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Everything posted by Saeria

  1. Your post is excellent. But I really don't like your tone or writing style. Hear me out, I think all of your points are dead-on and are very strong, but your writing style seems more hostile and I just have a feeling it'll fall on deaf ears because it's not well written, even though they're all absolutely true.
  2. Off topic but, my god you registered since 2008? That's dedication sir.
  3. You can RE the high level ones. For the low level ones, you might be able to RE some as well. I was pleasantly surprised to be able to RE defensive enhancements on my Artifice after 1.2
  4. Maybe I wasn't clear. Battlemaster = 58 = cannot transfer the bonus. War Hero = 61 = can transfer the bonus. You can have your cake and eat it too, you just need to be wearing the best stuff.
  5. I thought about this and you may have a valid point. Specifically, we need to test if the droid is getting the +5% crit rate. There is a way to test it though. Is to just mass craft level 1 items. And I don't mean a handful, I mean at least a 100-200 and look to see how close we get to our theoretical 20%-25%. Would love for someone with 0-affection droid to test it and also someone with a 10,000 affection droid.
  6. It's only the new/best stuff that carries the bonus. So War Hero for PVP and Campaign for PVE. Battlemaster and Black Hole do not. And niether does Champion/Centurion or Columi/Tionese.
  7. Why is this a serious problem?
  8. I am averaging roughly 40k+ an hour with slicing on my server. I send my companions out on either all 5 or 4 of the 5 slicing missions. Whenever I get a slicing recipe, I always chuck it on the AH for 70k.
  9. Biochem is fine. You guys are nuts if you want to waste 20-30k a pull in adrenals using Exotech ones. Also, the blue medpacks are not strictly superior to Rakata one, the Rakata one does provide the 15% health boost which is quite nice. Either way, Rakata one is free, the blue ones are not and you can always have blue ones on hand and use whichever one is appropriate for the situation. Ditto Adrenals. In other words, Biochem is fine.
  10. Depends. If the recipe is rare, then yes, absolutely. If you RE the Black Hole enhancement it will sell for a lot. You want to do be doing your normal dailies to save up 200 daily commendations to buy relics -- this means Corellia, Belsavis and Ilum. To get Black Hole tokens you're only going to make around 14 a week unless you do some raiding. You get 6 + 8 from doing the Corellia weekly and your Kaon/Lost Isles weekly, you can also get some extra from doing Nightmare Pilgrim weekly and raiding Nightmare Karagga's Palace or any version of Explosive Conflict (Denova).
  11. For what it's worth, it's not actually useless because you do have 20% chance to shield without a shield on. Also, while cunning and defense is indeed a bit obscure (it's my theory at some point in beta there was a cunning based tank spec/class) it's not entirely useless as defense does indeed work in pvp. Most Medics often use the defense stim, for example. (More health, 2% defense). I know a handful of Medics and Bodyguards who use the defensive relics as well, it's not too much of an extension to assume some people are willing to use defense gear on their lower level medic/bodyguards.
  12. You're slightly looking at it wrong. The chance to have bad luck is one thing, but you should look at what is your chance out of how many people? Then ask yourselves how many people are playing SWTOR. In other words, even if you had a 1.15% chance as you calculated, out of the at least 1 million people who play SWTOR, you might just be the person.
  13. Do your weeklies and do your space missions everyday. Use your Black Hole commendations to buy some gear, pull the enhancements out and RE it. 20% chance you will learn it, but if you succeed, congratulations you can practically print money assuming you do space missions.
  14. Grats on 50! A lot of the cybertech schematics are simply vendored, so if that's why you want slicing. Don't. However, slicing is a very good profession to generate money, especially if you have at least 3 max-affection companions or any who have +Slicing crit. Cybertech is a bit fickle. In general you won't be making money until you learn a pattern from Reverse Engineering one of the new ones, which can be accomplished in a few ways but is time consuming and a gamble. You need to either do the newest raid zone, Explosive Conflict/Denova or you need to do your weeklies and buy Black Hole gear then pull the mods out and reverse engineer them. 20% chance to reverse engineer. What you definitely want to do be doing however is your space mission dailies. Buy the epic box for 200 tokens. This'll get you the materials for the best crafting currently in the game. Either hoard the mats till you learn the appropriate Cybertech recipes, sell them or try to find a crafter to utilize them.
