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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sad to see some people quiting already....


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Here's my two cents. I hate to refrence this game to wow but im going to do it. First off, yes, the grind of dailies is annoying and getting owned in pre mades can suck too. i have a bm marauder gring bm gear and i had champ gear i had to grind before they just made it easier on the new patch. Before i quit wow of 6 years. 7 geared 85s. i had to grind just as hard if not harder in wow. example. i just needed shoulders on my heals priest and i grinded raid finder for 7 weeks and lost the roll 7+ times. so hows that for annoying? then my first time doing deathwing. booted me out during the fight. then on the second time of actually downing deathwing. booted me to the gd desktop and i never got to roll on anyything. always was top heals. i never one any roll in raidfinder. so wow has been out for 7 yrs and there still are major glitches in cata. so if u dont like tor you can go make an op'ed panda bear like all the other 5 million people. main thing is. on my bm. i put in the blood sweat and tears to get where i am and i stilll work 14 hrs a day in the army. infantry too. so. gotta grind it up. good things arent just handed to you and every mmo is and will be the same. if they give away awesome gear. people would ***** too. i know i would anyway.


Thread winner. The only alternative would be to give everyone on lvl 50 the same kind of pvp gear so that's it's all nice and equal in terms of gear and let the most skilled man win.

But then what would the reward be, there's no point for valor then which you only need for the battlemaster gear or to be allowed to use the mounts you can buy from pvp thats it. Wz coms could get you lockboxes for loot but rly.

Your one and only reward would be fun, assuming you are having fun.

I know I have had alot of fun in wow, but after hundreds of games on various chars of the years, I can safely say, since the stats tell me how many bgs I won or lost, that on certain chars I got most of my gear through losing with pugs over various pvp seasons.

If there wasnt some sort of reward, may it be items, gear, titles or whatever, I would never touch pvp ever again.

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Here's my two cents. I hate to refrence this game to wow but im going to do it. First off, yes, the grind of dailies is annoying and getting owned in pre mades can suck too. i have a bm marauder gring bm gear and i had champ gear i had to grind before they just made it easier on the new patch. Before i quit wow of 6 years. 7 geared 85s. i had to grind just as hard if not harder in wow. example. i just needed shoulders on my heals priest and i grinded raid finder for 7 weeks and lost the roll 7+ times. so hows that for annoying? then my first time doing deathwing. booted me out during the fight. then on the second time of actually downing deathwing. booted me to the gd desktop and i never got to roll on anyything. always was top heals. i never one any roll in raidfinder. so wow has been out for 7 yrs and there still are major glitches in cata. so if u dont like tor you can go make an op'ed panda bear like all the other 5 million people. main thing is. on my bm. i put in the blood sweat and tears to get where i am and i stilll work 14 hrs a day in the army. infantry too. so. gotta grind it up. good things arent just handed to you and every mmo is and will be the same. if they give away awesome gear. people would ***** too. i know i would anyway.


Fromer 11Bravo here :D


Now have you been reading this thread? You put in your blood, tears, and sweat into a RANDOM drop game? Random, what does that mean?


ran·dom   [ran-duhm]

proceeding, made, or occurring without definite aim, reason, or pattern: the random selection of numbers.


This is the problem. You or anyone else has not put in any hard work. No-one worked hard. No-one put in extra work. No-one grinded. It was all luck. For some, those that that got the gear before they changed illum to pvp when it was easy mode. They simply did lame quests and got the gear. No-one grinded. You mention wow? Have you ever played Everquest? Aion? Those are grinding games. The gear dropping is random in this game. Some people get lucky and others can have a very frustrating experience. They made a change to help with that but for most it was too late. There are more problems, clearly but I'm just addressing this from your post.

Edited by DarthHarlem
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I'm not sure what the sub numbers are or how every server is doing, but on my server, the numbers are dropping quickly on people actively playing.


I've seen an equal number of hardcore pve players and pvp players quit. I'm in limbo myself on quitting because I don't want to invest time in a game that none of my friends are playing.

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If they won't adress the stupid RNG soon in regards with the bags I'll just drop PvP as a whole, level an alt and probably quit.


