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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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This is crap indeed. I am not running 3 x 6970s to have some developers less qualified then I (probably am) tell me what resolutions/settings I can run a game at.


Exactly, its like they were so inclined to assume they knew how we wanted our games to run on our machines? Seriously give me a break. I put a lot of money into my hardware to make sure I can enjoy games at their best setting. I don't need a developer to dumb-down the look .

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And you are just going to believe it? I will NOT believe until I actually see it...IN GAME. For all we know this is just another PR spinner to shut us up and make us go away about this issue. But I, for one, will not let it die until I have in game what I thought I was paying for.


It IS a cut scene, someone else in this thread even named the quest where it occurs.

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The fact that I spent 800+ dollars on a new computer for this game just to be told sorry you wasted your money we removed high res textures.


You better believe I unsubscribed on the 4th of january. Obviously that is only one person's experience and opinion.

Edited by Aisar
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Except it's not. As soon as you step into the Republic/Imperial fleet, it's likely your comp will crash. Even high-end PCs were pushed to the limit when faced with so many models in one place.


Beta didn't have nearly the amount of players as retail does.



What bioware should do: While they're working on their current solution, they should add an option in Preferences that enables high-res textures for your character and your party members. At least it's a compromise and placation until they finish what they're working on.


Yanno I think they should let me decide whether my computer is going to crash, for myself, and then let me decide to step my graphics down to keep it from happening.


Simple facts are a DX9 game shouldn't be doing that in the first place.


And thats my issue, it should be MY CHOICE whether I lose a few frames or crash at the Imperial Fleet cause I like my game to look good. BioWare shouldn't be arbitrarily making that decision for me to try artificially pad their performance capabilities and put out bullcrap press releases about how "95% of TOR players experience great performance!" when they're intentionally bottlenecking the graphics to back those kinds of statements up.

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One of the things I find odd about this and the way its described is when you use the preview window to see what an item looks like they use the blurred crapitalised versions of the texture but if you switch to how you companion looks they use the full high-res version.




For an N64 game....


Oh, that's easy, don't you know? Like Reid said, they only dumped the textures on player characters because too many player characters at high rez will bog everything down.


Just because companions are NPC versions of players, have all the variety of armor as players, and take up as much space as a player ( thus doubling the amount of animate models on screen when players are gathered in one place ), doesn't mean anything because companions are magical constructs EAware imported from the planet Braindead and thus can be at as high a resolution as they want because they take up no resources like a player character would!


In other words, companions showing at high res while players show at "whatever the hell res EAware calls the current one" only proves further how the official responses so far have been bullcrap.

Edited by Zorvan
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Except it's not textures that cause it, it's *** bad coding.

Even WoW has better character models, and I could stand in Org at peak time with 100+ players around on max settings, 1080p, and get 60+ fps.



Might want to catch up on the thread... you missed some information.


And you're trolling if you are trying to claim WoW has better models.

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Thanks but sorry, as I've stated, I played in beta, I had incredible reservations in regards to the art style back then but accepted it because the texture and LOD quality of the game made the art style tolerable and even surprisingly good. What we see now in live release is not acceptable and if you're not going to have a fix for that until "sometime in Q1 2012" then I will not be paying you until that fix has gone live.


Its that simple. You can attempt to calm the masses all you like, but this should not have gone live. This should not be "working as intended" and "medium actually being high" texture settings is NOT A BUG as there were actually three texture resolution levels in the beta client but only two in the live client.


You can have all the panicked pow-wows you want at the office, but if you want an active subscription from me post January 19th, you had better address this issue before then.


Or you can hope I resubscribe somewhere in Q2 2012 after you've bothered to get it done.



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Since nowadays we can only induce change by voting with out wallet and i believe we can make them change when they see subs drop because of the issues that should be obvious when reading the forums or talking to people ingame.

Gonna enjoy my last 9 days ingame as best as i can but cancelled my subscription for now, gonna sit it out for a few months to see if things change.



Here´s my farewell letter to bioware, both through ingame ticket aswell as in their little subcancel survey:

I will not renew my subscription after the month included in the game package because of the following main reasons that keep me from enjoying the game as i would like:


1. Graphics quality. i don´t think need to say more about this, there are enough posts in the forum (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=164481 for example) with the grievances we have about the current state and what i got as response in that thread just cements my view that nothing will happen on that front anytime soon.


2. Gameplay smoothness: My main points that keep me from getting immersed in the experience just to name a few: Ability Delay, No Dualspec, no 2nd Target/Focus horribly bugged, no customizable UI, no guildoptions to speak of. Don´t think i have to elaborate here either, enough on the forums about that, too.