  15. It's 20% or 1/5 chance. I learned it. But the material to craft it requires Synthetic Matrix, good luck finding enough of those to craft whatever you've learned...
  16. It is. But this isn't bad by nature. One, it keeps good recipes relatively rarer. Which is needed in order for it to be valuable for you to sell. Two, you never know when something might be desireable for a companion or to meet a certain gear breakpoint/softpoint/cap either. Because of diminishing returns, you might only want a certain amount of defense and then perhaps some power (though more likely shield absorb, but this is a hypothetical) so the system provides a lot of flexibility.
  17. Oi. Thought I lost this thread. Lokin in Rakghoul form/stance is a melee and does melee dps. The tooltip reads "Doctor Lokin transform into a rakghoul, increasing all daamge dealt by 5% and lowering threat generation by 25%. Additionally lowers the cooldown of all attacks by 25%. Enables the use of rakghoul abilities". Besides this, his attacks are actually melee (4m range): Swipe -"Close-range attack that deals 677-830 damage to the target. Only usable while Lokin is transformed into a rakghoul." Infect -"Covers the target in infectious goo, doing 906-980 damage every 3 seconds for 9 seconds. Only usable while Lokin is transformed into a rakghoul." Also, Temple is like Vette and dual wields Blaster Pistols, so her off-hand weapon is a Blaster Pistol; however Temple can use Blaster Rifles but this means some of her abilities are not usable. Kaliyo can use a Shield Generator or a Power Generator.
  18. Sell the raw materials. Don't sell finished products. This makes a lot of sense. Because the raw materials are time-consuming to gather, the finished products are often overlooked by a lot of people because either they can make it or have alts who can make it or friends and guildies. Essentially, they don't value the time spent either learning the recipe or the opportunity cost of crafting it. Part of this of course is because recipes are not rare and virtually anyone has access to the recipes sans cutting-edge raid drops. In short, recipes aren't rare, as such end products don't sell well. Sell the materials.
  19. Republic Memorabilia is the best you can give to LS Jaesa, tied with Cultural Artifact, but that's a huge opportunity cost. And you will make money by selling GTN prices because of the crits. On the other hand, the crits are more valuable, but their value is kind of misleading.
  20. Dr. Lokin is actually M. DPS not R. DPS. Though I guess he could do both. I editted this post and added new information in a new post below.
  21. Stop saying "listen to your community" you're just one person and you do not represent the community as a whole. There are some of us who actually like this system and find it thoroughly refreshing. If anything, the system is a bit too easy and it's far too easy for a person to become self-sufficient and do not require trading/bartering. Recipes are only worth something if they're rare, either time-rare, material-rare or pattern-rare. Biowares system creates product differenciation for crafters and promotes trade.
  22. It's a waste of time to RE the blue, because then you have to farm the blue materials as well. It's far simpler to just level using greens and buying the purple item.
  23. You guys are half-baked. Artifice and Cybertechs are selling Q61 mods and enhancements for 400-700k a pop on my server. You can get the needed mats from space combat missions or from raiding. (I am uncertain, but I think pvp might also give mats too.) Artifice and Cybertech are currently the BEST money makers if you're selling Q61 items. Also as a Cybertech you can sell Black Hole ear pieces and augmented ear pieces sell for a cool million easily. I've seen them go for up to 1.5 million.
  24. I think you're full of it. I have no sound issue. And the economy is far more important than simply turning off sounds.
  25. Nah, it's not broken. This thread is just necro'd. Look at the date. It WAS broken but it's fixed now and has been fixed for months.
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