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Zones/Planets are Just dead..


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In WoW things happens in the world, even if it is as scripted as anywhere else. In some areas you have predators suddently attacking prey. I've seen wolves hunt after critters. There are some bears in Northrend that are standing by a river and actually fishing for food, sometimes they get lucky, other times they don't.


A rabbit running across a meadow, a squirrel ducking behind a tree, a roach spreading its wings and fluttering about before landing another place, two mobs engaging in conversation a patroller coming in to join them, perhaps berate them, then walks off again.



TOR lacks all these small touches that serves to make the gameworld something other than a field where you kill things. Even the wamprats in Anchorhead on Tatooine are just another kind of angry mobs that will attack you if you get too close.


There is nothing in the game that tells the story about the zone, with one exception, the Nightmare Forest on Voss. Whatever the designers were on when they made that should had been given to them earlier because you can actually feel what the zone is about just from being in it. It still lacks the small touches like critters and such but goddammit it actually has an atmossphere and an ambience beyond "field with groups of 2-4 mobs, kill at your own leassure."


Personally I always thought of WoW as just a big "field where you kill things," I often joke with my friends that Azeroth is a pretty dismal place since everything in it exists simply to wait for something to come kill it. That is about the extent of the player's interaction with all of these things, aside from idly observing them I guess. Sounds like what you really want is to go outside, like the real outside.

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It is, it's the small things that matters, sure you can get the big things wrong, who cares about the big things, who cares if the modellers uses trees that only grows on two seperate continent, what matters is that it's a forest, it's there and it looks like a forest.


However if they didn't put in the sound of the birds, rustling of leaves in the wind and critters, your mind will scream at you "PAY ATTENTION! SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE!!!" because it doesn't -feel- like a forest.


This is what a forest is:

Trees scattered on a field in large enough quantities, in the woods there are birds, you can hear the leaves and you can see animals if lucky.


TOR so far gets the first part right in that they show what a given place looks like, they just never show what ANY of the places feel like (Nightmare Forest excepted and that's still only 50 % right).


It's like the Uncanney Valley: it might look human but it doesn't feel human.


It may not be a major factor to some people but there is no doubt that details make a world more or less alive. On one hand there are some nice details in the game. Much of the architecture is awesome for example. Buildings and ruins look very nice in some areas. It's much like the sky traffic in Coruscant. If you took away the traffic animations it would affect the view drastically. I feel that many of the environments in TOR miss this kind of detail and it shows.

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Can't say I disagree.


While I enjoy the game, the planets feel too big, the amount of running from a to b you have to endure is brutal compared to any other games I've played.


I wouldn't necessarily say they're big. I think it 's more of the illusion of making it feel like a big world by forcing you to take certain paths and corridors that wind back and forth to get to your objectives. I don't think most of the planets would feel very large at all if there weren't so many boundaries blocking you.


It's quite sad when you're exploring a new zone for the first time, and you find yourself afraid to venture off the road for fear that you may have to backtrack a long ways because you've hit a dead end.

Edited by UA_Wookie
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Can't say I disagree.


While I enjoy the game, the planets feel too big, the amount of running from a to b you have to endure is brutal compared to any other games I've played.


hehe, i feel the complete opposit. Only thing that makes it feel "big" is that they made so many quests "go from A to B, then all the way back to A and back to B and C for some new quests. Then loop it at all quest hubs sort of. thats the impression i got, especially before i got a speeder.



And to all that replied to my earlier post in this thread, thank you for your inputs and even so im feeling a bit disapointed that it most likely wont be any difference im still going to endure the journey just to see it for myself.

Thankfully they did well on the city scenes anyway, gives me a Blade Runner feel at times =) To bad they lost creativity somewhere. Oh well.

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There is plenty of people when I play.Generally too many when I go for the quest item or Bonus Boss.It might depend on your world.Everyone has their own opinion but to me there is enough folks around.Reason I left a Guild was they wanted everyone in the same instant.I guess they wanted to sing We Are The World or something.I don't need someone to hold my hand thru the game.I'm not into the herd mentality.
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Its like someone forget to press the play button and everything is on pause ..




But I doubt much will change sadly.

KotOR wasn't really full of life either...


Still - I'd LOVE situation to improve. IMO: It's perhaps even more important than actually adding sharp textures to the game instead of this mud we have now!

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Personally I always thought of WoW as just a big "field where you kill things," I often joke with my friends that Azeroth is a pretty dismal place since everything in it exists simply to wait for something to come kill it. That is about the extent of the player's interaction with all of these things, aside from idly observing them I guess. Sounds like what you really want is to go outside, like the real outside.


