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The empire has won


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Most of the time on my server, the Republic wins our matches, we are still outnumbered. Of course the Imps are all former Alliance on my server as well. Got a kick out of it cause today we decided we were going to start some PvP in Ilum, and a bunch of Imps got upset we were actually PvPing them.


But yea, as most pointed out, most Imps I have faced as of this moment are just geared, they don't really have the skill to back it up. It makes me shake my head every time I see a Deception Assassin standing back throwing out their Force Lightning channel move. Then of course they whine when I tear them a new one and they are the ones in the expertise gear.

Edited by Silverspar
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During beta, early access it was quite even. But yes, right now imps are winning seven of ten WZs... Ive also noticed that most sith players stick with their lvl 50 char but reps already lvling their second one..

Hope not everyone will run away to the sith like a little crybaby, guys!! If you a skilled pvper you should know who else is! Make friends group up! Its just like leia's saying in sw4...

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I don't understand other servers. On The Crucible Pits, a very heavily populated pvp server, republic (my side) wines about 75% of the time. The sith are kids wanking to lightning getting owned by us.

Crap, our sith are smart!

Tomb of Freedon Nadd[EU] here... :D

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Lol totally foresaw this in beta, due to how the quests are laid out and how linear many of the worlds are. I have rolled on a PvP server in every MMO i have ever played, until this one. The maps are to linear, and leveling ANYTHING would be horrendous especially post cap. Take my advice re roll to a PvE server, pvp still happens, it just doesn't interfere with leveling.
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Empire is the Alliance, Republic is the Horde this time around.



Keep in mind its a overlevel/gear problem not a skill problem. They are going to cry for nerfs once we get more geared 50s.


Ah the good old days when the Alliance majorly outnumbered the Horde. Then all them nubs jumped ship to the Horde and we became a shadow of our former selves. My server Rep's are already starting to win the majority of bg's. It was just a matter of time. Didnt you pay attention to the Star wars movies? The good guys always win in the end.

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Lol totally foresaw this in beta, due to how the quests are laid out and how linear many of the worlds are. I have rolled on a PvP server in every MMO i have ever played, until this one. The maps are to linear, and leveling ANYTHING would be horrendous especially post cap. Take my advice re roll to a PvE server, pvp still happens, it just doesn't interfere with leveling.


You mean here's your class quest and your planet quest and your heroic quest and when you are done go to the this area for your next class quest and planet quest and heroic quest? How could that design have backfired on a PvP server?

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But thankfully BioWare Austin made the two faction system EVEN worse by adding same faction warzones, giving little to no incentive to actually concern yourself with population balance. Sure, you might get a little sick of Huttball, but that's got to beat sitting around in a 15 minute Q or *gasp* rerolling Republic.
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