3. Customer support, as much as i have betatested various games for various companies and enjoy sending bug reports and helping devs out, the ammount of bugs i encounter in this game still and the unresponsiveness of the customer help puts me off and doesn´t encourage me to support this game further.

Since i will only recieve the standart M0_T0 reply to this aswell i probably shoudldn´t care but saying it anyways, huge need of improvement here.


I would really like to play your game, but i can´t in good conscience.

And since nowadays all i can do is vote with my wallet, well you have me back as an avid subscriber and supporter of tor when you get the game in shape, but as of now i can´t recomment this game to my friends or continue support.


Hopefully all of you going thorugh with this aswell will be nice and concise about it why you are cancelling aswell or at least raise your voices to the customer support if you are not willing to cancel.

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Oh noes. A video game that doesnt explore gay relationships.

I know right?!



Boggles my mind, not causes me to unsub. But yes, continue to deflect all criticisms like a child, while simultaneously calling others as such.


On the topic of the textures, like with most other issues, including the ones I previously mentioned, it is the response, or lack thereof, from the devs that is more frustrating than even the issues themselves.

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Absolutely unacceptable.


It's very clear that you ARE NOT listening to what we want. We want to turn OFF the stupid atlassing. It should not take months to give us the option to turn something off that was shoehorned in. If it is some big debacle to give us that option, then take the ENTIRE STUPID FEATURE OUT until it can be implemented properly.




This should be fixed NEXT WEEK. Not in months.


I just cannot fathom why you put something in to help systems with spindle hard drives, but utterly refused to allow users with SSD's to disable it. We don't freaking need it, we don't freaking want it, let us just turn it off.


You have no idea how software is developed and are unqualified to comment, nevermind in such an insulting and unnecessary manner.


You also don't speak for me. I think the developer response was welcome, complete, measured and honest.


I realize that you're probably used to immediate and unconditional gratification to your every complaint, but you're going to have to get over it.

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"The development team is exploring options to improve the fidelity of the game, particularly for those of you with high-spec PCs. It will be a significant piece of development work and it won't be an overnight change, but we're listening and we're committed to reacting to your feedback."


It's going to be a lot of work?



To what? Put back in what you disabled during beta and placed on website screenshot years ago?


I'm confused -_-* They make it sound like they have to start from scratch.....

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Originally Posted by Ashes_Arizona

Thanks but sorry, as I've stated, I played in beta, I had incredible reservations in regards to the art style back then but accepted it because the texture and LOD quality of the game made the art style tolerable and even surprisingly good. What we see now in live release is not acceptable and if you're not going to have a fix for that until "sometime in Q1 2012" then I will not be paying you until that fix has gone live.


Its that simple. You can attempt to calm the masses all you like, but this should not have gone live. This should not be "working as intended" and "medium actually being high" texture settings is NOT A BUG as there were actually three texture resolution levels in the beta client but only two in the live client.


You can have all the panicked pow-wows you want at the office, but if you want an active subscription from me post January 19th, you had better address this issue before then.


Or you can hope I resubscribe somewhere in Q2 2012 after you've bothered to get it done.


I could not agree more. I haven't nerd-raged over a game like this in quite some time. It really fumes me at the response from Bioware on this issue. The ONLY WAY to vote, is with my wallet, because clearly they aren't listening otherwise.

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Might want to catch up on the thread... you missed some information.


And you're trolling if you are trying to claim WoW has better models.

Do tell. What info am I missing? You presume too much.

I'm well aware of their " excuse" for texture quality.

It's crap coding causing the juttery hitching, and low min fps on the fleet, not textures.

And no. I wish I was trolling.

Between the bad tiling, pathetic foliage draw distance that grows like a chia pet,( with max clip distance, ground clutter, and grass quality!) and low res textures, MANY if not any other MMO's look better than TOR.

Take the blinders off.

Edited by Your_dominus
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I'm sorry - but that is a completely weak and totally inexcusable response. You took the high res textures out because, what? Just having it as an option is too much to give us?


Why would you intentionally limit the graphical options of the client? PC gamers are [mostly] pretty knowledgeable about graphics options, at least anyone over the age of 10 has the basic knowledge to kick the graphics options things down a notch if performance isn't as desired.


I get roughly 2-3x the frame rate in this game (even with shadows on high, and something funky is going on with shadows at high) vs. RIFT (which, at the moment, also looks 2-3x better than this game) with ALL settings maxed in both games. So, there is PLENTY of headroom in the game/engine already to allow for higher graphics options. Putting an artificial limit on such an option is going to get you (and already has to a degree) as a company, a bad reputation. At least in the PC video game market, where the majority of the population is more tech-savvy than that of say, the console market. You can't get away with that kind of stuff without earning a bad rep.


