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Ability delay wins in a landslide in a 843 player survey


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Not sure what your intentions are since Bioware is already trying to fix it and, supposedly, are about to implement some fixes, but okay. Cool survey anyway.


My intention is when they actually fix it. Saying you are working on something is greatly appreciated but when a player says I wanted something fixed they do not mean I want a post saying it's under construction. I want the date of completion.


It is great they are working on it, but if they don't patch it for six months, that might be tough for the game.


Any game, or any organization, has finite resources. Bioware has said they are working on many, many things. Clearly, the devil in the details is what order they do things in, and how quickly. They have said they will fix graphics, and ability delays, and content, and bugs, and give everybody in the game a free car.


That is all great, but it assumes many things. It assumes you have continued cashflow to keep running the game as originally intended. It assumes you have time to get all that done (Blizzard needed years). So, I asked it because I think order and timing is everything.


Bioware has basically said they want to fix everything, except high-res textures which they gave a half-baked, non-committal answer on. That is good that they want to fix the game. Some developers don't even go that far.


The next question, though, is a handful of MMORPGs have the intention and potential budget to try to one day fix everything. What order do you fix them in to maximize happiness and cashflows and minimize player attrition.


They have yellow-posted almost everything except hi-res and said they will fix it eventually. By when is everything.

Edited by AmirFett
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Actually, for any poll to be representative of the population, it needs to select those questioned randomly. So this poll really only represents what those two guilds wanted, and correlation can really be made to the SWTOR population in general.


I agree with what the Wookie said ^^


Also I'd like to see their IRB approval (Imperial Research Bounty ;) )

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My intention is when they actually fix it. Saying you are working on something is greatly appreciated but when a player says I wanted something fixed they do not mean I want a post saying it's under construction. I want the date of completion.


It is great they are working on it, but if they don't patch it for six months, that might be tough for the game.


"Several of the issues brought forth by the community have already been dealt with and you should see the fixes integrated in coming patches, including those coming this month"

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"Several of the issues brought forth by the community have already been dealt with and you should see the fixes integrated in coming patches, including those coming this month"


I understand and I read that and I applaud BioWare for saying that. If they do it, great. If you think every developer pledge comes through on time or at all, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. You can't take developer comments as gospel. Developers say they will fix something within the month and they are working on it. That's great.


The developers are the provider side. I'm just trying to capture the consumer side. The consumer side is saying they want ability delay fixed within three months. So if BioWare is really going to do it in a month, great. Then this should be a big sigh of relief for all of us and it won't be a problem.

Edited by AmirFett
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I understand and I read that and I applaud BioWare for saying that. If they do it, great. If you think every developer pledge comes through on time or at all, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. You can't take developer comments as gospel. Developers say they will fix something within the month and they are working on it. That's great.


The developers are the provider side. I'm just trying to capture the consumer side. The consumer side is saying they want ability delay fixed within three months. So if BioWare is really going to do it in a month, great. Then this should be a big sigh of relief for all of us and it won't be a problem.


How much for that bridge?

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that's the silliest damn sig I've ever read in my life. OP can't be taken seriously in any fashion. Moving on.


It is silly and I don't like to be taken too seriously. I would say more about what I meant by that, but I know BioWare will close or delete the thread because they love to do that with everything.


Let's just say I think I know what your counterpoint is and I totally respect it and agree to disagree. I wrote another whole long post on that topic which you can read if you have any interest (which you probably don't), but they locked it, so I'm not going there again :)

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I want the date of completion.


This isn't ever going to happen, until they have a fix ready to deploy. There would likely be a "fix is coming during next week's downtime" type of time frame. You're not going to get an ETA weeks or months in advance. While you might understand that ETAs are subject to change, the vast majority of vocal people on this forum seem to forget that. Then what happens when they miss the ETA or the ETA needs to be pushed back? I can hazard a guess.


"Bioware lied to us! Where's our delay fix?!!!!!"


People coming from WoW should understand this. Remember the "Soon"?

