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AOE 9k+ Guardian burst is higher than Operatives - Please nerf them!


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Apples to Oranges.


In order to accomplish what you see in the screenshot you take a FOCUS build and gear for DPS, and basically dump a lot of points into Force Sweep enhancing abilities. In order to get those numbers you have to prepare by going through your whole Force Stasis/Choke, down all the consumables you can, and hopefully get your sweep off without being blasted in the air before you execute the move, or before your opponents move out of range.


Operatives and Scoundrels can just walk up behind you stealthed, down the consumables, and two or three shot you. The most you manage to do most of the time with this effect for Guardians is you lower the HP of a lot of people so that other people can actually kill them. The cooldown on Force Sweep prevents this effect from doing anything that even remotely compares to Ops or Scoundrels.


This, plus if you notice he has stacked - 15% expertise buff (pickup) > 15% expertise buff (consumable) > Adrenal > Stim.


This is not something that can be achieved constantly unlike the OPerative.

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This, plus if you notice he has stacked - 15% expertise buff (pickup) > 15% expertise buff (consumable) > Adrenal > Stim.


This is not something that can be achieved constantly unlike the OPerative.


LMAO, it's EXACTLY the same thing Operatives are doing. Except they're not doing 23K damage in 1 attack...

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dont be redicilus watch the pics carefully..this guardian first use rakata 136 str 56+ power next he use another rakata potion that boost about 536 power! + full buffs there you go...and btw you dont wanna see an operative-sniper-assasin-sorcerer-mercanry and all ther others classes with the same potions etc...the one who talking about jungernaut op are totaly dumb by far the most underpower class that needs boost and dont forget juggernaut its only smash its meele it can be kite prety easy many skills have bugs and if you are rage and thats mean -1 survability in other side all the other classes have alot better survability and can do better damage Edited by Elpantheon
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Anyone who find the JG/SJ OPed needs to stop their current class and go level one before they say another word...this is what i'm going to do to the specs i've seen that I thought where too powerful...well what better way than to actually EXPERIENCE it from their side of things. To see if you are indeed correct or you are simply miscaculating things in the wake of defeat. Edited by JoeOrno
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Yes it is stupid for the survivability and CC they have to put out damage which is competitive to that of Sentinels. I am sorry, but how the hell can you consider this balanced?




We are FAR from OPed.




And to get ANY CC other than what I think Sentinels get you HAVE to spec to the 3rd row from the top in the Defensive tree.



We are easily the most underpowered class ingame and I can deal equel damage to my Guardian on my level 11 trooper and with more reliable hits. :rolleyes:

Edited by JoeOrno
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We are FAR from OPed.




And to get ANY CC other than what I think Sentinels get you HAVE to spec to the 3rd row from the top in the Defensive tree.



We are easily the most underpowered class ingame and I can deal equel damage to my Guardian on my level 11 trooper and with more reliable hits. :rolleyes:


Let's see here.


Survivability of Jugg/Guardian > Survivability of Sentinel (nothing wrong here and expected)


Utility of Jugg/Guardian > Utility of Sentinel (Force Push is one of the best PvP CCs and you know it)


DPS of Jugg/Guardian ~ DPS of Sentinel (ridiculous considering the mentioned factors above)


Now tell me. What the hell do we have compared to a Jugg/Guardian when our survivability is A LOT inferior, we have limited utility and our DPS advantage is laughable?


I am not saying you are OP, I am saying that Sentinels need some serious tweaking in order to be as competitive as other classes.

Edited by Metallistic
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Let's see here.


Survivability of Jugg/Guardian > Survivability of Sentinel (nothing wrong here and expected)


Utility of Jugg/Guardian > Utility of Sentinel (Force Push is one of the best PvP CCs and you know it)


DPS of Jugg/Guardian ~ DPS of Sentinel (ridiculous considering the mentioned factors above)


Now tell me. What the hell do we have compared to a Jugg/Guardian when our survivability is A LOT inferior, we have limited utility and our DPS advantage is laughable?


Oh dang forgot Push was Guardian only...my bad there.


But none the less....We do not equate to your damage..trust me....yes our CC is good but the vast majority of the time without help we cannot burn down a decent target.


The sentinels I play alongside have excelled in PvP....they can burn down targets I couldn't possibly hurt alone. I plan on playing a Sentinel eventually but as of now in my PvP experience...the Damage of the Sentinel/Marauder more than makes up for everything else.

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The sentinels I play alongside have excelled in PvP....they can burn down targets I couldn't possibly hurt alone. I plan on playing a Sentinel eventually but as of now in my PvP experience...the Damage of the Sentinel/Marauder more than makes up for everything else.