Seriously, double RNG involved with bags. It's ridiculous. Who on earth at Bioware thought this would be a good system?


First and foremost, I would've been complaining as much if you could use the token to buy an item of your choosing. Secondly, if they made Champion tokens available for a great portion of commendations. As example; 1000 warzone commendations and 300 mercenary commendations.


I'm not going to grind and grind with a lottery ticket as reward. It's like going to work every day, and at the end of the month you might have a chance your salary will be paid out. If you're lucky.


clearly you just troll these forums and haven't played recently, takes no time at all to get pvp gear, its pretty disgusting in my point of view. BW conceded to make gear even easier for the complainers to get. in a month you'll not know what to do with all the extra commedations.

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people say they are qutting, in reallity they are not.


so i thought you were quitting bro?


"oh yah i just got 6 months game time card"

bull ****


kids are ************ because its the first new MMO they have ever played and they dont like what they have been given.


if you want a full developed game ? go play WoW

if you want star wars galaxies back ? get a time machine

if you want guildwars 2? big surprise thats gonna have the same teething issues as this now grow up and get over it.

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my two mates quit the game last week after hitting 50 cos it was just mind numbing apparently....I am not far off, an i know of at least 3 guys who have had enough.


Did they tell the world too? Or did they let their actions speak louder than words?

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people say they are qutting, in reallity they are not.


so i thought you were quitting bro?


"oh yah i just got 6 months game time card"

bull ****


kids are ************ because its the first new MMO they have ever played and they dont like what they have been given.


if you want a full developed game ? go play WoW

if you want star wars galaxies back ? get a time machine

if you want guildwars 2? big surprise thats gonna have the same teething issues as this now grow up and get over it.


Ummm what? Are you 12? :confused:

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Ummm what? Are you 12? :confused:


Your sig is mising the best PvP MMO to date, Shadowbane.


Anyway, while its nice to have everyone equally balanced, all the same gear so we can use our leet skills of mashing the right button at the right time, IMO that makes PvP boring and lifeless.


I like to have gear differences which make you more powerful. It gives one something to look forward to to become more powerful, and rightfully so because you worked your butt of for it. Thats the beauty of MMO PVP. If I wanted skill based even matched PvP, Ill go play BF3.

Edited by sheisty
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- Faction imbalance


- PvP requires button mashing and no skill whatsoever to play/ learn any of the chars apart from marauders (so I've heard)


- 3 WZs, 2 of which are broken


- Levelling is far too fast to cap a toon ---> people run out of things to do aside from grind for BM gear, but why when it's only fractionally 'better' and in some case worse than Champ gear?


- Ilum is only 'good' for kill-trading in the Valor grind, but again, why gain Valor R60 when BM gear is worthless?

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Your sig is mising the best PvP MMO to date, Shadowbane.


Anyway, while its nice to have everyone equally balanced, all the same gear so we can use our leet skills of mashing the right button at the right time, IMO that makes PvP boring and lifeless.


I like to have gear differences which make you more powerful. It gives one something to look forward to to become more powerful, and rightfully so because you worked your butt of for it. Thats the beauty of MMO PVP. If I wanted skill based even matched PvP, Ill go play BF3.



I don't think anyone disagrees with you.


The problem is that the drop system before was random. So noone worked hard or looked forward to anything to fairly get more powerful. MMO's are about character progression and how can that properly work when the gear is 100% random? A complete stupid idea. Now they have changed it to make it somewhat better but the damage was done. Either way, since they did not put in a mechanic to make it progressive like in most pvp mmos, it just didnt work.

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- Faction imbalance


- PvP requires button mashing and no skill whatsoever to play/ learn any of the chars apart from marauders (so I've heard)


- 3 WZs, 2 of which are broken


- Levelling is far too fast to cap a toon ---> people run out of things to do aside from grind for BM gear, but why when it's only fractionally 'better' and in some case worse than Champ gear?


- Ilum is only 'good' for kill-trading in the Valor grind, but again, why gain Valor R60 when BM gear is worthless?


Add to that list, that the class balance was pretty good at the start of this game but they completely destroyed it.