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While you might understand that ETAs are subject to change, the vast majority of vocal people on this forum seem to forget that. Then what happens when they miss the ETA or the ETA needs to be pushed back? I can hazard a guess.


"Bioware lied to us! Where's our delay fix?!!!!!"


You make a good point and I have always understood what people like you are coming from on this. However, I often fail to see a difference since people complain and say they were lied and cheated to and whatever all the time anyway. It's such a huge haze of complaining about anything I think it would get incrementally hazier if they broke a deadline, but not noticeably so.


This is why I have always maintained that developer should have transparency for changes weeks and months in advance, despite the cost of having to change estimates, but I know many disagree and think there would just be more backlash.


I won't digress further because I know BioWare will close the thread.

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My intention is when they actually fix it. Saying you are working on something is greatly appreciated but when a player says I wanted something fixed they do not mean I want a post saying it's under construction. I want the date of completion.


You are a spoiled brat. You are not their boss.

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You are a spoiled brat. You are not their boss.


Ha. I'm a venture capitalist in software and healthcare. I finance companies like BioWare all the time with millions in seed and start-up capital. I'm not a brat, but I can tell you if a company told me they were going to develop something and didn't, I would have someone's job or pull my equity position. In the daytime I can do it on a large scale. At nighttime, sadly, it's just my $15 a month, but the principal to vote my mind is the same. I love the game now and they have six months of me no matter what. I will happily renew for six months if they fix ability delay, high res and game performance by then. Six months is not a crazy time-frame.


I am not a brat for expecting accountability. Accountability is the cornerstone of any commercial operation, if I remember my education at Wharton's MBA program correctly. There is no more accountability in this world.

Edited by AmirFett
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I cannot believe that people are still trying to deny that this exists in game.


There are countless youtube videos showing beyond doubt what the problem is and you only have to play WoW to instantly recognise the problem being discussed. In fact, you do not even need to purchase WoW, just play the free trial and within minutes you shall understand what the core issue is.


It has gotten to the point for people where pvping is nigh on impossible. I suspect some people believe threre is no issue because they haven't played WoW before and have played other MMOs like Aion or Warhammer where this type of clunky gameplay is commonplace and the norm.


The point is technically since everyone is subjected to the same gameplay, one could argue it is a level playing field and hence nothing should be changed. However, this is now viewed as the number one problem in the game which is disallowing itself from truly being an awesome MMO.


I implore you Bioware, as the OP said, make fixing this ability delay your number one priority and try to at least give us a timeline for when a fix can be made or if not how long it might take.


Most of us are coming to the end of the 1 free month and are really finding it hard to subscribe unless we can be sure this issue would be resolved. Like the OP said, I am definitely in agreement that I would be willing to almost forget and close an eye to all the other inconveniences in UI settings, bugs (for the most part) and other new game problems as long is this core issue is swiftly dealt with.


Finally, please don't make me quit. I raid in WoW and during my offdays I really want to play SWTOR and enjoy it. I really want to love this game like I've loved WoW for the past 6 years. I really want this game to succeed and do well and be around for years to come. I really want to not quit. Please do your best to make this one change.


Thank you.

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I actually think there is a slight bias in the question, because question 1 is a subset of question 2. Merely by putting ability delay in its own bracket you were drawing attention to it. If people selected ability delay out of a list of other bugs/specific issues that would be more telling.


On the other hand, I appreciate the hard work you put into getting nearly 900 votes, and I personally think it is one of the biggest issues in the game right now, and highlighting on the forums (again) as a representative of a large player community isn't a bad idea.


I think BW will be trying as hard as they can to address it (as per the sticky).

