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Who would YOU like to see as added companions? [Potential Spoilers]


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On the jedi knight side: Lord Praven because you can be the start of his story not just the catalyst. He is a Sith shown with a deep understanding of both honor and right/wrong.

: Watcher One if he lives, you could be his story. Show him the wider galaxy. I think he would also be a great moral/philisophical foil to the knight or even any republic player.

: Force sensitive Flesh Raider could be interesting but not a first choice by any means.

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On the Imp side: (Insert Rank) Rutau. Who is he? Well, remember the quests involving a droid factory and a missing platoon on Balmorra? Remember how there was only one survivor, with a goal to infect the droids with a virus, and how he would try even through he had a broken ankle and was alone? Yeah, him. Edited by Hydranova
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omg I remember him and thinking damn you go boy.....he would be a nice addition. I was also thinking after running through the Nar Shaddaa bonus on my SI that the Twi'lek whose force sensitivity was awakened by being tortured, he would make a lovely addition esp to my warrior, playing a female SW I want Vette to find love :). And a tauntaun.....I want a tauntaun...as a pet though I think.
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Sadly I still like Quinn.....maybe because I can see where his line of thinking was going but really think they should have changed or eliminated it...it really doesn't work. And I so want to jettison the droid. Or at least mute him permanently. But I still want the jedi from Jaesa's ship, yep...he can see the error of his ways and come get some cookies...
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On the Imp side: (Insert Rank) Rutau. Who is he? Well, remember the quests involving a droid factory and a missing platoon on Balmorra? Remember how there was only one survivor, with a goal to infect the droids with a virus, and how he would try even through he had a broken ankle and was alone? Yeah, him.



That guy was awesome. I think he was a Lieutenant.


I personally want Darth Vowrawn for my Sith Warrior. He seemed like a pretty cool guy :cool:. Also Master Timmns (Guy that helped you defeat Ekkage). Me and him parted as friends :rolleyes:


Thana Vesh also for all Empire side classes.

Edited by Ardim
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Sith Warrior: Sharack Breev, the ranger lady from Tatooine. When I returned from the Dune Sea at the end of the Warrior's questline on Tatooine, I thought she was about to propose, if not join the party. She'd make a nice complement to the group as well with a sniper rifle.


Sith Inquisitor: Harkun, definitely. A nice way to turn the tables and bring the story full circle.


Imperial Agent: Mia Hawkins and Aristocra Saganu. My female Chiss IA has never forgotten Saganu (Aristocra is his rank, fyi), and it ended with Saganu arranging for my IA to be adopted into the Chiss aristocracy. Saganu's noble family, in fact.


Bounty Hunter: Anyone to replace Skadge. Chrysta from Dromund Kaas would work, or an assassin droid.


Jedi Consular: Pull a Sith and redeem a Sith apprentice. Both Sith classes get to corrupt Padawans, so why not turn the tables?


Trooper: A Mandalorian (and there is a pro-Republic splinter) would make a very interesting addition to Havoc Squad.

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Afew, Just In general ones for Imperials at the second.


Lt. Rutaru, from the Okara Droid factory on Balmorra.

Captain(?) Venn, From the Misson with the Snipers on Balmorra again.

OHK-99... if you went Dark side on the Misson with them.


Not sure who else for General use at the second.

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As a FemSmugg and avid Corso Hater.


I'd like to see Numen Brock, from Balmorra, as a Smuggler companion. I'm honestly surprised he isn't on the main post.


He's charming, witty, brave, generous and way more fun than the majority of current Smuggler Companions. He's a wasted Twi'lek. WASTED!


Totally agree !

My smuggler wants Numen Brock and Beryl Thorne on her ship.

Edited by Aryksa
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Imperial Agent: Mia Hawkins and Aristocra Saganu. My female Chiss IA has never forgotten Saganu (Aristocra is his rank, fyi), and it ended with Saganu arranging for my IA to be adopted into the Chiss aristocracy. Saganu's noble family, in fact.



I totally agree! we should start a thread just for Saganu :o we want him as a companion! please Bioware, that poor Saganu is feeling so lonely far from his beloved "Red Flame", make him happy. Make US fangirls happy! :)

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The only character I've played to level 50 is the trooper, so I don't know how all of the other-classes story NPC's end up. That being said, for my Trooper, I'd like :



Fuse. I totally want Fuse on my squad. I doubt it will happen- too many people probably killed him off (although, if you leave and never see a body, they could always say he got out somehow...). But he'd be my pick if I was picking.


Edited by ElhonnaDS
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Jadus. I know the odds are, as a droid would say, statistically impossible, but my God, I would love to have Darth Jadus as a companion. I mean, the Jedi Knight gets Lord Scourge, the previous Emperor's Wrath. Inquisitors get Khem Val, a Dashade, not to mention Xalek the Kaleesh.


Now we look at the Agent's team. Kaliyo, complete psycho. Vector, a Killik joiner (but my favorite companion nonetheless), Lokin, who distinctly reminds me of a pedofile, Raina Temple, who is a bit unhinged, and SCORPIO, which is like if HK-47 ever had a spouse. C'mon, it just makes absolute sense for Jadus to fit in here. :jawa_tongue:


Put my vote forward for Watcher Two and Mia Hawkins, as well.

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I can only speak from a jedi knight side (and early in the story to boot) but from what i e read and seen and read i would like to see more force senastive types, maybe some choice. For example id like to have a selection of NPCs presented to me over the course of a questline, at the end of which id take one on as a padawan (or relavent trainee depending on class) the padawan would the develope based on my choices in game into a certain type of jedi (light/dark, knight/gaurdian etc). Id also like too see companions who bring more the. Crafting and fighting back up. Like a force ghost who offers guidance for quests or a trader who gets special items.
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Although I am warming up to Ashara as I progress, I really, really would like to see Thana Vesh either as a Sith Inquisitor or general Imperial faction companion/romance.


As others have stated, this could be unlocked with the Taris bonus quests; for those who made decisions which might make companionship problematic, cybernetics are a wonderful fix.


Of course, if you let it get that far, you probably didn't like her and don't want her as a companion anyway...

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More force-sensitives companions.

An converted Sith would be good


Possibility to train a non-Jedi/Sith companion to be a Jedi (like KOTOR 2).

A character with +250 affection will revealed to be force-sensitive and become your padawan.


HK unit.

NOT HK-47. I would hate to see hundreds of HK-47 running around. HK-47 is unique.

I want a HK-60.

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A better romance for Inquisitors. Yes, Ashara is an interesting storyline, but it's really easy to just not play the way she likes and you're locked out of that part of the story. I was rather nice to her and built up affection, but was simply never presented with any flirt options. I have no idea what I did to alienate her. But either way, pleasing her was completely contrary to how I was playing my Inquisitor. I didn't want peace, I wanted victory. Every nice thing I said to her was a lie. Inquisitors need a romance that will add to them, rather than detract. I think the issue really is complete lack of choice. Ashara seems to require such a specific playstyle and everyone else is locked out.


This obviously only applies to male Inquisitors. Andronnikos is awesome and my Inquisitor would go gay for him if it were available.



Though I would have romanced Zash if she hadn't... you know...


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I don't know if the cather girl for the BH's you mention




Is murghir, but if you do mean her, you can scrap her cuz she dies at the end of balmorra (killed by the character)


Edited by Thyse
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