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So my subscription expires in 6 days...


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Judging from one of the lastest replies I got from the help droids they haven't been told that we're out of testing


To ensure your valuable feedback reaches the right departments, we would ask that you submit all feedback related to your experience

Star Wars: The Old Republic on the game testing forums, which you can find at

- http://www.swtor.com/community (you will need to be logged into the site to see your tester forums under the “Game Testing” header).


Made me chuckle.


Off topic I know but couldn't resist.

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YOU are the one who's wrong, the game is in a very poor state, a beta state.


You can claim the game only has minor bugs till you're blue in the face, but that doesn't make it so.


This is also true for your claim that the game is in a very poor state. It is only an opinion.

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The bugs are numerous, but so far minor, and within my tolerance; the ability delay is the worst, we'll see how that goes. I haven't had any problems with customer service; that may only be because so far I have had no need for customer service, but that in and of itself is a good thing.


A month's subscription costs about the same as going to a movie, so long as the game provides at least two hours of entertainment in a month I consider that equitable; so far it is easily exceeding that mark.

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D3 is still not out (nor anywhere near) so I guess I will continue to play.


D3 is an Isometric perspective game. Isometric went out five years ago. Even BioWare who used Isometric with Baldur's Gate updated to full 3D perspective gaming.



And oh my! what if D3 has some bugs....


Lemmie, guess. Guild Wars II is coming! They won't have bugs!

Edited by Gilbara
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since no one can read:


i love how WoW people want SWTOR to be exactly like WoW, and their argument is WoW came out in 2004.. SWTOR should be way better, and have just as much content as WoW.


This logic is false.




Lets do some maths.


WoW cost 60$.. 4 expansions = a piece = 60$ (if you bought them as they came out) = 60x5 = $300 per-person who bought the game..with all expansions..Plus a monthly sub of 15 dollars from 2004-2012 =


7 years. 12 (months) x 7 years = 84 x 14$ = $1260 + 300$ for all expansions


= $1560 that you have spent on WoW.. you are absolutely correct that you should get all of that content you have with WoW you deserve it. You really do (i'm not being smug or sarcastic)



Ok. so having known that.. How much money have you spent on SWTOR?


60$? and you want the same content as WoW?




So I can buy a lamborgini for the same amount as a Chevy Cruze?



You dump as much money into SWTOR as you did WoW




No, you're reading into people's posts what you want to believe. The subject is too deep for you so, with that being said, let me simplify it for you.

WoW was better in 2004 with content, smoothness, playability, exploration, etc...

than ToR is at 2012.

In 2004 in World of Warcraft, when i pressed a key, the ability activated.

There is NO excuse for this. Ever.

Just because you like people to read to you doesn't mean you can lash out when people point out that your disney game is garbage.

Edited by skyvortex
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This is where I disagree with you. You do know that combat mods are a self perpetuating black hole, right? You introduce them and they trivialize content because of the advantage that they bring. The same hard core players that demanded them, then demand harder content to feed their need for challenge. The content escalates, and then so do the mods. Before long you have wow, a game where the content (admittedly) is centered around the need for addons, and so unforgiving as to shut out all but the hard core, min max, addon filled raiders.


You are also placed at the whim of those addon developers. We can get into that, and all the problems that will cause in another thread. ;p


The problem here is that you seem to be under assumption that these modifications to the game needs to come from outside sources. My personal wish is for Bioware themselves to develope and release certain tools to the game.


Such examples that I would personally like to see implemented includes, but are not limited to:



Mouse-Over Healing


As a healer, I currently have to click a healthbar and then cast a heal. In moments when there is a lot of damage on the entire group, I would like to simply hover my mouse over the healing bar and start casting the heal - and then use my fast reflexes to move the mouse to another health bar who requires healing, and be ready to give the command to heal that target as quick as possible.


This would allow me to target the boss/mob/enemy player which the group are currently facing, and be able to monitor their current health and status.


Target of Target


I would love for this to be a feature in both Player Versus Player and Player Versus Enviromental content. It would allow me to heal someone and know who they are targeting, being able to help by aiming my debuffs and DoT's on that same target. I would also like to be able to target a mob or an opponent, and see who he or she is currently going to strike, so that I can heal that person.


Combat Log


This, I believe, is the one feature which I think most people are baffled to see not implemented in the game. If I suddenly die, I would love to be able to know how I died. Was there a certain ability that the boss just used on me?


I just got stunned and died in a Warzone. What sort of stun was that? Was the damage elemental, kinetic or physical? Were there critical hits? Could I have survived if I had thrown up a few healing over time spells before the stunlock, or would that have been futile? That player just stunned me twice in a row - which of the stuns should I have freed' myself from, the first or the second?


