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SWTOR: Dying or Prosperous?


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I'm just trolling on here because I have nothing better to do right now. And if you want to know if this game will survive or not, wait till Diablo 3 comes out. If everyone disappears, it's not doing well.


On a serious note, consolidating some servers wouldn't be the worst idea. Some servers are seriously empty, and would actually benefit from being folded into other servers.


Thats funny, given that two weeks ago people were screaming for more servers because of the queue times.



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'nuff said.


I won the discussion, since you talk about 3 games, i talk about EVERY game out there.

Show me how WoW is dying please ? When they shut WoW down, you have won this discussion, but until then i'm the master ^^


Why? Because people keep saying stuff is dying even if it isnt.

Show me proof that WoW is dead, i dare ya.

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Thats funny, given that two weeks ago people were screaming for more servers because of the queue times.




Which also compounds with something I've noticed recently. Specifically that there was a large outcry for cross-server PvP and now that rumors have started that cross-server will be implemented, the game is once again "ruined".

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Complaints are always louder. People who aren't complaining are busy playing the game.


Could be true. But maybe those who aren't complaining has left the game already and won't put in the time to complain. Think it could be both.


But people complaining this much indicates there is an issue. Whether it is a big issue we will see in the coming months.

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So, I'm a young guy. Through work and school (coupled with terrible home internet in my valley) I've only had the chance to experience 3 MMO's, WoW, City of Heroes, and SWTOR. I have enjoyed all three, though far be it from me to call them perfect gaming experiences. Though, to be fair, if I could get high-speed internet where I live, I would play A LOT more.


Now, 3/4 of the threads on the forums are complaints, issues, bugs, and low expectations that predict this game is "dead", "will die", "is broken", "is ruined", and so on. I have seen others praising the game, but nitpicking certain details. And, of course, the WoW comparisons and "back to WoW" comments pop up everywhere.


I want to know, and excuse my ignorance, but is it really that much of an issue? Is this game truly doomed? I'd like to remain skeptical of what I presumed was a vocal minority, but reading through certain threads reveals that there are some serious issues to be had. Are these kind of things normal?


I really like this game and I'm working on learning the mechanics, specifically PvP, so I can enjoy myself even more. But is it all pointless if the game is truly doomed to implode?


I am stuck with my class quest between Alderaan and the next planet. I was having fun. Until then.


The game has a lot of potential - obviously it needs work but then again what MMO doesn't so soon after launch? Gunna stick around and see what they do at least for a while - they seem to be improving things then all good, if not it wont hold my attention for long.

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Thats funny, given that two weeks ago people were screaming for more servers because of the queue times.




It was stupid to launch the game before a period when many people had 1-2 weeks where they could play almost as much as they wanted (school/work holidays). That is going to skew server population balance measures extremely, much more than in a launch during any other period, really. It was not the best decision, timing-wise.

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MMO's are almost never "doomed." The question is whether it will live up to expectations.


IMO, it will not. It will go down the road of every other Triple-A MMO since WoW, and have to settle for 250K or so subscribers a year from now.


Then again, I don't have a crystal ball, so maybe I'm wrong. I just don't see anything about the game that differentiates it from LoTRO, WAR, Aion, or the host of other so-called "WoW-killers" to make me think it will be any different. I know without any doubt in my mind that "story" isn't going to prop the game up long-term. 6 months from now even the most avid story lover is going to be space-barring through cut-scenes on their 5th alt.


As a veteran of half a dozen MMO launches, I know some complaining on an MMO forum is inevitable. But I am very surprised at the volume and intensity of it in this game, and I do not think it's a good sign. The only other game where I saw this level of vocal criticism this early after release was Warhammer. LoTRO, Aion, Rift, and WoW all had their complainers, but not to this extent or revolving around so many completely different issues as TOR has.


And as more and more people get out of the noob zones I'm starting to hear more of it in-game too, especially once people start getting into the Taris/Hoth/Quesh areas of the game.

Edited by Mannic
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Wait wait wait, are you saying you're pvp'ing on dialup?


Compounded with ability delay it should be hella fun trying to interrupt stuff.


Way to hang in there though, good luck.


No, not dial-up. A satellite service called WildBlu which is a rip-off and gets a terrible signal in the forest valley where I live. I can use the forums to a degree but I can't play the game at home. I play on my campus or at a friend's or at a local office building my family owns.


My home internet is so bad, it goes out when it rains.

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Complaints are always louder. People who aren't complaining are busy playing the game.


Or are quietly leaving. As said, a small percentage of a game's population posts on, or even reads, the forums. I, for one, when I finally decide to leave SWTOR will not be posting so at the forums. I will simply disappear into the sunset.


You'll find most people do not find a need to declare their leaving of a game on the forums.


The concept that the people not complaining on the forums are playing and enjoying the game was once a famous line uttered by John Smedley of SOE in regards to the SWG: NGE launch (in the same press release where he stated the forums were only the vocal minority). We see how that ended up.


No doubt SWTOR will retain more than enough subscriptions, but the quoted statement truly is erroneous.

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Hi OP.


If you are looking for the straight dope, I suggest finding a dev tracker (there's other websites that display them better, and searchable). That will give you the actual details on what's going on, then you can make your own opinion based from that.


There are some straight up damaging people around these forums. I know the developers are too smart to bend over for them, but I think they can influence other players a bit too much.

