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Companions are a part of you , you should roll for gears for them.


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If the companion did not contribute to the success of the group then you shouldn't roll need for the gear.


When people need for companions and they are not even using that companion at the time I will leave the group and go find some players who want to group up and work together as a team.


Being selfish and greedy about loot is a really good way to ensure you rarely see more than 1 boss in a Flashpoint. Being fair and considerate is a great way to ensure you never have problems finding a group. When you never have problems finding a group, the loot will come in time, even when you are rolling greed.

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I can't wait until I run into the guy that decides he's going to roll need on items for himself and ALL of his companions.


That's really the crux of the problem. But even if it's just for one companion it's still two completely separate avatars worth of gear when most of us are just rolling need for one.


I would have much preferred they made companion gear exclusive to companions. They actually have some gear rewarded through quests like this. Why not make all companion gear in this way and make the player spend commendations or credits to buy it.


That is probably the best way to handle it but it would likely require quite a bit more time to put in. I'd even have the flashpoint bosses drop the commendations regularly just to make sure you COULD get something for your companions out of flashpoints as well that didn't come at the expense of a player character.

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I would much rather prefer if companions could only use "companion only" gear. They actually have some gear rewarded through quests that are exclusive to companions already. Why not make all companion gear in this way and make the player spend commendations or credits to buy it.


Now that is an awesome idea.

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Moot original thread topic is moot about being moot while maintaining moot mootness...




Talk to your group. Agree on how to handle issue. Issues come up even after? Boot or quit --> /ignore




Also, I am glad I am playing on my server.


What seems to be a big issue elsewhere has been nonexistent for me...


Yup this has never come up for me either. Everyone I've grouped with Rolls need for stuff for themselves and greed for companions/selling.

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If the companion did not contribute to the success of the group then you shouldn't roll need for the gear.


When people need for companions and they are not even using that companion at the time I will leave the group and go find some players who want to group up and work together as a team.


Being selfish and greedy about loot is a really good way to ensure you rarely see more than 1 boss in a Flashpoint. Being fair and considerate is a great way to ensure you never have problems finding a group. When you never have problems finding a group, the loot will come in time, even when you are rolling greed.


But but but..you do know a lot of are leaving on the 20th. Meaning we need to get the gear before you, assuming you plan on playing past the first free month. If not then you must understand. Surely ^^

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Its not split, the vast majority agree you should not roll for pets over a player. Thats the standard rule of thumb. Therefore if the a player intends to roll for pet should say so before starting or even answering a call for LFG.


Ive luckily hadnt had the displeasure of being teamed with those people and those that do, ask. The WORST I have come across is the guy that waits for everyone to greed before and thats really not bad as its my own fault for not thinking of it myself and can simply be attributed to him comparing, and typing out the question.


Point is, you dont expect the people to make sure that someone else in the group will go against what is the generally accepted rule. Nor can you justify it. Im sure every single "pet ninja" here knows most people will not like that ... the fact they HIDE it until they have already rolled shows their intent.


Well, in point of fact the community is "split". Your own comments indicate so, and I am only arguing semantics here.


You say the "vast majority" which indicates the community is split between the majority and minority. In this, I agree with you and I wish that the forums still had a "Poll" option so we could get a sample of where the split lies.


I do think (and agree with you) that most players feel that Need is for your toon only and that Companions are a Greed roll.


However, since enough of the player base feels otherwise, a clear, explicit conversation prior to the Instance is the only solution. All others have inherent flaws.


This has been covered over and over in many, many threads.


Thus, my original point, this thread is moot.





Edit: (Since I have read the other threads, here are the flaws in the other solutions:)


1.) Class only Need availability: So, hypothetically, a Heavy Armor Aim piece drops. Let's say I already have that piece. I would want the IA to pick up the piece using Need for Kaliyo. Class only would make that impossible and introduce the risk of making a run and *no one* getting an iitem they can use on any level except to sell.


2.) A "Need for Companion" button. The Ninja would just stay on the "Need" button. The Need for Companion button would only help honorable players, who are already honorable and not causing issues anyway... Pointless extra button.


