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Patch 1.1 - Rise of the Rakghouls Trailer


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Well I think it is great they are going to be adding some new content already. Good sign.


Not gonna lie though. I wish it was anything under the sun besides dealing with Rakghouls again. For whatever reason, Taris seemed to be the most tedious planet I have encountered in the game from a questing standpoint. Had to chuckle that the update was related to them.




Now hopefully there will be some good news in other departments working on other elements related to gameplay and teh game itself.


/crosses fingers

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Its not that I hate zombies or anything, its just that its been really overdone in games these last few years. Could have went for something a little less copy/pastish, you know?


I'm with you.


I love apocalyptic zombie-type stories.... my favorite genre of all time.


but in yet another game ?.... meh....



there have been SOOOOO many as of late in the entertainment industry.



so I'm not excited at all by this storyline.... I love the pace of releases it conveys.... but another virus taking over that you have to kill your best friend....again...meh.



but on that same zombie note: I 'am' excited about WWZ movie coming out soon ( if they ever release it without shooting people with real guns on the set ).




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Ah nice.. topic replies being deleted.. oh well.. I only want to say I, and many others, expected other type of content where the Republic and Empire are fighting each other.. Alot of people play this game because of the movies, fights between the Republic and Empire would be the most logical pick..


WoW did the same.. every NPC telling both sides are at war, but here is some threat that threatens everybody... sorry.. this is lame, alot of us just want big battles between both sides.. sorry Bio, but now I am really done with the game.. Back to EVE for me where players make the story..

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Why is everyone so butthurt they introduced zombies? It's fun to blast zombies, period. You're just offended cause the Rakghouls look like you I bet. ;)


I think because of the quest lines on Taris.


Seriously, there is one side quest that you have to "Kill 20 Rakghouls" then once you finish you like "ah now it will update to something better" then BAM next quest update "Kill 40 Rakghouls" I mean jeezus can we be more unoriginal??


Now its an entire FP and soon to be expansion...1 word...ugh

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good lord... the they're jumping on the "twilight" bandwagon...


how do we attract more 13 year olds to this game? ZOMBIES!!!!!


You know I'm not a huge fan of the mob choice either as I said in my other post but it isn't like these are new. They're already in the game and play a major focal point for the story line on one planet so I'm a bit confused by some of the responses in this thread acting like they pulled this concept out of thin air to compete with modern trends in media and entertaininment.


Anyways wouldn't a better comparison be The Walking Dead anyhow?



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swtor is now a zombie game.


Sorry but that is just sad.


No it is not. Just because there is one flashpoint where you have to fight infected people does not turn the entire game into a zombie game. Its like saying star wars is about zombies because the Rakghouls were already part of starwars.

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Hey everybody!


We've recently had to remove several posts from this thread. Please keep all replies and discussions directly related to the Rise of the Rakghouls trailer. If you wish to discuss the quality of graphics, specifically high resolution textures, please join in this ongoing discussion here:


[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


Thanks for understanding!

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It's been made clear in swtor that they are alive.


They serve the same purpose/fulfill the same function/quack like a duck. A ZOMBIE duck, that is.

Edited by Katharis
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It's been made clear in swtor that they are alive.


So were the infected in Danny Boyle's 28 Days Later. That doesn't stop people (even the marketing team for the film itself) from referring to them as zombies!



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meh, im more interested in bug fixes and class changes that are coming in 1.1


honestly though, zombies, not very creative given the amount of back-story there is in the star wars universe not to mention all the other games that have already covered that base over and over....


You write something then...

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The video looked cool in concept but in the real world everyone will just be barking for you to space bar any cut scene so they can run through it as fast as possible. If what we saw was not a cut scene then it's even more far fetched that a group would approach a mob slow and cautiously. More like 'keep up of your kicked' as they all run in not even knowing what, who, or why they are killing. Edited by Twolow
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You write something then...


Didn't you know?

All the great writers and minds are too lazy to bless us with their talent.

So they bash others to keep them down so they can feel good about throwing away their gifts. ;)


I like it, it's content.


I mean I guess to some people a blatant cartoonish kung-fu panda ripoff in pastel and pink highlights is better? :confused:

Edited by Fraxture
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