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Maturity - Age Bracket Servers


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I am completely disgusted with the way I and or others are treated on the 'Jedi Covenant' server. I have spent nearly a month at 4hrs a night before heading into work again each day putting in my 11hr a day shifts to come home to '****' comments, names that just are down right offensive, and harassment beyond belief and nothing is ever done I know this for a fact.


Not really to my surprise, I make a new char on a diff server and viola, the chat channels were clear, used for questions pertaining to the game, and helpful people answering and being productive with one another. Noone was harassing, name calling, using the public channels to promote sexual content like 'Jedi Covenant' was doing.


I am not ashamed to say I am a 40yr old man, who has served as a military police officer and is now a social worker. I also do not like my childhood dream of being a jedi one day ruined by people telling me and or others in open chat 'they are going to **** me, shut my mouth, leave the game, get the f*** out' and the list goes on...


You can allow access to certain servers by verification on the payment we make with our CC's.

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Unfortunately you can't really regulate maturity. I think the best that can be done is what you did, change servers. I'm in a pretty good server, Veela, but whenever I see general chat start heading in a not very favorable direction, I just turn chat off or switch to guild chat.
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I am completely disgusted with the way I and or others are treated on the 'Jedi Covenant' server. I have spent nearly a month at 4hrs a night before heading into work again each day putting in my 11hr a day shifts to come home to '****' comments, names that just are down right offensive, and harassment beyond belief and nothing is ever done I know this for a fact.


Not really to my surprise, I make a new char on a diff server and viola, the chat channels were clear, used for questions pertaining to the game, and helpful people answering and being productive with one another. Noone was harassing, name calling, using the public channels to promote sexual content like 'Jedi Covenant' was doing.


I am not ashamed to say I am a 40yr old man, who has served as a military police officer and is now a social worker. I also do not like my childhood dream of being a jedi one day ruined by people telling me and or others in open chat 'they are going to **** me, shut my mouth, leave the game, get the f*** out' and the list goes on...


You can allow access to certain servers by verification on the payment we make with our CC's.


Two things:


  1. Welcome to the internet.
  2. Welcome to your first MMO.


It doesn't improve and the host doesn't care. This is the culture. Period.

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I am completely disgusted with the way I and or others are treated on the 'Jedi Covenant' server. I have spent nearly a month at 4hrs a night before heading into work again each day putting in my 11hr a day shifts to come home to '****' comments, names that just are down right offensive, and harassment beyond belief and nothing is ever done I know this for a fact. .


That's awful - I would leave the server because as you say, there's no hope of anything being done. I agree with the many others here that nothing will be done, because "it's the culture" or "it's MMO's" or "welcome to the internet" - as harsh as they are, they have a tiny little point, no responsibility for actions takes away the fear of performing such actions.


What they SHOULD do, in my opinion, is have an automated monitoring server. They already scan chat, just add a feature - swear or say sexually-inappropriate content in the chat and receive two warnings and then a 15-minute disconnect. It's how we operated on IRC back in the day when we manually (or botted) moderated the chat rooms. Two warnings and you're out. Mistakes are tolerated, repeated mistakes indicate lack of brain functionality.


I'm not saying every server, I'm saying one, max two servers. I'd re-roll, I hate swearing. It's an inefficient form of communication :>


Think about it:


"**** off"




"You, sir, are a bully and a cad."



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There is no way for them to verify the age of player, so this idea can't even be implemented even if it was a good idea (which it's not).


Sure there is, webcams. All Bioware has to do is program the game so a webcam is required to be plugged in. Then, they hire a lot of people to look at everyone when they log in. If they look under 21, lock thier account.

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I'm on Jedi Covenant as well and I have had a completely different experience... most of my interactions on the Sith side have been met with very mature players who are willin to provide advice and help out in situations. Granted, the occasional troll/immature person shows up from time to time, but that's expected on any server.


Jericho|Jedi Covenant

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Its funny how the words I used in my post are so offensive they are immediately blocked. But its wonderfuly cool for people to use them on the game driving the communtiy out.


a few things


A) grow a ****, for someone in the military or whatever you sure seem to be lacking one.

B) They would just be using their parents CC's anyways...

C) There is an in game filter

D) you can leave general

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Sure there is, webcams. All Bioware has to do is program the game so a webcam is required to be plugged in. Then, they hire a lot of people to look at everyone when they log in. If they look under 21, lock thier account.





Nice one. I love good satire! ;)

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I am completely disgusted with the way I and or others are treated on the 'Jedi Covenant' server. I have spent nearly a month at 4hrs a night before heading into work again each day putting in my 11hr a day shifts to come home to '****' comments, names that just are down right offensive, and harassment beyond belief and nothing is ever done I know this for a fact.


Not really to my surprise, I make a new char on a diff server and viola, the chat channels were clear, used for questions pertaining to the game, and helpful people answering and being productive with one another. Noone was harassing, name calling, using the public channels to promote sexual content like 'Jedi Covenant' was doing.


I am not ashamed to say I am a 40yr old man, who has served as a military police officer and is now a social worker. I also do not like my childhood dream of being a jedi one day ruined by people telling me and or others in open chat 'they are going to **** me, shut my mouth, leave the game, get the f*** out' and the list goes on...


You can allow access to certain servers by verification on the payment we make with our CC's.


You must not know too much about modern finances my buddy.


I'm 13 and I have 3 debit cards. (Not to mention, kids can use their parents CC's if the kids don't have their own). It's now possible for teenagers to have access to debit cards with their name and their own bank. I'm sorry you encountered such immature jerks and hope you have a better experience on another server. Thank you for serving our country btw!

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