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Non-Force classes: Do you find...


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As Smuggler.. no, Respect maybe. Rarely to do with Jedi anyway. So far 1 Storyline Encounter with a Jedi & Sith... Jedi was kinda Paladin, Sith tried to be seductive.


As Trooper, so far met only Satele Shan via Holo for Flashpoints. Storylinewise you are the Elite of the Elite, and as such... Jedi-equal, kinda.


I RP both as respecting to Jedi, but not subservient.

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The thing is you are really playing the guy who is the best in his field. The guy who can stand toe to toe with a Sith or Jedi and have a shot at winning even without force powers. So while they may respect the Sith and Jedi they don't really fear them like everyone else does. Edited by ClayPeopleCry
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So, I decided to roll up a bank alt (Bounty Hunter) and I fell in love (100% a pun) with Mako and the story. I do what I want, how I want, when I want, and to whom I want. The only downside is losing the respect of lil Mako but that's what e-flowers are for. Some Sith lord told me to bow and I told him to stick it. Another Sith wants me to fake a killing and I said, "no". Some idiot Imperial slacks on the job and I toss her aside and get the job done.

I feel the same way, minus the love for Mako. Since I don't particularly like her, I don't ever feel bad about picking an option that will cause her affection to decrease. In any case, I'm having a lot of fun with my bounty hunter. She only serves herself, doesn't fear the Sith or the Jedi, and can hold her own in a fight against them. Before release, I was worried about how non-Force classes would hold up against Force users in the storyline, but so far I've been pleased.

Edited by Haberdasher
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It harder to play them within the constraints of some type of universe/game lore.


Like, for example I am dying to play an IA Sniper, but every time I start to play I realize I am a little respected insect compared to my Sith overlords... :(


I know it's logically and realistically stupid, but it never feels worthwhile to play a non-force user in a SW game knowing that you will never be anything compared to a Jedi/Sith.


Anyone have the same weird notion stuck in the back of their brain?


Well I was sceptical about the classes when I first started the game, however I found the story itself for both the agent and the bounty hunter class to be very involving to a point I was like "I don't care if I'm not a force user", means I can stick it to the man and having people bow to you calling you "lord" every five minutes gets annoying too. the imperials give you respect if you're a agent because even though you don't have force powers you have done amazing things. You are the type of person called in to do the subtle work a force-user can't do. I can't see a sith warrior entering a base by using espionage type of ways to get inside a facility.


With the bounty hunter I felt a lot more freedom to take whatever light/darkside choice I wanted since I was my own man/woman who was travelling to distant worlds, collecting bounties and proving myself. Also it's very fun to take on a Jedi whilst a sniper due to the amount of damage I can rack up.

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My Imperial Agent lies for a living, when I call a Sith "My Lord" it is not a sign of respect (With some exceptions, such as Malgus, who is among the very few Sith I actually do respect) but a tactic.


Without giving anything away, there is a certain female Sith involved in the Agent storyline who is essentially a child. She is insecure, stupid and has been thrust into a role she is in no way ready for. That means she's vulnerable and easy to manipulate. Who really has the power here? Is it the one demanding a "My Lord", or the one giving her one?


Basically, I roleplay my agent as someone who lies through his teeth practically all the time, telling people what they want to hear, playing the part he's expected to play.


My agent is actually a cold hearted sociopath now that I think about it...

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It's not a huge deal for me personally as I don't RP at all, but one thing that sticks in my mind when I'm playing my Trooper is a scene from Episode 1 (sadly) where Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan come up against a couple of shielded war-droids. I was always confused why they didn't just knock them over with the force or charge in and cut them down with their sabers and instead chose to flee the battle. Because it's been stated many times that the Jedi shown in the movies are among the most powerful to have ever existed it got me thinking that perhaps the shields protected the droids against force powers to some extent while mitigating light sabers enough that the Jedi figured the fight would be more hassle than it was worth. When I rolled my Vanguard I applied that assumption to explain why every Sith Lord I come up against doesn't just give me a brain aneurysm with the force or slice me in half.


Also, after reading a little about how Jedi train in light saber combat to perform a series of attacks without having to think about it so that their actions become harder to predict I realised that most soldiers receive pretty much the same type of training (just for a different reason).

Edited by Bone_Machine
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I don't really have that problem. I've gotten an Assassin to 50, a Commando to 30, and a Sniper to 35. Sure, the force-users have a natural level of ability far above non-force-users (NFU) and generally command respect because of what they are. The non-force-users, however, have comparable abilities based on sheer skill and experience alone, and earn their respect. We don't play a 'typical' NFU, we play either a hardened special forces elite, an experienced and skilled smuggler, a veteran bounty hunter, or an elite special agent who was bred for his role. These people are more or less on the same level as sith/jedi based on who they are, not what they are.


As an agent, I can say that knowing I am more powerful and influential than most sith is certainly satisfying, just as much if not more so than the position of power I have attained on my 50 Assassin. You're playing an exceptional individual who holds power and respect through their own personage, instead of what is often a run-of-the-mill individual who happens to have been born with special powers.

