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Everything posted by Xzual

  1. That was the only class quest that gave me issue, I'd rather have something that I have to try hard at, instead of running through **** button mashing... That battle was the first one I sat back and read all my abilities what they did how they helped... Got to know my class a lot better because of it
  2. lol if you don't feel you can compete in Warzones don't do it, its ridiculously fast to level from 10-25 in this game get a bit better and come back...
  3. Let me guess you suck at pvp and pvp happened?
  4. Sorry I read about 5-6 pages, but didn't see it brought up... Any talk of Arenas being added into TOR?
  5. I know CC is crowd control.. I've always used it as a term to define controlling your opponents to benefit yourself... I've never thought it to mean simply a polymorph and nothing else... Anyways, I was just trying to help, maybe your playstyle is too reliant on immoblization... If I'm going against two people pacifying one so they are 90% useless, slowing and killing one, works more than fine for me..
  6. Xzual

    The empire has won

    This is like going to a bar and complaining that there are too many women... I chose Republic because I knew it was something like 3:1 so I didn't have to look to hard to **** up some Imps...
  7. ...since day one Bioware said each class was different, I never heard them say that the juggernaut and the guardian would be the exact same, i heard the contrary... Maybe if you want all the classes to be the same you should make a game, and we can play it?
  8. I agree, this game is *********** horse ****, like its been out for like a month now, thats like 30 days, and theres big problems, one im not top level with the best gear out there, what type of **** is that I've played like 72 hours solid and I havent gotten everything yet... Also Bioware obviously is on vacations, because of the 10 million bugs and issues, they've only fixed one million of them, def not working hard enough... If I'm playing 16 hour days, they should be working 16 hour days. /sarcasm The the game has been out literally for 25 days right? It went live on the 20th? its the 13th? People expect to *********** much, 25 days, 6 days have been weekends, 3 holidays...literally ease the **** up... 14 working days, they have fixed a lot, theres even more on the PTR,
  9. You have no CC stuns? You have force leap, you have force choke, you have leg slash, you have talented cauterize... Maybe the JK play style is just hard for you, maybe you have the wrong spec for you? I'm sure as you play it longer and figure out how to use your skills youll become better
  10. I am just quite surprised that there is no Arena based PVP system in place. I honestly figured just with my thoughts of SW that this would be the focus but it has yet to be implemented... It has soo many benefits over Warfronts... One less people needed to play, 2v2 and 3v3, allows less active pvp players to engage and progress... Also having the option of both Warfronts and Arenas can allow for PVP players to kinda avoid queues, if queues are too high for Warfronts, you can go to arenas like hutball its a spectator sport type thing so you should be able to go against republic or empire no matteryour allegience
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