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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

On the plus side, a lot of players are MMO newcomers.


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On Courageous at least, a lot of players are MMO newcomers. This make the whole game rathe refreshing, to say the least.


On the downside, most of TOR's MMO-newcomers have no concept of multiplayer, and create a creepy atmoshpere where no one wants to talk to each other because they're all trying to play the game like a SPRPG.


I have now on half a dozen different occasions seen players actually scold other players for having a conversation in /1. It's sad how little this game feels like an MMO.

Edited by Mannic
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I've never played a mmo before :)


I'm having a seriously hard time understanding how people can handle more than 1-4 abilites without needing to look down on the keyboard. I'm serious now but I actually CLICK on the abilites instead of using the 1-9+- :o Guess it's a learning process. Also there's so many stupid words like CC, DoTS, Pots and Bowls and what not xD It would be much more easier if I was allowed to aim/shoot myself instead of clicking the target like a fool all the time haha :)

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Great, so now the MMORPG genre can get even worse.

New blood is better than people who think their hot **** after hitting max level and clearing easy content. THOSE are the people that kill MMOs. Not the "noobs" or the "hardcore".

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What kind of sad little troll was that?


Write in English please.


We were all new once.


The MMORPG genre changed for the worse when WoW was released. So the MMORPG newcomers are attracted to, enjoy, and expect bad MMORPGs that are similar to WoW. I don't even know if you can call SWTOR a MMORPG. It's more like a MMO cooperative minigame.

Edited by Gestas
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On the downside, most of TOR's MMO-newcomers have no concept of multiplayer, and create a creepy atmoshpere where no one wants to talk to each other because they're all trying to play the game like a SPRPG.


I have now on half a dozen different occasions seen players actually scold other players for having a conversation in /1. It's sad how little this game feels like an MMO.


I know that feeling re: no concept of multiplayer. I saw a fellow player getting their arse whooped by a world boss (the elite guys with the white star, not sure what their actual name is) so I stepped in to help kill the guy instead of just taking the tasty looking chest behind the boss while he was busy and didn't even get a thanks or a nod or a wave after.


BAH. Its like holding the door open for people. If no one thanks you, or even acknowledges you, then you're much less likely to do it the next time.

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What kind of sad little troll was that? We were all new once.


Yess yess mmo's were in their prime when there were about a handful players playing the first MUD's. Now it has all one to crap, like mobilephones.

Edited by Tyrgrimx
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The MMORPG genre changed for the worse when WoW was released. So the MMORPG newcomers are attracted to, enjoy, and expect bad MMORPGs that are similar to WoW. I don't even know if you can call SWTOR a MMORPG. It's more like a MMO cooperative minigame.


I don't follow your logic, if someone has never played an MMORPG why would they in any way be more attracted to or enjoy an MMO similar to WoW? If I've never driven a car before I'm not more likely to buy a dodge caravan.


besides nothing is stopping you from playing a MUD or heck even creating your own it that's what you want. Just because some of you played MMO's 'before they were mainstream' doesn't make every new MMO that comes out bad.


take off the rose-tinted glasses

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I don't follow your logic, if someone has never played an MMORPG why would they in any way be more attracted to or enjoy an MMO similar to WoW? If I've never driven a car before I'm not more likely to buy a dodge caravan.


besides nothing is stopping you from playing a MUD or heck even creating your own it that's what you want. Just because some of you played MMO's 'before they were mainstream' doesn't make every new MMO that comes out bad.


take off the rose-tinted glasses

And to be quite honest those games tried too hard to emulate D&D-like experiences. You know what was more fun and a better/healthier use of your time? Playing actual D&D.


Preferring the retro experience in my gaming is something I take very seriously, but it doesn't mean I resent all the ways my favorite genres have evolved over the years. Some people just can't get over themselves.

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I've never played a mmo before :)


I'm having a seriously hard time understanding how people can handle more than 1-4 abilites without needing to look down on the keyboard. I'm serious now but I actually CLICK on the abilites instead of using the 1-9+- :o Guess it's a learning process. Also there's so many stupid words like CC, DoTS, Pots and Bowls and what not xD It would be much more easier if I was allowed to aim/shoot myself instead of clicking the target like a fool all the time haha :)


Nothing wrong with clicking it is the default method only used by the lazy casual players :D

The selecting target mechanism is pretty standard tbh

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I was never drawn to MMOs before TOR, tried WOW once for about 20 minutes and was discouraged by the graphics and lack of story. The reason why I suscribed to SWTOR is mainly because I'm a huge fan of BW games in general and KOTOR especially.


It's true that I mostly play this game as a SRPG as, in the spirit of my RP, I'd rather "work alone", however I teamed up several times with other players or took part in duels and really enjoyed it.


I had a blast with the game so far, however, I'm not sure what will be the point of staying once I'm done with the story (or stories if I decide to reroll).

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It's refreshing. Newbies are nice to have, and it's great fun teaching them things as they're playing the game and getting the hang of things. It's the one good thing about any MMO launch, the first few days of newcomers and the excitement in the air.
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Write in English please.


Why, when you obviously can't read it?



The MMORPG genre changed for the worse when WoW was released. So the MMORPG newcomers are attracted to, enjoy, and expect bad MMORPGs that are similar to WoW.


Bad logic is bad. Every MMO player, casual, hardcore or otherwise, was new once. Even the ones who never played WoW.


You are really stretching in your attempts to annoy people. Keep practicing, though. Eventually you'll get the kinks worked out.

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Write in English please.




The MMORPG genre changed for the worse when WoW was released. So the MMORPG newcomers are attracted to, enjoy, and expect bad MMORPGs that are similar to WoW. I don't even know if you can call SWTOR a MMORPG. It's more like a MMO cooperative minigame.


Remind me again why you are in these forums then?

Being full of prejudice as you seem to be i'am amazed you spend your time answering posts.

You dislike this game? ...leave it.

You dislike the environment, the players?!...leave...


Just don't force others to hear such negative opinions, usually found in MMO hardcore players full of themselves in my experience, the kind that never finds anything positive.


And seems to me you'll be leaving to that hole under the bridge where trolls live.


And yes...i trolled you.

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On Courageous at least, a lot of players are MMO newcomers. This make the whole game rathe refreshing, to say the least.


Haha yeah, I had a fun time duoing Esseles with a new to MMO player. I was getting frustrated with him until I found out they were new to the genre, gave him some pointers, and we made it through, even if he did stand in the AOE after being told not to.. lol Fun times.

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Haha yeah, I had a fun time duoing Esseles with a new to MMO player. I was getting frustrated with him until I found out they were new to the genre, gave him some pointers, and we made it through, even if he did stand in the AOE after being told not to.. lol Fun times.


That was me man. I was just ****in wit u.

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On Courageous at least, a lot of players are MMO newcomers. This make the whole game rathe refreshing, to say the least.



Ya i think its great. Once they acheive some really tough content with a big group, they will be hooked forever. Looks like swtor is going to be rolling out the content so its lookin good.

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On the downside, most of TOR's MMO-newcomers have no concept of multiplayer, and create a creepy atmoshpere where no one wants to talk to each other because they're all trying to play the game like a SPRPG.


I have now on half a dozen different occasions seen players actually scold other players for having a conversation in /1. It's sad how little this game feels like an MMO.


that happens in every mmo I've played to this day, and actually usually the people who complain are acting as if they owned the scene. I've met them on this forum, too

Edited by amnie
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