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You guys act as if ability delay is merely on a slider that Bioware can just move to 'instant'. It is not that easy to fix. In fact, as it is not a specific problem and more of a general performance issue, it is very hard to fix. They will need a complete reworking of the combat system to improve the speed at which it operates. However, this should have been evident right from the beginning so Bioware have no excuse for not including it. However, you guys need to remember that WoW has had around 10 years to perfect its combat system. It isn't fair to compare 'just-released' SWTOR to current wow.
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"Several of the issues brought forth by the community have already been dealt with and you should see the fixes integrated in coming patches, including those coming this month"


That is a great example of a nonanswer if I ever saw one, seriously, politicians could learn from that one.


"Several of the issues brought forth" that includes everything from what is discussed here repeatedly as well as to the myriad of bugs submitted trough tickets.


"Have allready been dealt with and you should see the fixes integrated in coming patches." No, you can't both have fixed and not fixed an issue, internal builds doesn't help the playing community one bit and with the frequency they are patching, some of that stuff should had been in. Especially if it had been fixed.


"Including those coming this month." Again, this could be anything from ranging to bugs on quests or people getting killed by taxis.


Mind you, he's not lying one bit in the sentence, that's what makes it so brilliant, however everything it says is so vague that BW can defend it against anything and any complaint about lack of important fixes there might be.

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I respect and appreciate your skepticism, as I know we are now in the age where having skepticism and doubt and conspiracy views about everything is popular. I will only say, yes, I understand, if I saw something like this I might think that too, I did actually do it, I do actually play ToR (feel free to write me on my current alt Lightyouup), I did it to try to help, and I did actually collect that many people.


The number happened to be 843 because that's how many responded. In fact, most numbers for poll responses are not even numbers like 100 or 500 or whatever.


Anyway, I respect your skepticism but I put a good amount of work over a week putting up the survey and harassing people (friends) in-game to answer and we all found it interesting so I thought I'd share. If you want to completely disregard it as suspicious or poorly worded or whatever, that's totally fine. It's free information and I did it to be nice and I won't lose any sleep over having taken my time to try to do something nice to help support a game I like.




Nice try! It's obvious this is an elaborate conspiracy perpetrated by yourself in hopes of improving the game for the better. For shame, you... for shame.

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Shocking how they're actually working on fixing that one thing!


Also that poll is pretty misleading, as it completely precludes those who have no issues or are coping just fine. It's a poll asking people who have problems to identify their most annoying problem the inherent bias hardly makes it poignant.

Edited by TradewindNQ
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Posting to rate (5).



It's a level of hubris I cannot fathom - how developers as established as Bioware/EA could assume people will pay a monthly fee to play a game that does meet this minimum threshold of responsiveness and basic gameplay functionality.


Though, with so many respected developers failing in the MMOs space, I suppose it's shouldn't come as such a surprise.


Bioware spent their money on Story, for better or for worse. They chose this path willingly.


My subscription has been cancelled for two weeks.

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You guys act as if ability delay is merely on a slider that Bioware can just move to 'instant'. It is not that easy to fix.


I know it is not that easy at all, and I also know BW has a lot to do. I'm just saying that, my silly poll aside, I am becoming increasingly convinced from seeing people in-game, out of game, online, reading forums here and on other sites, reading gaming magazines, working in the industry, that this ability issue, without exaggeration, could be the deathknell of the game.


Look, I know it's fun to take this "don't let the door hit you on your back" attitude for ex-WoW or concurrent WoW players who complain about things in WoW they want here. However, SWTOR needs a lot of those people to have enough cash to not significantly change their ambitions for game design, game correction and the future of the product. Believe me, they do.


It is such a huge albatross that if like 90% of the staff is not working on this one issue, I think that's a pretty dangerous decision. Literally it should be only ability delay and critical issues that cause the game to go blue screen IF THEY ARE FOCUSED ON THE GAME'S LONG-TERM SURVIVAL.


Let me emphasize again - I couldn't care less. I am not a "brat" and I will play this for 6 months, even a year probably, no matter what. And I am fine with whatever they do here. I just visualize a bright potential future for this game and I don't want it to be another "could've, should've, would've" MMORPG. I'm not a brat. I'm trying to help in my completely insignificant way.

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