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Imperials shape up!


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Just to give a background on me, Im a 22 year old pvp player from WoW in which I gained gladiator 4 times.


I play on the server Chuundar and whenever I try getting the 3 wz wins for the daily without playing with a friend over skype, it takes ages.


I cannot stand it anymore. Today I have lost 12 warzones to get my 3 wins it's just too much to only be bad luck. This has repeated itself a few times eventho im 100% focused on the objectives and winning. I play a rather powerfull character and specc managing to normally top the dmg.


What is wrong with the imperials? It's just extreme and im now considering going republic but that would in turn mess things up for all my leveling friends.


Sould I really be forced to play with friends over skype to have a remote chance of finishing my wz daily within a resonable time?


Best Regards.

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WoW has millions of players, The % who manages to gain Gladiator is insanely low thus putting me over the standard pvper in WoW (which is fair to compare to since they are very simmilar games).


Whoa there trigger. Thats quite the ego you have there. Digital Warrior... Is that on your resume?

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Feels good watching all the scrubs come to nibble at my feet. And yes whenever I tell people about these things on social occasions and on job interviews they offer to name their first borns after me.


Can we stop going off topic since the last few posts has completely not added anything to the discussion.

Edited by Slipzman
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there was never any discussion to be had, the common denominator in your losing games is YOU


maybe it's time to accept that maybe you just aren't that good at recognizing battlefield layouts without people on voip with you


surely people are lining up to play with a former 4x gladiator from the World Of Warcraft, how hard could getting people to play with you possibly be

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Feels good watching all the scrubs come to nibble at my feet. And yes whenever I tell people about these things on social occasions and on job interviews they offer to name their first borns after me.


Can we stop going off topic since the last few posts has completely not added anything to the discussion.


Lmao, I wonder how real life is for you, when was the last time you had a job if you've even had one... Or spoke to a female other than your mum or gran.


Oh and pvp isn't about damage, it's about completing your objectives.



Edited by Scerge
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Just to give a background on me, Im a 22 year old pvp player from WoW in which I gained gladiator 4 times.


I play on the server Chuundar and whenever I try getting the 3 wz wins for the daily without playing with a friend over skype, it takes ages.


Didn't you form/join a PvP premade to achieve your lofty 4 time gladiator title?


Try the same thing in this game.


So, to review:


1) form pvp premade

2) ???

3) profit


Hope that helps! :D

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Lmao, I wonder how real life is for you, when was the last time you had a job if you've even had one... Or spoke to a female other than your mum or gran.


Oh and pvp isn't about damage, it's about completing your objectives.




I wrote that my focus was on the objectives to a 100%.


So real life, I study my second year at the university reading history, I work at a shop every summer and live in a small apartment pretty close to the university. Oh and I also speak to my gran on a regular basis.


The beauty of pvp is that if you are decent you never have to play much to reach the "high end". I can admit that when I began playing WoW I was playing abit much but as time went on and I got more healthy priorities in life I realise how little I had to play to reach the level required to earn titles and such in WoW.

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Why do people put their WoW glad ratings in their post like it holds more weight than a piece of tissue?


Because it does. It means hes a great pvp'er. No sarcasm intended at all. It is a very respectable achievment. Whats your title? Zerg world ganker? I know which one I respect more.

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