No, it's just the small things you notice when you are out there killing things, and it makes the gamefield feel more alive.


All MMO's of this genre is about mobs standing in fields waiting for you to kill them, TOR is just very obvious about it.

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Well, I'll disagree with your disagreement. Played WoW from launch until December 18th this year. If you are anywhere besides Cataclysm zones, it's mostly empty. Yet WoW still has 11 million customers...................


PvP in WoW is almost exclusively done is battlegrounds. While some so called 'world' PvP happens, it's almost extinct in WoW.


You do realise that 10.75 million of those are Chinese accounts, which are hourly subscription based.

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Oh you hear that guys? This isn't a matter of "give it time." Phew, that's good to know, 'cause here I was giving them time, now that I know this though I'll just quit the game now because I know that 3 weeks in is as good as this game is gonna get. 'Cause that's what happens with all online games right? They peak within the first month apparently


Aside from your obvious fanboyism.


You DO realize to solve what is being discussed here, BW will have to TEAR ALL PLANETS APART right?


If you bothered to READ. I know reading comprehension and critical thinking are lacking among the biodrones....you would notice that there are different problems compounded into one. Which is the worlds feeling empty.


The problems so far as discussed by the intelligent are as follows.


1)The maps are designed as a single player game. Corridors everywhere making the illusion that the game world is big...when its actually not.


2)NPC's doing absolutely NOTHING but stand around waiting to be killed.


3)No little details like you would find in a real world. Note to biodrones-No, we are not asking realism. We are asking to put SOME detail found in the real world.


What i would also add is-


1)heavily instanced world


2)low cap on servers.


In order for BW to "fix" all that, means that they will rip their whole game apart. BW will just not do that...for now...or ever. So then you ask...then whats the point of bringing this up derp derp?


1)hope the BW can touch it up as much as they can without breaking apart anything.

2)for future expansions if the game lives long enough.

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Not really. From release, everything in The Barrens moved. And when they were static, they looked like they were supposed to be (standing guard, sleeping on the grass). Usually mobs were patrolling a small area, some (Kodos and Gazelles) actually migrated, centaurs galloped all over the place, plainstriders kinda just plodded along, etc. There were patrols on the roads, some animals actively hunted others. This was how the game was in 2004, and that's just naming The Barrens. All the other areas were very similar.


I agree that its pretty negative the world looks and feels so static. There is no excitment at all. It LITERALLY is mobs just waiting to be killed. It definately kills the mood.


This matches with the rest of the questing mechanics, where all quests are either Fex Ex or kill X. It seems to me that the whole questing development was an afterthought.

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I forgot the roaming predators in SWG.. that was a cool addition. There was day and night too, as well as weather. I'd see other players too, that was pretty cool for an MMO.


seeing other players in a mmo is pretty cool indeed....i just have to search like an idiot here in swtor to find some republics...

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To all the people who consider that "omg world feels so empty this is like a single player game " or whatever.


I am reminded that this is a multiplayer online game when :

- I see people talking/being nice/ranting/being douche bags on general chat

- When I talk to people in my guild and people on my friends list having random fun and laughs

- When I search for a group for heroics/flashpoints and when I actually end up playing with that group (and operations with guildmates)

- When I do warzones playing with and against other people

- When I duel with friends/random people

- When I go on the imperial fleet and see the powerpoint slideshow of the tones of people there ( hopefully they will optimize to some extent the fps both there and in warzones - but that's irrelevant to this post)


I do like the feeling of a multiplayer experience that all these things provide. I DO NOT however care for nor want to see 30 people around me doing the exact same quest killing the exact same mobs that according to the game world, I have been uniquely tasked to dispose of because my character is so awesome and special.


I always find enough people around me questing to give that "alive" feeling that so many people seem to care about. And on numerous occasions i will be forced to wait for several seconds for the respawn of an object I have to use ( which I don't mind at the extent it is hapening)


I wouldn't have complained if the quest zones were full of people, but I certainly prefer it this way. THE ONLY POINT I do understand is that many people crave for open world pvp, but its absence on lower level worlds is greatly due to the imp population >>>> pub (on many servers not all) as I'm sure everyone knows.


Just my 2 cents out there, it's personal doesn't have to apply to you.


EDIT: This wasn't necesarely 100% on topic with the OP, I see he was saying about the actual mobs and NPCS giving the impression of static world, not sure I agree but may be something to it sometimes.

Edited by chnima
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Its like someone forget to press the play button and everything is on pause ..


