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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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This whole thread makes me sick...With all the bugs out there for people to recycle this garbage is disgusting, no wonder they don't reply to every fanatical piece of crap thread out there.




There are bugs that:


Prevent people from launching, playing, loading, fps issues, lag issues, flashpoint/op/pvp issues, etc...MAJOR in-game playability issues...AND this is the topic YOU choose to rant on? One that has ZERO effect on anything in this game.


What a joke. If they spend more than 10 seconds on this topic before addressing everything else out there, I would be pissed off.


And ya, you have a right to make this garbage thread and protest a VERY VERY VERY minor cosmetic issue with EA and BW, but I also have a right to post in here every page to remind people how idiotic and how much of a non isssue this really is.


I just wish more people would post the same.


Who cares? I do and so do A LOT of others...next!

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This whole thread makes me sick...With all the bugs out there for people to recycle this garbage is disgusting, no wonder they don't reply to every fanatical piece of crap thread out there.




Who cares? Thousands upon thousands of people, obviously. Just because you use a toaster to run the game doesn't mean this isn't an issue for people who actually care about this type of thing.


To be honest, I would put this issue up there with the ability delay as far as priority goes. This needs to be fixed as soon as physically possible.

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Judging by the number of people that have expressed their disappointment in terms of viewing their character I suspect it would be an acceptable compromise (or interim step) to most. It is similar to what I was going to suggest except that I would also like my companion is also rendered at the best quality.


Actually that is a very good idea I would ammend my earlier suggestion to include my companions. Thank you.

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Personally, I'm not fussed the game looks way better than WOW.. and play sweet on my rig...


I'm not running around my room stomping my feet, crying out loud to the world, hoping my mom comes to console me... That, leads to the darkside... I just carry on and play.... calmly


But that's just me, unspoilt.... by the darkside ;)


Can we close this kiddy whinning thread please BW..... :D

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While it doesn't bother me much playing with medium quality textures i'm perplexed by bioware answer.

The whole "medium setting was a bug" is, well, ackward.

Sometimes, like in child's fables, it's better to come out clean and tell the truth.

Or if you want to make up some stuff to cover an issue you really should try harder...

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Personally, I'm not fussed the game looks way better than WOW.. and play sweet on my rig...


I'm not running around my room stomping my feet, crying out loud to the world, hoping my mom comes to console me... That, leads to the darkside... I just carry on and play.... calmly


But that's just me, unspoilt.... by the darkside ;)


Can we close this kiddy whinning thread please BW..... :D


Yay it looks better than a 7 year old game stop the presses who woulda thought they could pull off a technical coup that big.

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Personally, I'm not fussed the game looks way better than WOW.. and play sweet on my rig...


I'm not running around my room stomping my feet, crying out loud to the world, hoping my mom comes to console me... That, leads to the darkside... I just carry on and play.... calmly


But that's just me, unspoilt.... by the darkside ;)


Can we close this kiddy whinning thread please BW..... :D


What an immature post. This post is more childish behavior than stamping your feet and scream. There is a genuine problem here, pretending it doesn't exist doesn't help anyone.

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So, just for S&G's, I did a Ctrl + F in my browser on the first page:


"Apologies" = 0 Results

"Sorry" = 0 Results

"Fault" = 0 Results


After 2 years of touting "mind-blowing graphics", I'm seriously flabbergasted at the lack of a simple f*cking apology from the community PR rep. That's really, really sad. They yank the rug out from under us and can't even muster a freaking apology.

Edited by Stigas
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Personally, I'm not fussed the game looks way better than WOW.. and play sweet on my rig...


I'm not running around my room stomping my feet, crying out loud to the world, hoping my mom comes to console me... That, leads to the darkside... I just carry on and play.... calmly


But that's just me, unspoilt.... by the darkside ;)


Can we close this kiddy whinning thread please BW..... :D


And those of use who actually are adults don't feel the need to denigrate an entire argument and hundreds of people because of a few less polite, reasoned and mature voices among them.

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I'm just happy they are stepping up and making the logical and obvious decision to enable high-res textures for AT LEAST the player character's model and some of the models surrounding the character.


People just want decent textures for their character so they can take nice screenshots and truly appreciate the new gear they're wearing. I don't give a damn how intricately designed the belt is on a person I just met in a random PUG for an Ops mission.... I DO care how I look after spending 3 hours taking down a boss and receiving a brand new chest piece or helmet. I want to be able to ogle at it and share my appearance with my guildmates and friends.


I can't imagine enabling high-res for the PC, and objects in their vicinity could cause any serious strain on a higher-end computer.... I can understand if someone 20m away from you is rendered in the same high-res texture, however... that would just be stupid really, since the level of detail is invisible to the naked eye at that distance anyway..

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I'm just happy they are stepping up and making the logical and obvious decision to enable high-res textures for AT LEAST the player character's model and some of the models surrounding the character.



