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People resubscribing at a very high rate


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And you call others fanboys... man, thanks for the laugh


Yes, yes I do, because I'm capable of holding a nuanced opinion without resorting to extremes. I have issues with TOR, I have posted about those issues here and elsewhere, but I enjoy the game enough despite those issues that my experience is still positive overall. I've also been playing MMOs for long enough now to understand how the launch period works in reality with regards to bugs, and whiners, and balance issues.


Just because I'm sick of seeing all these fecktards hired by whatever marketing firm Acti-Blizzard uses endlessly whinging and moaning and complaining in an entirely non-constructive fashion, before juicing their panties over whichever Acti-Blizzard product their masters have instructed them to push that day, does not mean I'm blind to the issues with this game, and just because I have issues with the game doesn't mean I can't enjoy playing it.

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Yes, yes I do, because I'm capable of holding a nuanced opinion without resorting to extremes. I have issues with TOR, I have posted about those issues here and elsewhere, but I enjoy the game enough despite those issues that my experience is still positive overall. I've also been playing MMOs for long enough now to understand how the launch period works in reality with regards to bugs, and whiners, and balance issues.


Just because I'm sick of seeing all these fecktards hired by whatever marketing firm Acti-Blizzard uses endlessly whinging and moaning and complaining in an entirely non-constructive fashion, before juicing their panties over whichever Acti-Blizzard product their masters have instructed them to push that day, does not mean I'm blind to the issues with this game, and just because I have issues with the game doesn't mean I can't enjoy playing it.




Only judging by the amount of insults your post contains you're not capable of holding any kind of discussion.


Also thinking blizzard would actually bother to hire people to hate on this game ? LOL you for real?

Edited by Skeelol
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I don't know were he's getting his numbers from, perhaps it could be that he has access to all the figures of the business and you don't.....:D



From this article with James Ohlen:







So....is he referring to all of the people who didn't immediately cancel their subscription once they gave bioware their payment information?


Wasn't that part of setting up your account? Where could he possibly be pulling these numbers from?

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FPS have not really changed since the early days of Doom. You have different maps but really games evole slowly. Innovation is also very subjective and only years later can you truly see what occured.


Really now? I can show you exactly how FPS evolved since 1991: http://fastcache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/9/2010/11/fps.jpg


The 1993 one is E1M6: Central Processing from Doom 1. Yes, I can still remember that. The second one is pretty much any FPS released in the last couple of years. To not go into too much detail, I'll just post this article, which makes some good points:



And then this video:

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I am just waiting for Diablo 3 to come out. So I guess I will be playing SW:ToR for at least 3 more months. At least I will get to see how BioWare will upgrade the game in this time.

If they do well I might stickaround for a longer time, if they don't no hard feelings but bye bye.

I guess for people who have played tratidional MMOs for 5+ years doing a raid twice a week and som HMs + PvP every day gets boring real fast.


P.S.: I hope the game will do well and put pressure on WoW, we need more diversity and we need many competing MMOs not just one.

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More innovative than other games in genre???

No mr. Ohlen, RIFT is definitely more innovative game than SWTOR.

But hey, this is only my personal opinion.


Rift is almost a carbon copy of wow. Theres nothing innovative about it. The tri spec thing was good at first, but every spec and class got nerfed to hell, until the only specs that were viable were pure specs or cookie cutter builds.

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From this article with James Ohlen:







So....is he referring to all of the people who didn't immediately cancel their subscription once they gave bioware their payment information?


Wasn't that part of setting up your account? Where could he possibly be pulling these numbers from?



Should I laugh @ you and James Ohlen now or right away?

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You can't believe anything that comes from their PR department unless they provide some kind of evidence to back up their claims.


Whilst I am playing the game and do enjoy it and am not rushing to 50, I am finding the servers are way too quiet and the initial mad rush has all but dissipated.


I don't want this game to die or go F2P. I would like things to improve and get better :)

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Would have been best if it wasn't allowed to force people to create a subscription before being able to play the 30 included days. Still if everyone is made aware that right after you enter your subscription you can hit cancel and still play those 30 days at least many wouldn't forget to cancel and get fooled into paying for what they never intended.
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So everyone except the 100 or so people who complain on the forums resubbed. Good form BW, good form


How'd they resub when the first "sub" ( the intial 30 days ) hasn't even ended yet?


Until the 20th and people's accounts are charged for another month, 3 months, whatever, there is nothing to resub to.


Marketers and spin doctors love you.

Edited by Zorvan
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Uhm.... we all had to subscribe to get our "free month" in the first place. He's just twisting words. Even if 3/4 of the player base suddenly cancelled you'd see some quote about things being better than expected. It's his job to bs to the media.


Seriously, think about it. How often do you see someone involved in a for profit project (movie, game, tv show, etc.) talk down about said project? Almost never because they are trying to make money off of it.

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all hype and their will be alot of people forgetting they had to have a subscription set up and will auto matically get billed. oh somepeople will be mad too that they will get caught for the extra month because they forgot to cancel


Don't know why. I cancelled more than week ago and I could continue to play. After 20 december you could setup subscription so Bioware would allow you to play and then delete all data. And account will work.


Also THERE IS NO DATA about resubscribers. Since we are not beyond 20.01 we don't know anything. Especialy when Bioware forced people to subscribe if they want to play game they pay for.

Edited by DariuszPol
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From this article with James Ohlen:







So....is he referring to all of the people who didn't immediately cancel their subscription once they gave bioware their payment information?


Wasn't that part of setting up your account? Where could he possibly be pulling these numbers from?


Oh man, let me re-sub as well because others are doing it **wink**wink** What a bandwagon statement.

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i just changed my recurring to 6 months :p love this game!


I'm sure a lot of casual players are. Problem is everyone who is already 50 see's the flaws in this game.


The other problem is they won't be able to produce end game content and fixes faster than the casual's level up.

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For PR reasons they would allways put the re-subscriptions in a good light.


There are a lot of sheep out there that just follow what everyone else is doing, I however do not and analyse a game when i'm playing it . I expect a very high standard these days from any MMO . All you see is excuses for any MMO launch and promises that things will be fixed. Some games have made promises on launch day that problems would be fixed , however although they were eventually fixed it was a good 2 years after launch.


My real problem with this game is the endgame , But then Bioware do make good single player games!


Will I come back? The big problem for Bioware here is that by the time they fix the stuff that really needs it there will be a lot of very good titles out there , and some of the new MMO's really are going to change the genre with systems that you just would not recognise from todays MMO's ... whether or not these models will actually work who knows , but after playing MMO's for over 10 years they will be a breath of fresh air!

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