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Small % uses forums, out of those a small % will leave, and out of those a small % will stay away.


look at WoW forums, it's been dead for 7 years now.

Same with every other game out there, but yet they are still here, thriving.


Do not worry about SWTOR, in any way shape or form. We haven't seen anything yet. Trust me.


nah they are quite live as alot of them have invaded these forums too.

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I troll, but if you want a serious answer, the answer is "Too soon to tell." Basically, whether this game will succeed or fail is entirely dependent on how much effort the devs put in over the next 2 months.

- If they make fixes weekly, develop new content thats fun, and most importantly show they have a plan going forward, then this game will be fine.

-If they can't seem to fix problems, take forever to develop content and don't communicate with the players what their plan is, then it will be headed toward F2P town.

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Everyone has an opinion and alot of people came into this game with unfounded expectations. Some of the stuff being complained about is legitimate though. I wouldn't go running around crying about the sky falling yet but how BioWare handles the next month or two could decide the games fate.


A great rational response.

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So, I'm a young guy. Through work and school (coupled with terrible home internet in my valley) I've only had the chance to experience 3 MMO's, WoW, City of Heroes, and SWTOR. I have enjoyed all three, though far be it from me to call them perfect gaming experiences. Though, to be fair, if I could get high-speed internet where I live, I would play A LOT more.


Now, 3/4 of the threads on the forums are complaints, issues, bugs, and low expectations that predict this game is "dead", "will die", "is broken", "is ruined", and so on. I have seen others praising the game, but nitpicking certain details. And, of course, the WoW comparisons and "back to WoW" comments pop up everywhere.


I want to know, and excuse my ignorance, but is it really that much of an issue? Is this game truly doomed? I'd like to remain skeptical of what I presumed was a vocal minority, but reading through certain threads reveals that there are some serious issues to be had. Are these kind of things normal?


I really like this game and I'm working on learning the mechanics, specifically PvP, so I can enjoy myself even more. But is it all pointless if the game is truly doomed to implode?


If its doomed, I for one don't see it. Will I admit there are bugs and problems on the games end, that need to be fixed and are being fixed? Yep. Are there problems on my end? Yep. Even with both those, I love this game and the potential I see is very great.


That being said and others pointed out. This is just one person's opinion as is anyone else who posts. Can others agree with others? Sure. Disagree? All day :p:D


All that matters is what you think. Do you honestly feel the game is dead/dying and still worth your time and effort to play, post ideas, bugs, etc to improve?


That's all it comes down to for each and every person. How they act when they reach that point, well, that's a different matter entirely.

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The best way to help the game be prosperous is to subscribe and play. If you like it, then play it and don't worry about the forums.


Almost every MMO starts to die a couple months after launch, but even so it will be around for a long time and continue to offer entertainment for a lot of people.

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The game is not doomed yet. I have lots of fun with this


This said, it's kinda worrying that my server is listed as ''heavy'' and have less population than the Eredar-US server, which have the reputation of being low pop..


I mean here, when I go on Imperial fleet, I see 20-30 persons at peak hours


Stormwind, it's at least 60-70, on a supposedly dead server where the Horde is heavily in favor.

Edited by Angedechu
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So, I'm a young guy. Through work and school (coupled with terrible home internet in my valley) I've only had the chance to experience 3 MMO's, WoW, City of Heroes, and SWTOR. I have enjoyed all three, though far be it from me to call them perfect gaming experiences. Though, to be fair, if I could get high-speed internet where I live, I would play A LOT more.


Now, 3/4 of the threads on the forums are complaints, issues, bugs, and low expectations that predict this game is "dead", "will die", "is broken", "is ruined", and so on. I have seen others praising the game, but nitpicking certain details. And, of course, the WoW comparisons and "back to WoW" comments pop up everywhere.


I want to know, and excuse my ignorance, but is it really that much of an issue? Is this game truly doomed? I'd like to remain skeptical of what I presumed was a vocal minority, but reading through certain threads reveals that there are some serious issues to be had. Are these kind of things normal?


I really like this game and I'm working on learning the mechanics, specifically PvP, so I can enjoy myself even more. But is it all pointless if the game is truly doomed to implode?


SW:ToR will prosper, but it will never get as many subscribers as WoW ever had, SW:ToR simply does not have anything to draw in players with imo, they have the same thing as WoW has, PvP Warzones and Operations, even Daily quests.


I am actually disapointed in SW:ToR, i thaught that a game released in 2011 (almost 2012) would have something new and refreshing for the MMORPG players, but it only has the same mechanics that has been seen even before WoW came along.


Oh well, i hope we get some new refreshing things in some future mmo. I myself will wait untill my 30-days of gametime is up, then i willr e-evaluate the game, and if they have not fixed most of the crucial bugs then i do not think i will put up with the game, as everyday me and/or my guildmates are having problems with one or another bug in one way or another, and it just isnt what i want from a game.

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Dude, I feel you on the crappy internet. For the past two years I've been dealing with satellite internet. It sucks but it's better than the alternative. I see people complaining about their 300ms lag and I just laugh to myself and think these people don't know how good they have it.


The game is not doomed to fail, in fact I'd say it will probably end up as the most popular MMO in terms of subs since WoW. It's a fun game that has an engaging story. What's not to like? Those people that nitpick all the time? I think that is their job. I think it's all they have to do. I see them all over the place, and they aren't limited to just SW:TOR.


If you are having fun with the game then keep having fun with it.

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