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Speed lvling to 50 ...why?


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Is there a lottery for the first 100,000 people to hit lvl 50 or something. Why are people in such a rush to get to the lvl cap. I'd much rather take my time and enjoy the game while i am lvling.


I vote we have a lottery for the last person to hit the lvl cap who was in pre release.....I'm sure I would win because I really don't care what lvl I am as long as I'm enjoying the game.


Let me make it simple I am just asking people why they rushed(from my personal perspective) to 50 cause I just don't understand why they would want to. So if you are lvl 50 I'm not saying you are wrong or anything like that I'm just saying I don't understand why anyone would want to get 50 really fast(less than 30-40 days say)


Just a comparisone to my gaming days past.

Back in my EQ days I played for 18 months and was never higher than lvl 48. Course in that game it could take a week to get a single lvl when past 40 and every peace of gear was a huge achievement. But games are not made like that anymore.

Edited by Renshei
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I hit level 50 last night.


I did not rush through the game in any way. The only time I space-bar'd through cinematics was during alien-language scenes where I'd finished reading the subtitles long before the speaker finished.


I ran mostly solo, with the occasional group for Heroic and flashpoints. I didn't even do all of the flash points on the way to 50. I did not spend even a moment in warzones.


Truth be told, it just doesn't take long to level in this game. Certainly longer than current WoW, but it took me 4 months to cap to 60 back in vanilla.

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Is there a lottery for the first 100,000 people to hit lvl 50 or something. Why are people in such a rush to get to the lvl cap. I'd much rather take my time and enjoy the game while i am lvling.


I vote we have a lottery for the last person to hit the lvl cap who was in pre release.....I'm sure I would win because I really don't care what lvl I am as long as I'm enjoying the game.


Many reasons, most notably.


-Beta, no point listening to the same drivel again

-Shockingly not everyone cares about story

-Shockingly again some people hate leveling up so they do it as fast as possible to get to the good part of the game, raiding and end-game PvP, albeit it being horrible in TOR.

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I've never understood it either. I've been playing since December 15th, and I'm only level 22. Of course, I haven't really been playing as much as I would like too.


But, the main reason for my low level, is that I'm intentionally taking it slow and enjoying the story.

Edited by JarenVestrit
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-Shockingly again some people hate leveling up so they do it as fast as possible to get to the good part of the game, raiding and end-game PvP, albeit it being horrible in TOR.


That is the problem, wow made people think that the point of the game was the "end game" when in fact the point of a game is to enjoy it all, its all a good part.

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Many reasons, most notably.


-Beta, no point listening to the same drivel again

-Shockingly not everyone cares about story

-Shockingly again some people hate leveling up so they do it as fast as possible to get to the good part of the game, raiding and end-game PvP, albeit it being horrible in TOR.


Hence why BW should have made levelling in this game a LOT slower. You would have a lot less 50's complaining 3 weeks into the game's launch about the amount of end-game content. I wonder what MC was like 3 weeks into WoW? Oh wait, no one was there yet....

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What exactly do you want people to do then, if not level?


Should we hang around Corsucant spamming /dance?


Should we run laps around the Fleet talking in General chat?


Should we stop doing quests and do flash points and warfronts? Oh wait, those involve leveling. Can't do those.



What else should we do?



SWTOR, like every MMO, is a game built around advancement. If you aren't advancing your character in some regard then you really aren't doing anything. Sure, it'd be nice if there was more of a social element, but that's not the type of game this is. And if you have to STOP leveling or advancing because the game doesn't have enough to do in it then it begs the question... why continue playing?

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So many are already level 50. Others are almost there and probably will be by the end of the free 30 day trial. My question is what are you going to do in the game once you hit 50? If you like alts and level those up then what?


Since there aren't any crafting items to go out and gather yourself, no achievements to work toward what will keep you interested in the game once you max your level?

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Hence why BW should have made levelling in this game a LOT slower. You would have a lot less 50's complaining 3 weeks into the game's launch about the amount of end-game content. I wonder what MC was like 3 weeks into WoW? Oh wait, no one was there yet....