Wait, did they say that somewhere? :goes off to the dev tracker:


Edit: HURRAY! I'll gladly take that as a compromise for the time being.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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see even then i don't notice much difference from chracter creator to in game, or cutscenes to in game, or the holoterminal tricks. There is a difference but no where as bad as the forums make it seem again i'm not saying it shouldn't be any better not denying there is a rez change in textures.


There's a huge difference, Have you done the holoterminal comparison which has been confirmed as high resolution. Huge, Epic, Immense, Gigantic, and other verb or whatever to describe big improvement, clearity, depth, immersive, realistic.

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* "I'll concede that at the least BW should put a disclaimer on the site in fine print regarding the no longer available gfx setting used."

- Sorry, that's not how it works. You don't sell a product claiming to have a feature, then just add some small print saying "oops, it doesn't have that feature anymore". I payed $60 and a 3 month subscription with the intent of playing the game with those graphics - however, I am not getting my money's worth and I'm taking that seriously. It's unacceptable in 2012.


* "My primary reason for posting here though is just to express the fact that the graphics, in my honest opinion, do not look bad."

- Unfortunately, the majority of posters in this thread have an opinion opposite to yours, and majority rules.


The only thing the "majority rules" is the tone of this thread. A stubborn and/or disillusioned developer/executive wields a lot more autority than your majority. I'd also point out that being the majority on this thread - or even on the forums - doesn't necessarily make your opinions representative of TOR's community as a whole. The % of MMO players that even bother to post on the forums is relatively small, and the negative voices are always the loudest.


As to "the way it works", well, that's debatable.


The way it currently works is, BioWare posts high res pics on their site, removes the feature from the game but not from the pics, you decide whther or not to continue subbing because of it. You saying "that's not the way it works" as a rebuttal to my comments doesn't really mean much. Will Bioware decide to make some sort of retraction? Maybe. As it stands now, the "way it works" is not what you say it is, and saying it authoritatively doesn't make it fact. Sorry.


Im sorry but I fail to see how getting the product I paid for as it was advertised to me is in anyway an "irrational demand". I fully expect a new MMO to have bugs and issues at launch but in all my time playing MMO's from UO up to SWTOR, I have never come across the issue of being so misled on how the game looks ingame.


Yeah, I get that. I don't really agree that BioWare owes anyone anything, be it explanations or graphical improevments. Sacrifices had to be made to ensure a smoother gameplay experience, whether it be due to the ineptitude of Bws developers or the stress of an MMO on players hardware. They did what they had to do to get the game up and running in as acceptable a condition for the most players possible. You have every right to vote against that with a cancelled sub. I, personally, don't find it to be a big deal.


The "irrational demands" comment was primarily aimed at comments saying BW needs to remove pics/vids from their site. As I said before, that will have Zero impact on an individuals gaming experience. The majority of people making this demand aren't worried about "future players seeing these images and being misled", they're just satisfyinf some sense of personal vengeance with such a demand, imo. (note I said "in my opinion", which applies to everything else here. Feel free to take said opinions as of as little value as I take many of the other opinions expressed here.)

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I am cancelling my subscription before I get billed for this Beta garbage 20 JAN.

I had bought a collectors edition on top of my Dig CE and I have not even put in my code

because I am waiting for this BETA to hit gold officially.


I did not participate in BETA but I sure am now and don't appreciate it. After reading Reid's post my eyes are firey red. How could you release this!!:mad:


My son has been playing now more than I have but I am sorry this is equivalent of false advertising at my expense I never would have bought this if I saw that post in DEC.


Its not just the graphics its the quest bugs, PvP bugs, exploit bugs, memory drains and we are working on it. Well while you guys work on it I will spend my time and money somewher else and when you have come to a 90% solution I will come back.


Story was good but it is not that good. Welcome to the STO, Vanguard disappointment group.

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After sleeping on it this is still unacceptable. If I think I can play the game with high rez textures, I should be at least able to try. If I can't, well then I guess I gotta bump something back down, but whoever posted the screens from WoW's customizations earlier is dead right.
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now i understand why is called THE OLD republic, because it's an old graphic..:)


LOL the textures are pretty nasty on armors and floor Tiles . with AA forced the game looks much better . I just think BW mis judged alot of the MMO community and player bases thinking they would accept watery textures outside of cutscenes probably why they went with stylised in the first place to help hide the quality. the graphics are nt bad but they are not good either lol definately not 2012

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The first major changes will be in our next major Game Update, which will have the version number of 1.2. Those changes will bring greater visual fidelity to your character and those around you, but will still allow for good performance in situations where a lot of characters are on-screen at once. In other words, for those screenshots of your character in their best gear, you should see a marked improvement


Is there any chance of throwing us a bone and allowing us to force high resolution textures in any way?


I do completely understand why you wouldn't, though. :p

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