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- Levelling is far too fast to cap a toon ---> people run out of things to do aside from grind for BM gear, but why when it's only fractionally 'better' and in some case worse than Champ gear?


Leveling is a pain in the *** and rather grindly. The fact that you cant alleviate it with random roaming or at least with other wzs different from the ones that you are sick of repeating as a 50 doesn't help.

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it's a shame what is slowly happening to the game, Tor was a great idea, an a fun game (still is) but retailing the game with no content is a BAD THING!.... I talk to alot of 50s on my server, (swiftsure) an many of em are saying already they are probably not gonna make it past free month.

Understandable when you consider theres no pvp, no reason to world pvp, botting/farming BG's wears out in a day...

The raids if your into that, are always full but even if they wernt, what are you doing it for ? just to get a shiny so you can do it all again....


pointless, I dont know how to fix it, other than to start fixing pvp an stop trying to instance everything. World pvp doesn't belong in an instance, its world pvp for a reason....


I know for me, my chars are only in high 30s, an I am already feeling like I cant be bothered logging in till evening most days for as few hours.


Now I know the fanboys will call me silly names, an put down my comments, but that doesn't change anything, alot of people are getting bored already, an with GW2 coming out in 3 months, tor really needs to pick up its pace. I know I wont be subbing for another three months with the state of pvp an game in general as it stands.


my two mates quit the game last week after hitting 50 cos it was just mind numbing apparently....I am not far off, an i know of at least 3 guys who have had enough.


Just unsubbed myself after i did 76 laps around fleet lfg.

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Leveling is a pain in the *** and rather grindly. The fact that you cant alleviate it with random roaming or at least with other wzs different from the ones that you are sick of repeating as a 50 doesn't help.



I take it you're new to MMOs.


Capped a toon in around 8 days w/ messing around with alts thrown in. At a push could probably do it in 5 days. That's way, way too short.


25% of subs have a L50 char after a month ... waaaay too many. That'll go up to 40-50% over next week or two.



Solo stories aren't compatible w/ MMOs. You either need months of individual story for each class which would be nearly impossible and just makes the story drawn out, or you make a player grind for hours between each part of the story which makes it feel disjointed.


Instead? They've gone w/ short story and short levelling ... lack of end-game content which is to be expected from an MMO in its infancy period but not when it's that quick to get to end-game.


IMO, 5% of the die-hard gamers should be at 50 now and none with full sets of centurian nor champion gear yet.



The game is just far too easy in every aspect and it'll be one of its undoings. 1 month and everyone will be crazy bored.

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leveling is fun here im loving it my god if people think this is a grind play lotro lmao. This leveling is nice on here. My issue is ilum is a pos thats bieng ignored and instanced to hell. So much for 100vs100 on ilum eh gabe?


cross server pvp will be better but at the same time i see even more people leaving who think theres a community going to be ruined when bioware launched the game with out server forums and we still dont have them its just ridiculous.


Whats killing this game is there not adressing the real issue why theres more imps then reps? All the same faction pvp will never solve the issue. People are going to be sick to death of it if not already


Bioware is going to have to man up and make wookies and alien races playable for the rep side. There going to have to do it eventually it should be in the legacy thing but i doubt it.


Im on swiftsure to and i got tired of ilum b/c theres no need to group really and when its done its just to camp the rep base and then its switching ilums to avoid pvp i dont even bother with it anymore.


Im getting my alts up and giving this game 6 months to fix this open world pvp but so far all i hear is rated warzones and same faction pvp which doesnt interest me.


Heres what i would like to see


Ilum has been revamped and there is now base bosses and you can actually capture the base (not just the outside)


Ilum is no longer instanced


Weve heard your view and we now have playable wookies and alien races for the rep side to "REALLY" fix faction imbalance


sadly i dont see this happening and i think in 6 months ill make the move to consoles and forget mmos... I hope im wrong and im still here

Edited by hargrave
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Don't worry. I will be back in 6 months when the game has had many of it's issues fixed. I hope it does atleast. I mean right now PVP is ruined and it was what brought me to this game.


I do blame the people taking advantage of exploits and hacks. Not Bioware but I do hope they are even now. Hard at work trying to find ways to stop such things from working. Again it will just take time.