Most Zones and just big open area (and imo they all feel the same)- with random mobs just waiting to be attacked - the game feels so sterile -


Its like they game designers just opened up mob-pack-one from the drop down list picked entity1 then plonked them down, then moved on to another area -


Ive seen more life from NPC/Mobs in free world-builder software you get with games like half-life etc Gary's Mod being one


No weather cycles No day/night cycles - No little critters just wondering about, Nothing just random mods Waiting to be killed--


Sometimes I think I've lost connection with the server the worlds are so Static


Agreed. More dynamic "life" needs to be evident in the environments.


It's these "little touches" that can make a world of difference.

Edited by Tarka
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These threads continue to baffle me in every way. Where are you guys playing that you don't see people?! All I DO is scream at people who hit my quest objectives while I'm fighting, or kill my quest mobs (usually leading to us grouping up), or taking my crafting nodes. I see people ALL THE TIME. Even when I'm in an instanced part of a quest I can still hear other people shooting rockets or whatever off in another instance of the same story. I just don't think it's possible that you NEVER see people ever when you're out questing. Yes, I'm calling the lot of you liars. Go play from level one in WoW. Quest until ten. See NOBODY. Go ahead, I dare you. I just did that a few weeks ago and literally saw no one because everyone is in Cata areas and/or flying over head since Blizzard thought it was a good idea to allow flying in Azeroth.


Also, it seems like a lot of you are wanting real life. You should definitely stop posting here, and go experience real life if that is what you are after. This is a game and nothing ANY company can do will make it more real than what it is - a game.

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To all the people who consider that "omg world feels so empty this is like a single player game " or whatever.


I am reminded that this is a multiplayer online game when :

- I see people talking/being nice/ranting/being douche bags on general chat

- When I talk to people in my guild and people on my friends list having random fun and laughs

- When I search for a group for heroics/flashpoints and when I actually end up playing with that group (and operations with guildmates)

- When I do warzones playing with and against other people

- When I duel with friends/random people

- When I go on the imperial fleet and see the powerpoint slideshow of the tones of people there ( hopefully they will optimize to some extent the fps both there and in warzones - but that's irrelevant to this post)


I do like the feeling of a multiplayer experience that all these things provide. I DO NOT however care for nor want to see 30 people around me doing the exact same quest killing the exact same mobs that according to the game world, I have been uniquely tasked to dispose of because my character is so awesome and special.


I always find enough people around me questing to give that "alive" feeling that so many people seem to care about. And on numerous occasions i will be forced to wait for several seconds for the respawn of an object I have to use ( which I don't mind at the extent it is hapening)


I wouldn't have complained if the quest zones were full of people, but I certainly prefer it this way. THE ONLY POINT I do understand is that many people crave for open world pvp, but its absence on lower level worlds is greatly due to the imp population >>>> pub (on many servers not all) as I'm sure everyone knows.


Just my 2 cents out there, it's personal doesn't have to apply to you.


EDIT: This wasn't necesarely 100% on topic with the OP, I see he was saying about the actual mobs and NPCS giving the impression of static world, not sure I agree but may be something to it sometimes.


Your list basically says, because theres a chat function, this game isn't desolate.

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Playing WoW since Classic, the greatest thing i ever saw was in Wotlk in the Sholazar Basin,a jungle Area. There are Rhino like creatures and Birds all over the zone and from time to time the birds fly to sit on the backs or horns of the rhinos and flying away if the player attacks the rhino. Not that it was putting something to the character itself but i was very pleased by that level of detail that i remember this til today. Missing things like this in SWTOR.
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Its like this from the start. No go back and watch the wild life.. they ALL move about 2-5 feet and turn thats it.


And NPC's that just stand there waiting to be killed .. still 8 PLUS years later we still ask.. a why are they just standing there? Most have no tents, homes. So take out the VOICES and see the game for what it is..


Awesome game but the DEVS DONT TALK. I dont know anyone that feels like they care or even listen.


Sorry but is this FREE TO PLAY or did you PAY to play? Its YOUR money.. its ok to STAND up for something.. EXPECT something for you MONEY! Yes things take time but man.. little tiny patches here and there and not even touching what the players are crying about..


thats all I got lol

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This game has a terrible terrible ambience and living feel to it. Compare it to Age of Conan or Lord of the Rings Onine. Both had looping ambient music tracks that were amazing, both had great SFX and the world felt less sterile. Also, the visual art style of this game doesnt help, when everything looks like concept art....


And honestly, from the looks of it...the game cant handle any more than what it has right now.

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