Without a combat log, such circumstances can't be taken into consideration in-game. It is my personal opinion that a combat log is of vital importance, and the most important thing in the game which is absent at the moment.


Threat Meter


I would like a simply feature to simply tell the group who has what threat. The tank should be on the top. If a DPS or a healer is become too much of a frustration to the boss, I would like the group to know this - Either so that the person in question can cease doing what he/she is doing for a few moments, as to lower their threat, or for the tank to pop a cooldown or taunt.



None of these features that I personally would like to see implemented need to come from an outside source. Bioware could - and hopefully will - include some of these with the passage of time.

Edited by Gabrandt
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Mouse-Over Healing


As a healer, I currently have to click a healthbar and then cast a heal. In moments when there is a lot of damage on the entire group, I would like to simply hover my mouse over the healing bar and start casting the heal - and then use my fast reflexes to move the mouse to another health bar who requires healing, and be ready to give the command to heal that target as quick as possible.


This would allow me to target the boss/mob/enemy player which the group are currently facing, and be able to monitor their current health and status.


You do not have to click anything. You can keybind, or just use the default Function keys



Target of Target


I would love for this to be a feature in both Player Versus Player and Player Versus Enviromental content. It would allow me to heal someone and know who they are targeting, being able to help by aiming my debuffs and DoT's on that same target. I would also like to be able to target a mob or an opponent, and see who he or she is currently going to strike, so that I can heal that person.


Target of target is already in the game. Explore your Preferences menu a bit more.

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Subscribed for 6mos, if nothing else I am excited that in 6 days theoretically some of these types of posts will no longer be here.


I won't be surprised if the same set of people resub just so they can continue to complain. :)

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Yes and who cares about the bugs? I mean I want them fixed and there's quite a few. Also they need to add quite a bit to be more competative. Some of them boogle my mind seeing how easy they sound to implement like a roll feature, LFD tool ext. On the whole though I prefer that they released it when they did cause other wise I wouldnt be able to play at all. I wish the game ran better and was better optimized Ive tried all the tricks so far and have a 2 year old Asus gamming laptop it runs other games at high easily but I have to use like 1280 x 700 to get a decent framerate with bloom and shadows off.
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While I'm certainly in the "EA forced Bioware to do this"-boat, alongside you, we still can not deny the fact that Bioware was given a deadline, and didn't manage to keep it.


Gonna get a bit off-topic. That there is the thing I used to love about Blizzard. Don't know if they still can do this under the rule of Activision, but they used to delay release dates like crazy. No Blizzard game was ever released before it was properly tested. I only hope they don't release Diablo III in an unfinished state.


BioWare is such a big name that when they tell EA they're not done, they should give them more time to test and fix. Not force them to release early. After Dragon Age II it should have been pretty clear on what happens when you rush them...

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YOU are the one who's wrong, the game is in a very poor state, a beta state.


You can claim the game only has minor bugs till you're blue in the face, but that doesn't make it so. The gameplay delay is horrid, and anyone who says otherwise is either naive to MMO gameplay mechanics or just trolling.


The game is a lemon, and subscription numbers will reflect that. Regardless of how far you choose to ride the denial train.


Hate to repeat this in multiple threads but. Why is every server standard to full? Where are all these people who are quitting at?

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Target of target is already in the game. Explore your Preferences menu a bit more.


Truly? I'm looking through my preferences right now, and I can not find it.


Granted, I just woke up and am still sipping my morning tea, but perhaps you could enlighten me further?

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Truly? I'm looking through my preferences right now, and I can not find it.


Granted, I just woke up and am still sipping my morning tea, but perhaps you could enlighten me further?



I'm at work, so I don't have the game available, but if memory serves:


Preferences > Keybind tab > Targeting submenu

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...And I'm not actually sure whether or not to refresh it. I've cancelled my subscription just so that it won't auto-refresh, and I was wondering how many of you were planning on paying for yet another month?


I like this game on the whole. It's just a whole bunch of minor things that add up together.


I guess the short version would be: The game feels unfinished, and I feel silly for paying a company in order to send them feedback about how to improve the game. It's like you're... Paying a company money, in order to beta-test the game for them. If that makes sense.


I enjoy PvE and PvP in this game. The community is very friendly (so far, at the very least). The game has gotten me interested in a franchise which held no appeal to me before (I really should watch the movies... Is KOTOR worth playing as well? ).


So tell me, SWTOR community. One month into the game, and our first free month is about to end.


Will you be paying for another one?




Why not?




i am unsure weither or not to subscribe to swtor and i want to know the general consensus before i take a decision

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