There was no MC at launch. In fact, Dire Maul was considered the end-game for the earliest part of WoW's life until they released BRS. UBRS was the first raid, albeit a half-raid. We didn't see MC until...maybe 6 or 7 months in? At least.


So obviously they have WoW and most other MMO's beat in terms of the amount of end-game content available on launch day. Unfortunately, its not -quality- end game content by any stretch of the imagination, with broken HM flashpoints, lootless bosses, a ridiculously expensive token system that makes absolutely no sense and Operations that require more luck than skill to defeat the 'bug boss'.


Some of this is being dealt with in the coming 1.1. In the meantime, I think I'm just going to be rolling alts.

Edited by freakuancy
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There was no MC at launch. In fact, Dire Maul was considered the end-game for the earliest part of WoW's life until they released BRS. UBRS was the first raid, albeit a half-raid. We didn't see MC until...maybe 6 or 7 months in? At least.


So obviously they have WoW and most other MMO's beat in terms of the amount of end-game content available on launch day. Unfortunately, its not -quality- end game content by any stretch of the imagination, with broken HM flashpoints, lootless bosses, a ridiculously expensive token system that makes absolutely no sense and Operations that require more luck than skill to defeat the 'bug boss'.


Some of this is being dealt with in the coming 1.1. In the meantime, I think I'm just going to be rolling alts.

The flaw in your argument is that when WoW first came out it took MONTHS to get to the level cap, even for dedicated players. The game didn't NEED large amounts of content for end-game because even a little bit of content was a lot. In a game like SWTOR, where even casual players can get to 50 in a few days, there needs to be a lot more to do since content is processed through so quickly.


That's the downside to making leveling quick and easy. It makes content less meaningful and more is required.

Edited by BunnyMage
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The flaw in your argument is that when WoW first came out it took MONTHS to get to the level cap, even for dedicated players. The game didn't NEED large amounts of content for end-game because even a little bit of content was a lot. In a game like SWTOR, where even casual players can get to 50 in a few days, there needs to be a lot more to do since content is processed through so quickly.


That's the downside to making leveling quick and easy. It makes content less meaningful and more is required.


It probably would have been helpful if you had read my earlier post in this thread about the vanilla WoW grind.


To be clear, I'm not "arguing" anything. I'm pretty disappointed in this game right now.

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Is there a lottery for the first 100,000 people to hit lvl 50 or something. Why are people in such a rush to get to the lvl cap. I'd much rather take my time and enjoy the game while i am lvling.


I vote we have a lottery for the last person to hit the lvl cap who was in pre release.....I'm sure I would win because I really don't care what lvl I am as long as I'm enjoying the game.


You'd enjoy the game even more if you'd quit worrying so much about how everyone else plays it.

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The flaw in your argument is that when WoW first came out it took MONTHS to get to the level cap, even for dedicated players. The game didn't NEED large amounts of content for end-game because even a little bit of content was a lot. In a game like SWTOR, where even casual players can get to 50 in a few days, there needs to be a lot more to do since content is processed through so quickly.


That's the downside to making leveling quick and easy. It makes content less meaningful and more is required.


There were 60s in vanilla WoW about 10-14 days after release, and they were on the WoW forums complaining about lack of content. That was early December 2004.


I think in this game the leveling is a tad too fast, but, again, as we hear in every other thread, "you need to compare with what WoW is now, and not release", and now WoW is *very* fast leveling. I think because of that new MMOs are very disinclined to have leveling curves that require 300+ hours. Aion was like that, and the moaning about it could be heard from Miami to Seoul.

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people need to learn that playing this game a lot =/= speed leveling


speed leveling implies that you rushed your way to 50, likely skipping through conversations, flashpoints, etc


PLENTY of the current level 50 player base has just been playing a lot; doesn't mean they rushed they way to 50

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I was thinking about this and came up with


1. To be the first at this that or the other (bragging rights)

2. To exploit whatever bugs or whatever that haven't been addressed yet

3. Get things done before things get nerfed

4. To finish the content in the 30 days free and not have to pay a continuous sub

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