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It's a great game. Those are all flaws that all mmo's have. In my case I'm thinking of not continuing my subscription because I'm primarily a PVP'er, and when I'm online doesn't work for PVP. I'm on in the morning, and I can't do Illum because there's maybe 3-4 Republic there, and 7 Imps. I can't do Warzones because the queue never pops because there's not enough people queuing. Problems that would be alleviated by cross realm queuing, but whether that patch comes before my sub runs out is doubtful.


I'm not into the PVE of this game because I've never been a fan of the whole cake walk through it on normal, and just up the difficulty by changing it to hard mode or nightmare afterwards. I prefer it when the progression comes from progress in a raid, not on a difficulty setting. It just gets boring really quick the current way. It's one of the reasons PVE in WoW started to turn me off. What ever happened to progressing through a raid by boss fights? Since I'm not interested in the PVE in this game I'm pretty much playing for PVP, and when that's not working for me what else is left?

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I can tell you guys that Terra pvp is pure Awesomeness !! (im in the beta) its really something new,

and yes, GW2 coming out this summer....


my 3 months prepaid was a big mistake :( I cancelled 2 weeks ago and I dont feel like I need to log in..


Good luck to all of you guys who stick with Biofail and have fun.

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I can tell you guys that Terra pvp is pure Awesomeness !! (im in the beta) its really something new,

and yes, GW2 coming out this summer....


my 3 months prepaid was a big mistake :( I cancelled 2 weeks ago and I dont feel like I need to log in..


Good luck to all of you guys who stick with Biofail and have fun.


Thanks, Im definitely having fun and will be busy for months to come just on the single player content. And that's only playing on the rep side, also going to do imp side so that effectively gets doubled. That's just llving the various adv.classes taking different light/dark choices during the story quests + playing a male and female as well.

All of this without even doing any raiding or flashpoints atm. Some pvp no and then.

By the time I'm actually done lvling all the adv.classes on both sides, the game will have even more content by then.

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Thanks, Im definitely having fun and will be busy for months to come just on the single player content. And that's only playing on the rep side, also going to do imp side so that effectively gets doubled. That's just llving the various adv.classes taking different light/dark choices during the story quests + playing a male and female as well.

All of this without even doing any raiding or flashpoints atm. Some pvp no and then.

By the time I'm actually done lvling all the adv.classes on both sides, the game will have even more content by then.


Nothing wrong with this, you're pointing out a lot of what I often say.


1-50 PvE in this game is a blast and 10-49 pvp isn't terrible.


End game PvP is just a gear treadmill and one full of bugs and exploits at that.

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It doesn't really measure up to any of the MMO's.


8 person raids, single player content from 1-50 with the ability of getting the best gear (until 50) without ever having to interact with a single person. Even the forms of communication are restricted to within a planet or area. To engage in cross-zone chat, you have to join a custom channel and hope others are in it.


In terms of PvP, obviously it comes no where close to measuring up at all. Ilum is poorly designed, there are only 3 warzones and you can't even queue for specific ones. There is an obvious imbalance in classes, and one faction continues to dominate the other.


Bioware took the success they had from their single player RPG's (which have a great model, those games are generally well done if you ask me) and basically just made it multi-player. Banking on the Star Wars IP and this single player model was their plan since day 1, and it paid off in terms of being able to successfully market the game and get initial players, but I'm not sure how long it will sustain this success. The game is not very good, and that's why you see people quitting.

Couldn't have said it better.

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Nothing wrong with this, you're pointing out a lot of what I often say.


1-50 PvE in this game is a blast and 10-49 pvp isn't terrible.


End game PvP is just a gear treadmill and one full of bugs and exploits at that.


I'm having a bit of fun with lvl 50 as a jedi guardian, I'd probably fare better with my vanguard. But certainly the whole gear nonsense that is prevalent(because of the exploit in ilum mostly imps I think and then simple imps > reps ratio on the server atm is making the exp. very painfull. As long as I'm having fun its all great, but winning every now and then would be useful to say the least. When I have long quees + having to play with the same people and against the same people over and over again it's just sad.

If it wasn't for the pve part I'd have quit.

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