7. ^ This. It is a graphical bug. Nothing more. You are not actually wielding a single saber and a double bladed one.
  8. But it feel better to blame bad luck on some else....
  9. Voice over quality is mostly subjective. I find all the Republic voice over quality high. Both sides have stupid looking outfits. Both sides also have moddable looks that fit characters and the inclusion of extractable mods / set bonuses on PVP/PVE high end gear will open options in this. Storywise the Republic is all about self sacrifice and doing what is right. They are the good guys. The Empire is all about force lightning everyone they see. They are the bad guys. What could Bioware do about that? They portray each faction pretty accurate to how they should be. If you don't like faction imbalance then go roll republic and stop being part of the problem.
  10. Sentinel is not an iconic class. There is no Jedi in any of the movies that specialized in dual wielding lightsabers. The only time you see it happen is when Anikan fights Dooku and that is only because Obi Wan falls and Anikan picks up his saber. Guardian is an icon class, Sentinel is not. Regardless of that I wouldn't expect to see the mechanics of any class significantly changed outside of an expansion. Anyway, they are not that hard of a class to play. Just need to manage cooldowns and come 1.1.4 that will be made 100 times easier to do.
  11. But read some of the comments and it all makes sense. I mean really it isn't an MMO since it has instances in it and more then one server....
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