Again, only solution --> Conversation.

Edited by pjskull
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1- then everyone would be rolling on basically EVERYTHING

2- they are only apart of you in PVE if you have them out? Sure tell your group you are rolling for them because they are helping your group

3- if you are in a 4 man group, what exactly did your companion do to help the other 3 people there?

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That's really the crux of the problem. But even if it's just for one companion it's still two completely separate avatars worth of gear when most of us are just rolling need for one.


You shouldn't be rolling for one. You should be rolling for whichever companion you use too.


'Course, they could simplify the whole process by letting you only roll need on stuff that you or your active companion can use.



I really think the difference in opinion boils down to what people think the game is. A single player game where you occasionally group/interact with other people, with a chat system, or a multiplayer game that forces you to do some "singleplayer" stuff to get to the better muliplayer stuff.


I can totally see why endgame raiders (and the like) would think that rolling need for companions is absurd/rude. And I can totally see why other players who only ever group to finish off heroics they've picked up while doing their class stories or get the title or w/e from a flashpoint would see needing for companions as obviously correct. I see this game as the latter. My companion's gear is simply another 8 or whatever slots that directly affect my combat potential the vast majority of the time. *both* companion and PC are "pixels". Neither one is me. I'm sitting at a keyboard controlling both.

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You shouldn't be rolling for one. You should be rolling for whichever companion you use too.



No, I'd much rather roll for one, my main player character (not including companions). That's what I view as customary and fairest. Frankly I think that the significant majority of others view this matter the same way. I'll gear my companions from what I get off greed rolls, commendations, purchases, quests, etc.

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If you need it need it. That means for your comp also. If they need it need it.




You are there to get loot, not to make friends. If the loot drops can help you. It's in your right to need it.




People can whine all they want, but that is how it is.

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If you need it need it. That means for your comp also. If they need it need it.




You are there to get loot, not to make friends. If the loot drops can help you. It's in your right to need it.




People can whine all they want, but that is how it is.


You are what people hate when it comes to grouping with people outside of a guild, You are also why a lot of people protest against cross server lfg. Your nasty selfish attitude brings down the rest of an MMO's unwritten community stance on looting in a group, Gongrats on killing the fair play most people have.

Edited by Asfrina
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If you need it need it. That means for your comp also. If they need it need it.




You are there to get loot, not to make friends. If the loot drops can help you. It's in your right to need it.




People can whine all they want, but that is how it is.


Thats because your selfish and a reason why i would never pug

Edited by Andyonme
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This problem would be solved if BW would include special 'companion' drops along with those that are meant for players. For instance, group of players goes for Taral V, each boss drops one piece as it always was the case plus 'companion' unique (player is not able to wear them) one and then there are more reasons for going to flashpoints and no one is offended nor acting like rude, selfish arse. Problem that could be easily solved this way since obviously, loot is something that is important to majority.
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This again, I guess this will come up until the game makes a mechanic to deal with it. If you roll need for companion use when a group member needs for their character, you are a waste of dna. Stop being greedy and egocentric and try being a member of a community. (in general, not directed to any particular person)
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Haven't had a problem gearing up two companions. I make sure to kill as many strong or elite mobs that block any path I am taking and end up with "extra" world tokens which I use to gear my companions.


Perhaps it's not by game design, but I find it works. Don't be afraid of taking out those elite mobs and having tokens drop ;)

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honestly... I don't know why people bother to think so hard about each scenerio. I couldn't be bother with "oh, if no one needs, then you can ask if you can "need" for your companion."

I treat my companion (pet/slave) as like step-child, they get whatever is left-overs.

Sure, I will gear them, but only when I accidentally got an item for them.

Heck, sometimes I even forgot about them, or they are on a crew mission and i don't bother to wait and rather to get the credit.

and I had no problem whatsoever to get to lvl 50, and now, I don't even need them. So stop thinking so damn hard about gearing up your companion. just use the mission reward / left-overs, you will be fine.

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