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Honestly, when playing my merc, I felt little care for the whole Sith/Jedi thing either. They seemed to show me a degree of respect, and those that didn't generally soon learned that my BH was not to be messed with, and ended up dead, or carbonized. It also played a large part in my 'lightside' choice in the final mission.


In general, even though the Empire generally has the Sith>Human>Alien thing, my Chiss managed to demand plenty respect, which should really be nothing surprising. Once you finish Act I, you really should get at the bare minimum, a decent amount of respect. By the time you finish the last Act, you should be one of the two Mandalorians/Bounty Hunters that Sith, nor Jedi, want to have hunting them. (The other obviously being Mandalore.)


Before you get a bit further into Act I, though, I understand you kind of have to prove yourself, though. I'd imagine similar for the IA, where at one point even Sith must somewhere hold you in decently high regard at the least.

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All I have to say is, Leia wasn't scared of Vader.


Also, Vader certainly respected Boba Fett. Don't you remember Order 66? Sure, Anakin slaughtered a few, but so did the Clone Troopers who are clones of Jango Fett.


Not to mention, it's made abundantly clear Imperial Agents use enhancers and technology. You always need a "stim boost" up and your attacks include "explosive probes" and "fragmentation grenades". And of course, this is Star Wars, everyone has implants.

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Im a Chiss. IA. I am here as a allie to the empire. And a Member of there secret police. When i enter the Sith Enclave There scared of me. ;)


Your looked down upon but the Sith who feel there above you due to there skill in the force. Basic EGO stuff.

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Smugler yes

Agent no,


Because it felt like i was the tool of the sith to stop things before they happen, to change the fate of the war by my actions, and that was fun and awsome at the same time, and it realy felt i was a agent of the sith empire and the emperor


Smugeler, well i only came to lvl 11 for starters. but i hated the first 10 lvls and i dont have much to tell you about that

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Whenever I head to the Flashpoint Terminals with my Gunslinger and get asked by the Jedi Mistress there to correct what they screwed up or obviously can't do...


... I just crack a smile and sort of pity the fools in robes.


One captured Battleship/Jedi Prisoner/Sith Lord? Coming right up, keep the paycheck ready, 'Jedi Master'. :rolleyes:

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Whenever I head to the Flashpoint Terminals with my Gunslinger and get asked by the Jedi Mistress there to correct what they screwed up or obviously can't do...


... I just crack a smile and sort of pity the fools in robes.


One captured Battleship/Jedi Prisoner/Sith Lord? Coming right up, keep the paycheck ready, 'Jedi Master'. :rolleyes:


My merc feels the same way when talking to Malgus, allthough instead of screwing up he generally tells us


"I found something bad/the republic screwed up. Go deal with it while i find more bad stuff that needs dealing with. Yes, yes I will still pay you, stop asking."


I always feel like Malgus contacts me because he respects my skill, if not my mercenary attitude. The Republic generally asks for help when they screw up and overall have a much more desperate feel to them.

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I've heard many complaints on the server I'm in

in a Roleplayer's standpoint, playing an Agent sucks

in Imperial side.




Firstly, your Class quests don't matter in RP.

You might become more powerful then anyone in the story

but it is going to have a problem applying to in RP, because there will

always be others to fight for the stance.

Sith will always be "Higher" then thou.

Combat abilities? I'm being logical here, How do you fight a Sith?


You do you dodge force push? You can't even see it.

You do you dodge force choke? Similarly you can't even see it.

How fast are you? They can DEFLECT lasers with their sabers.


At the same time, that is why I like to play a non-sith. I'd have to think

to use wit against them. Personally? My Agent roleplays as a Hutta-gangster girl,

so I do not have the constraints of being an "Empire" person and please don't tell me

I can't roleplay something within the realm of possibility or I'd have play my class.

But it is refreshing, in a place where alot likes to be powerful, being the underdog

can prove to be lots of fun!


My Jedi? She's falling to the darkside, I like to play things out of the ordinary, I'm having

her slowly fall to the dark side and then cause alot of problems with her master, if she dies

she dies. ^^ I think it's fine to be Force-user/non-force-user. On a Roleplay perspective, one just have to be creative with it. Winning all the time is boring, loosing all the time is boring too, what is fun? When something deep, a nice plot is formed throughout all

this, that's the real fun of it I guess! I'm gonna roll a trooper one day :D!

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The thing about sith masters is as much as they like power they end up dying sooner or later and come to think about its more often then not to there own kind... Vadar killed Sidious who had killed his master Plagus... Malgus killed Whats his face... Malek tried to kill Revan it happens all the time you just have to remember as a sith (noneforce user) your like Moff Tarkin or general Veers or moff Thrawn (whom was a ****** Chizz) your power is absolute as long as you ignore the blow hards squabeling in the chambers.


The other thing I think people are having an issue with in this game is even though your character may be ****** this is an MMO not a normal RPG. The NPCs know your not the chosen one so people need to get off their high horse and realise that were all just soldiers in a war against the enemy... from the troopers to the jedi from the inquisitors to the bounty hunters your just in this for the war not to save the galaxy... consider that in your RP and it may make it more enjoyable IDK

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It harder to play them within the constraints of some type of universe/game lore.


