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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

POLL!! Help Bioware AND yourself!


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Taking the poll solidified in my mind that I like the game pretty much as-is. Of all the "big issues", I don't rate them very important at all.


The problem with polls such as this is the extremely limited participation. 800 responses so far? If we presume 1 million players (I think I saw it had close to 2 mil in sales though, as estimated by an outside group), then that is just 0.08% of the playerbase, or 8 out of every 10,000. It's not representative of the general population, nor is it probably even representative of the active forum population.


I'm fairly happy with the game as well. :)


And I agree that this poll is fairly pointless. My biggest problem is this poll does nothing to help BioWare or the community. If the community really wanted a bug fixed, they would be discussing how the bug occurs or is triggered in a way that would help BioWare properly identify what is causing the bug. And I haven't seen a single thread like that anywhere on the forums. It's all just complaints about bugs that have been reported already, and these complaints do nothing to help anyone. BioWare is aware of the bugs at this point. What they need now are people who can help them nail down exactly how the bugs are occurring so they can begin to fix them.

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From a statistical point of view you are wrong, 800 is enough to get a relatively (or at least vaguely) accurate consensus of opinion.



Only if the sampling is scientifically designed, or maybe if it is random.


But a self-selected poll of any type is always questionable. I'm not even sure if there are any precautions in counting people only once.

Edited by Zhiroc
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One of the most constructive posts/efforts on this forum :)


Please explain exactly how this is constructive? All it does is organize a group of people by having one guy stand up and say, "I don't like this." Then the next few pages are everyone else in the room standing up one at a time to say, "I don't like this."


The bugs have been reported. BioWare knows they are a problem and is working on them. At this point all the poll does is organize a group of like-minded players into a room where they all bash the company and the game for not fixing something they don't like within a time-frame they deem appropriate.


It doesn't help the developers identify the source of the problems. It doesn't help the community cope with or work-around the problems. It's just a bunch of people ************ about the same thing until someone fixes it for them.


That is the exact opposite of constructive.



...just saying.

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Only if the sampling is scientifically designed, or maybe if it is random.


But a self-selected poll of any type is always questionable. I'm not even sure if there are any precautions in counting people only once.



Agree you are right, there are a number of potential bias factors and a forum survey is far from perfect.


But poll station surveys for example are not scientific or random, there is not even a guarantee people tell the truth, but 500-1000 responses is normally enough to accurately predict the outcome. :)

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Nice poll. I hope someone from BW/EA will look it.


But as healer i missed option "I miss target of target window". Mouseover healing and offensive/defensive target system is something what can be in and i know some ppl love that, but what i never really liked.

But i do miss target of target and option to cast through target (target tank, heal him and cast few offensive spells on his targeted mob or dps mob and heal person whoever mob is targeting, through mob).

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Outfrigginstanding OP! So based on your poll's end user responses & with scores of 4.00+ being defined as needs, dev's top 10 to-do list would look something like this:



1) 4.34 / 4.59 : Ability delay / Abilities not fireing off when pressed

2) 4.20 : on PvP servers, PvP bugs (que crashing you to char select, won matches not counting towards daily quests etc)

3) 4.16 : More rewarding endgame crafting

4) 4.11 / 4.14 : Flashpoint / Raid bugs (loot bugs, boss bugs etc)

5) 4.02 : Overall PvP bugs (que crashing you to char select, won matches not counting towards daily quests etc)

6) 4.00 : Possibility to customize the UI


In the queue

7) 3.93 : Quest bugs (quests not updating etc)

8) 3.75 : More customization of armor/weapon graphics in game

9) 3.63 : More Warzones

10t) 3.53 : Adding a "two target system" where you can heal a target and attack that targets target if using an offensive ability

10t) 3.53 : Lag & FPS

10t) 3.53 : More (rewarding and amount of) world PvP


Behold the numbers lol. Well done . . . :D

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Great work OP.


Totally agree with the top 5 priorities:

- ability delay

- crafting improvements

- raid/FP bugs

- PVP bugs

- customise UI


If these things were fixed would make a HUGE uplift in my enjoyment of the game.


(Oh and also new GTN interface ;))

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Outfrigginstanding OP! So based on your poll's end user responses & with scores of 4.00+ being defined as needs, dev's top 10 to-do list would look something like this:



1) 4.34 / 4.59 : Ability delay / Abilities not fireing off when pressed

2) 4.20 : on PvP servers, PvP bugs (que crashing you to char select, won matches not counting towards daily quests etc)

3) 4.16 : More rewarding endgame crafting

4) 4.11 / 4.14 : Flashpoint / Raid bugs (loot bugs, boss bugs etc)

5) 4.02 : Overall PvP bugs (que crashing you to char select, won matches not counting towards daily quests etc)

6) 4.00 : Possibility to customize the UI


In the queue

7) 3.93 : Quest bugs (quests not updating etc)

8) 3.75 : More customization of armor/weapon graphics in game

9) 3.63 : More Warzones

10t) 3.53 : Adding a "two target system" where you can heal a target and attack that targets target if using an offensive ability

10t) 3.53 : Lag & FPS

10t) 3.53 : More (rewarding and amount of) world PvP


Behold the numbers lol. Well done . . . :D


Thanks, good summary

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