Trust me, I too have my moments with my Sentinel and I really like the dots with the Watchman build. But there are some times where I end up scratching my head. We are too much of a glass cannon class type. It is quite clear we need some tweaks and no I am not saying that Sentinels by the class itself is useless but when COMPARED to other classes the weaknesses become so evident and overwhelming.
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Let's see here.


Survivability of Jugg/Guardian > Survivability of Sentinel (nothing wrong here and expected)


Utility of Jugg/Guardian > Utility of Sentinel (Force Push is one of the best PvP CCs and you know it)


DPS of Jugg/Guardian ~ DPS of Sentinel (ridiculous considering the mentioned factors above)


Now tell me. What the hell do we have compared to a Jugg/Guardian when our survivability is A LOT inferior, we have limited utility and our DPS advantage is laughable?


I am not saying you are OP, I am saying that Sentinels need some serious tweaking in order to be as competitive as other classes.


Survivability of Jugg/Guardian sentinels have same shield ability and the tryndamere wanna be last stands ability that take about 10-15-20 damage and non stop stealth varnish stun etc...


we have push you have root yours exept in huttball is far better for focus

Jugg/Guardian > mara/senti now we laughing..the only ability that you can see a good number in juggernaut is smash and if you are rage(thats mean -1 survability to) mara-sentinels have tons of dots and far better white damage than juggernauts you dont see very big numbers but you see very fast medium-ok damage that continiue till he cut your head of

Edited by Elpantheon
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Let's see here.

Survivability of Jugg/Guardian > Survivability of Sentinel (nothing wrong here and expected)


Utility of Jugg/Guardian > Utility of Sentinel (Force Push is one of the best PvP CCs and you know it)


DPS of Jugg/Guardian ~ DPS of Sentinel (ridiculous considering the mentioned factors above)


Now tell me. What the hell do we have compared to a Jugg/Guardian when our survivability is A LOT inferior, we have limited utility and our DPS advantage is laughable?


I am not saying you are OP, I am saying that Sentinels need some serious tweaking in order to be as competitive as other classes.




Nice one dude...nice one

making up stuff only because 1 class has heavy armor and other medium.

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Oh dang forgot Push was Guardian only...my bad there.


But none the less....We do not equate to your damage..trust me....yes our CC is good but the vast majority of the time without help we cannot burn down a decent target.


The sentinels I play alongside have excelled in PvP....they can burn down targets I couldn't possibly hurt alone. I plan on playing a Sentinel eventually but as of now in my PvP experience...the Damage of the Sentinel/Marauder more than makes up for everything else.


Can I have some of what you're smoking?

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From a class that can tank, leap and wear heavy armor and stop most incoming damage.


Bioware, please address this immediately or I will delete my supposedly "OP" operative class and quit!


Your view is obviously flawed. Not all guardians are tanks, and your screenshot shows the person is not in tanking stance. Second, the person is under all possible buffs and consumables. Looks like full pvp gear as well. And judging by the armour of the target, it seems that was some lowbie without expertise. So go figure.


Also, I think full focus sentinel has more survivability options than full focus guardian.

Edited by Dalnar
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Anyone is able to indentify all the buff we see in the picture ?


All possible buffs, trinkets, adrenals....its not much of guardian. Its just math and how it stacks. Obviously consumables should have diminishing returns.

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All possible buffs, trinkets, adrenals....its not much of guardian. Its just math and how it stacks. Obviously consumables should have diminishing returns.


No, obviously buffs should not stack. I.E. Only one power buff can be active at a time, only one expertise buff active at a time.

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So? Operatives can stun you once and kill you before you can get out of the said stun regardless of your spec or armor class.

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Let's see here.


Survivability of Jugg/Guardian > Survivability of Sentinel (nothing wrong here and expected)


Utility of Jugg/Guardian > Utility of Sentinel (Force Push is one of the best PvP CCs and you know it)


DPS of Jugg/Guardian ~ DPS of Sentinel (ridiculous considering the mentioned factors above)


Now tell me. What the hell do we have compared to a Jugg/Guardian when our survivability is A LOT inferior, we have limited utility and our DPS advantage is laughable?


I am not saying you are OP, I am saying that Sentinels need some serious tweaking in order to be as competitive as other classes.


A Sentinel has more survivability than a guardian doing their max damage and they are going to be doing more damage.


Now a guardian might be able to get better survivability than a sentinel, but they wont be doing as much damage as a sentinel then.


Its dumb to compare utility since its so subjective, but sentinels have plenty of utility.


Personally I think its stupid to act like either one is much better if you are assuming they are both using focus.


There is no question that a sentinel and guardian beating on the same thing in a vacuum would see the sentinel win.


I dont know if you are trying to provoke people or you just dont know what you are talking about. Either way someone who is looking for credible information should ignore you.

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