Like, for example I am dying to play an IA Sniper, but every time I start to play I realize I am a little respected insect compared to my Sith overlords... :(


I know it's logically and realistically stupid, but it never feels worthwhile to play a non-force user in a SW game knowing that you will never be anything compared to a Jedi/Sith.


Anyone have the same weird notion stuck in the back of their brain?


I feel myself more special as a smuggler, than any force-user. They should be the elites, but I don't feel that, because too many out there. About that, they are nothing more for me, than simple villagers with a pretty color flashlight

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About StarshipsX-70B Phantom-Class Prototype

The starships of the Imperial Navy are the product of centuries of military research and development. The Empire designed its fleet to destroy the Republic as quickly and efficiently as possible. During the years of the Great War, however, the Empire refined its design strategies. Co-opting newly discovered technologies and revising blueprints according to lessons learned, Imperial engineers built a new generation of starships. First among these, Imperial Intelligence commissioned the X70B-Phantom—the most low-profile, high-tech starship the galaxy has ever known. From its radar-resistant sleek exterior paneling to the next-generation navigation systems, the Phantom is so far ahead of its time that mass production would never be possible. More likely, the experimental prototypes built so far will be designated for critical Intelligence missions, and entrusted only to the most professional and responsible Imperial Agents.




you dont get some lame advanced starfighter you get the coolest thing in the galaxy thus far


Also if your a bounty hunter you acutally have what will One day be Modified to be Slave I

Edited by Moitteva
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I think the best way I can describe the non-force users in relation to force users (this has imp agent and sith in mind particularly) if any of you have ever seen the Sitcom Yes, Minister or Yes, Prime Minister.


The Sith remind me of Jim Hacker (the man in the limelight who has all these ideals he thinks people should follow but doesn't really pay attention/ understand the 'boring' details that go with the day to day)


The Imp is more like Sir Humphrey (his cabinet secretary who likes to work with the civil service to keep the status quo in government, usually through the use of manipulation, holds power usually through back channels of government)

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The other thing I think people are having an issue with in this game is even though your character may be ****** this is an MMO not a normal RPG. The NPCs know your not the chosen one so people need to get off their high horse and realise that were all just soldiers in a war against the enemy... from the troopers to the jedi from the inquisitors to the bounty hunters your just in this for the war not to save the galaxy... consider that in your RP and it may make it more enjoyable IDK


The problem is that it doesn't seem so at times.

Like when you're a newbie sith and you get told to enter this scary tomb and bring back this very powerful thing no one has ever seen or touched (exept for those 800k other players...)

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I think what everyone here is forgetting is whether your a force user or not it doesn't really matter. They all die just the same, you just need to be extra sneaky about it.


Give a jedi or sith lord some extra greasy woomprat stew, and then ambush them when they are dealing with a ""massive disturbance in the force"


It may be crude, cheap, and unsportsmanlike conduct, but it works!


I love being a smuggler!

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Is it just me or do people forget that while other people like Bounty Hunters, Imperial Agents, and Smugglers do not "use the force" or are not "force sensetive". Their luck is often times derived from the force since it lives in everyone (that guy who is always lucky or somehow just seems to make it out alive) as well as experience.


Or at least from what I remember. Its like a unseen hand that doesn't directly influence you in the way it would a Jedi but it does have an impact on your life.

Edited by Shadlicious
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The other thing I think people are having an issue with in this game is even though your character may be ****** this is an MMO not a normal RPG. The NPCs know your not the chosen one so people need to get off their high horse and realise that were all just soldiers in a war against the enemy... from the troopers to the jedi from the inquisitors to the bounty hunters your just in this for the war not to save the galaxy... consider that in your RP and it may make it more enjoyable IDK


(emphasis mine)


This isn't exactly true; while I don't think anyone would call an IA or BH "the Chosen One" per se, a lot of the quest givers (you know, the run of the mill people and not the Darths and Lords of the realm) seem to recognize you and/or are aware of your previous deeds, and are honored to work with you. It's actually pretty cool. :p


This *does* create sort of a problem in RPing with other people, though, since you can't ALL be the awesomest awesome who ever awesomed. But that's a different issue, and applies to all classes. ;D

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It harder to play them within the constraints of some type of universe/game lore.


Like, for example I am dying to play an IA Sniper, but every time I start to play I realize I am a little respected insect compared to my Sith overlords... :(


I know it's logically and realistically stupid, but it never feels worthwhile to play a non-force user in a SW game knowing that you will never be anything compared to a Jedi/Sith.


Anyone have the same weird notion stuck in the back of their brain?


No. My main is an IA and I have to say the storyline is really well done. Her story is actually very plausible.


Whether you believe it or not the Sith rely on agents to do their dirty work. Not to mention the story really gets fun at the end of Chapter 1.


Those Sith overlords just want to make you feel inferior. But in the end no one can make someone just disappear like an imperial agent can. The Sith always leave a damned mess to clean up. ;)

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