Look at Crysis - when that launched, hardly ANYBODY could get a good, playable frame-rate at max settings. Even to this DAY, it is still used for new GPU benchmarks, and is touted as having some of the most photorealistic and jaw-dropping visuals. Because even though hardly anybody, at the time, could run it well like that - THE OPTION WAS THERE! That game could and did sometimes sell based on graphics alone. And how much new hardware did people run out to buy just because it looked great? That alone goes to show you the extent that dedicated PC gamers (have been one myself for over 20 years) will go to to get all the eye candy and performance they want, if so desired. Pulling an option like high-resolution textures makes dedicated PC gamers with their custom-built rigs and setups, such as myself, scoff at your development team for such an asinine move. Do you think we'll stay subbed for a long time (which means $ and jobs for you) if we have to stare at muddy, low-resolution textures with 100+ fps on our $300+ video cards and quad core CPUs? Heck, I know there are people out there that upgraded or built an entirely new system for this game. What a waste of money that was, probably. How do you think THEY feel about this?


Do you still think it was a good idea to put an artificial limit on your games graphics options because some people wouldn't be able to achieve 60fps @ 1080p with High settings? :rolleyes: Give me a break.

Edited by HitenBongz
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Thank you, Stephen. You are a reasonable and intelligent man and I knew your reaction to this outcry would be to get the wheels rolling on getting it fixed. This information should have been in your original post, however, and it shows that you guys really are just making all this up as you go along.


There's no other real way to do it, I suppose. I don't paint you guys as evil liars or completely incompetent as others do, I realize how stressful and confusing this process can be. That said, your first response to this issue was just ridiculous.


I appreciate the solution, but I think you guys need to go ahead and put the high-res texture options in 1.1, as it cannot be that hard to just put a little warning box in to tell people about the hit to performance they may experience. Do this instead of removing the medium option in 1.1. Then you guys can work on the performance fix in the meantime, and hey, if you get it done ahead of schedule, you can release it in a smaller patch instead of 1.2, instead of having to wait for that.


I don't see any reason why you cannot do what I just described, and I am sure *many* people would appreciate it, including myself. There are those of us who are willing to take the performance hit in exchange for a greater graphical experience, and as PC users, that is our decision to make, not yours.

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Might want to catch up on the thread... you missed some information.


And you're trolling if you are trying to claim WoW has better models.


The older models don't, but the worgen and goblins that came out with CATA have all new texture models. Compairing a worgen to an orc is like night and day and shows how fugly some of the older models really look. But the gear in WOW looks much better then the gear in this game because of the lack of high resolution textures. Who wants to spend all that time to get good gear only for it to look like a one armed spasmastic kid painted it on?

Edited by MoonsLightV
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Why disable high rez texture because the fleet were causing problem ... they could've done what they did to the whole game and instance the republic fleet to a maximum of 50 player...


And seriously ... i see 10 time more player all chilling around the stormwind/orgrimmar bank every minute i play wow at maximal quality with my crappy computer but the texture on the armor is 3 time better quality .... Why is Swtor so limited that after 16 player it start to run like a 1989 comodor game.

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Again: BS. Stephen, please go review the Bioware released GAMEPLAY walkthroughs. Such as
(timestamp 2:35 - 3:00 is a great example)


This is GAMEPLAY footage. High res textures CLEARLY IN THE GAME for GAMEPLAY purposes. It is these high res textures that you are marketing in these videos for GAMEPLAY (not cinematic) graphics.


You're living in the YouTube age. These sorts of revisionist history statements are NOT serving you.


High res textures have always been in the game FOR MORE THAN JUST CINEMATICS. Bioware is PUBLISHING GAMEPLAY FOOTAGE with the high res textures. If you've changed that since (and you clearly have) - you have removed them from gameplay graphics.

^^^good info

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It's going to be a lot of work?



To what? Put back in what you disabled during beta and placed on website screenshot years ago?


I'm confused -_-* They make it sound like they have to start from scratch.....


They meant it is a lot of work to put it back and not destroy performance.

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It's going to be a lot of work?



To what? Put back in what you disabled during beta and placed on website screenshot years ago?


I'm confused -_-* They make it sound like they have to start from scratch.....


I believe he may be refering to the fact that the Hero Engine is so bad that they would not even consider putting High Res Textures back into the game until..well.. they do whatever they do

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Game runs like crap and looks like a 12 year old doodled it. Excuse? Oh, it'd run poorly if we made it look like it did in the beta. We'll do something a few months from now.


Enjoy the server merges before it goes F2P, fanbois. You're not doing yourselves any favors deluding yourselves into thinking this is a quality product.

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