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Comparing Tier 11 WoW gear "graphics" to a lvl 11 Inquisitor is not being honest


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When Cataclysm was about to be released they did the old world revamp with the "Shattering" update. When they did this they also removed a lot of the old armor models and most of the low level gear was replaced with newer updated models and textures.


Comparing T11 with anything in TOR is dishonest, instead compare TOR endgame sets to vanilla WoW T1-3 sets.


This whole thread is useless though, IDK why I bothered to post in it.


Ugh, bloody internet. Heres one, tell me thats better quality than TOR sets.



Edited by Achromatis
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Theres really not a noticable difference in those pictures, one just looks slightly darker, all the same textures are there.


I noticed that some of the "ridges" in the armor were a bit sharper and the shadows on the face and armor were rendered more realistic.

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It's flat out dishonest. It's so blatantly obvious.



beta=hi resolution

In game screens from Bioware=Hi Resolution

In game gameplay videos from Bioware=Hi Resolution

CONTINUED screens and videos for the upcoming content not even released yet=Hi Reslolution



Edited by United_Strafes
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beta=hi resolution

In game screens from Bioware=Hi Resolution

In game gameplay videos from Bioware=Hi Resolution

CONTINUED screens and videos for the upcoming content not even released yet=Hi Relolution




LMFAO so true US and your sig is great.


I also figured that as well Pj.

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uh.................................I don't think you're understanding what's at hand here.....


with that being said I will say 2 things:


1 - I am glad you do not work for Bioware in this field


2 - the WoW TEXTURES look about 300% better.

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When Cataclysm was about to be released they did the old world revamp with the "Shattering" update. When they did this they also removed a lot of the old armor models and most of the low level gear was replaced with newer updated models and textures.


Comparing T11 with anything in TOR is dishonest, instead compare TOR endgame sets to vanilla WoW T1-3 sets.


This whole thread is useless though, IDK why I bothered to post in it.


Ugh, bloody internet. Heres one, tell me thats better quality than TOR sets.




Stop using faulty logic. It actually pains me when I see people incapable of reasoning.


You do not compare a 2011 model car to a Model T. You compare it to similar year models in terms of features, aesthetics, performance, etc. Likewise, we are comparing World of Warcraft's textures in 2012 with SWTOR's textures in 2012. It is a fair comparison.


If we used the logic you outlined in your post as a species, we'd never progress.

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Stop using faulty logic. It actually pains me when I see people incapable of reasoning.


You do not compare a 2011 model car to a Model T. You compare it to similar year models in terms of features, aesthetics, performance, etc. Likewise, we are comparing World of Warcraft's textures in 2012 with SWTOR's textures in 2012. It is a fair comparison.


If we used the logic you outlined in your post as a species, we'd never progress.


You speak the truth. Why in the hell would you compare something from wow 7 years ago to swtor now to prove a point. Lets compare half life 2 back in 2004 to Skyrim now too while they are at it!

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One major flaw.. you played alliance. JK


I actually would have picked BE since they are the most comparable to the Sith Pureblood (for obvious reasons), but sadly my trial account does not let me use BC or cata races.

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Listen, if you're toon looks like THAT in the link I provided, you have more issues than graphics. NO WAY does ANYTHING in my game look that bad.


Whoever posted that side by side was being dishonest and biased. Graphics look better than 99% of MMOs out.


the 99% part is a lie but points for trying lol.

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Aion released years ago




Tera Released in kor, soon in the US



Then theres guild wars 2 graphically pleasing as well.


and rift of course


I dont mean to be a dick but you cant be serious with the swtor looks better then the rest out/ coming out.

Edited by Barracudastr
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Hmm... for all Biodrones, it´s not about the colours or smth. It´s just that the Armortextures in SWTOR are very blurry/unsharp. It´s funny because it somehow depends on what Gear you carry, some looks decent and some like Minecraft. For example my Companion looks good or atleast better then my armor does.


only this guy said the truth . everyone else that compare wow armor out of the game with images of the swtor character ingame are just trolling and they need a temporally ban from the forums to understand that the trolling has some limits

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Although Tera looks really great, you exagerate Aion graphics a tad with that picture.


Better representation: http://www.pcgameshardware.com/screenshots/original/2009/09/Aion_Bilder_36.png


The closer Aion gets to 3.0 the better it looks, though.

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One thing that no one seems to take into account is your comparing a game that has been out for, and has been constantly worked on, almost 8 years, versus TOR which has only been out for a couple weeks. TOR is already doing much better than WOW did in the same amount of time, AND if you would look over at the developer tracker, Bioware has announced that higher res graphics fixes are on the way, they just want to get the game off the ground first. Lets be smart people and not turn these forums into flame wars.
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These screenshots were taken moments ago, both on the same machine, both games on Ultra.


Swtor scenery shot:



Swtor up close character shot:



WoW scenery shot:



WoW up close character shot:



What do I think? I think both games look good. Both are cartoony, but ultimately I prefer the style and bright colors of WoW, I find the style more charming and interesting. Everyone will have their own opinion, but I am sure Swtor will improve once a lot of the texture problems get taken care of.


Edit: I tabbed back in WoW after making this post, and something magical was happening. One of the many things that I beleive gives WoW more immersion than Swtor. WEATHER!!! Turned rainy and foggy all of a sudden. It's little things like this Swtor is missing.




These are only a few examples. Why is a game that was created in 2004 beating a game that was created in 2011?


Let's keep this constructive, what can BW do to improve the overall graphics for SWTOR?


My suggestions:


Look at what WoW does! Vibrant colours that pop out of the screen, amazing layout to zones, everything was carefully thought out and well placed.


I'm noticing the opposite in SWTOR, it seems as if they didn't take much time / thought into placing objects on the map.. it just seems like a random mess.


In 'underground' areas SWTOR seems very plain and empty, there needs to be more interesting things (the holographic trees in nar shaadaa were pretty cool, I'd love to see more of that added).


The colours in SWTOR seem fairly dull and boring.. nothing really grabs your attention. Again, I think this is because of bad placement of objects. In WoW everything works together to create gorgeous scenery.


I think the best thing they could do right now is:


1)Add brighter , attention grabbing colours.


2)Change zone layouts, strategically place objects so they work together (as opposed to the random mess that we see now).


3) Fix texture issues. The textures seem to be much more crisp / clear on games like WoW, whereas SWTOR is lacking. This is probably the most important thing right now.


Feel free to add suggestions on how SWTOR can improve in the graphic department.


Posted in another thread.


There's no denying that WoW looks much clearer / crisper than SWTOR does. Not only with textures, but with object layout (everything just fits much better).

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