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overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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you mean like this one? http://youtu.be/bHEGstDF5pc


Now that was a much better video comparing the two abilities. Not near as biased as the other ones. You can see the damage for BH hitting sooner than trooper. Which I mentioned could be the case.


I think my original argument still holds though. I'm sure most pvpers can see a distinct advantage to not launching up into the air to fire your best aoe attack.


I would love for someone to make a video comparing when the aoe attacks finish doing damage. If they both do their final damage after the same amount of time, then I can see another advantage for the trooper, this would give the targets less time to react.


However, if the trooper takes longer to fire his total damage, then obviously, that's a bug that needs stomped.

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5.) Ever wonder WHY it always seems empire starts with lead on alderaan warzone?

two turrets already pointing at republic ship and do not have to turn to begin firing not to mention the BIGGEST KICKER OF ALL .. the dumb DEVS ALLOW THE EMPIRE TO TICK QUICKER THAN THE REPUBLIC ... FILM IT FRAPS IT YOURSELF ... try and figure out how empire one caps and republic two caps and forst 5 secs empire ahead ... REALLY .. I MEAN REALLY!!!! W T F


This one is interesting, and after looking at why it occurs I think it might be because the gun is already facing in the direction of the republic fleet. The left gun, which the republic usually caps first is facing away so there is an animation where it turns before it starts firing.

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Each of these issues has a common feature that is related to problems with combat responsiveness. Animations play a huge role in the execution of each of the abilities!!!!


Ever since DAY 1 Bioware devs promoted that fact that SWTOR would have amazing combat animations. This makes me believe these issues will be very hard to fix if ever.... While damage output is balanced, the animation effect, which adds character to each of the classes is actually cause balance problems and responsiveness issues.

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Now that was a much better video comparing the two abilities. Not near as biased as the other ones. You can see the damage for BH hitting sooner than trooper. Which I mentioned could be the case.


I think my original argument still holds though. I'm sure most pvpers can see a distinct advantage to not launching up into the air to fire your best aoe attack.


I would love for someone to make a video comparing when the aoe attacks finish doing damage. If they both do their final damage after the same amount of time, then I can see another advantage for the trooper, this would give the targets less time to react.


However, if the trooper takes longer to fire his total damage, then obviously, that's a bug that needs stomped.


No. The ground print showing an enemy AoE incoming happens initially at the same time for both, and is something both sides can see. Honestly, if your issue is being launched into the air, then launch troopers in the air, too. Balance comes before sticking to the story.

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I don't care about which faction has the advantage, but bad math bothers the heck out of me.


3.) convert the trooper pool of energy to BH energy BH has 4% more -

same for another classes energy i forget which one -> Actually, if you wanted to break it down troopers are more energy efficient. 1 Trooper ammo = 8 BH heat, yet BHs have attacks that cost 25 Heat - that's like 3.125 ammo, whereas troopers only use 3 ammo for those attacks.


The problem with this is while 1 Trooper ammo looks like it equals 8 Bounty Hunter heat based on abilities, it doesn't based on math. Bounty Hunters have 100 heat, while Troopers have 12 ammo. 100/8 does not equal 12. It equals 12.5. Really 25 heat does and should equal 3 ammo because they are both a 1/4 of their total bar.


Bottom line is that Bounty Hunter abilities which cost 8 or 16 heat are actually slightly less of their total bar than their Trooper counterparts which cost 1 or 2 ammo. This statement is purely based on the math shown via the UI and may not be true if Bioware is adding fractions of heat in the background without showing us, which I guess is possible.

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No. The ground print showing an enemy AoE incoming happens initially at the same time for both, and is something both sides can see. Honestly, if your issue is being launched into the air, then launch troopers in the air, too. Balance comes before sticking to the story.


I personally have never noticed the groundprint in pvp, I'm sure I'm just too distracted. However, I do notice big explosions.


Obviously, both classes having the exact same abilities would balance things, but I'm not sure if that is something I would want. I'd like to see some differences between the factions, just balanced out.

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Now that was a much better video comparing the two abilities. Not near as biased as the other ones. You can see the damage for BH hitting sooner than trooper. Which I mentioned could be the case.


I think my original argument still holds though. I'm sure most pvpers can see a distinct advantage to not launching up into the air to fire your best aoe attack.


I would love for someone to make a video comparing when the aoe attacks finish doing damage. If they both do their final damage after the same amount of time, then I can see another advantage for the trooper, this would give the targets less time to react.


However, if the trooper takes longer to fire his total damage, then obviously, that's a bug that needs stomped.


Actually, i tend to mvoe my target around hovering my mouse over the ground (becouse tab targeting sucks in this game) and a player launching himself up in the air actually makes it harder for me to target him on the move.

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Actually, i tend to mvoe my target around hovering my mouse over the ground (becouse tab targeting sucks in this game) and a player launching himself up in the air actually makes it harder for me to target him on the move.


Yep. If you're very close to them as melee you can't see them. And it's certainly harder to target them.

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I personally have never noticed the groundprint in pvp, I'm sure I'm just too distracted. However, I do notice big explosions.


Obviously, both classes having the exact same abilities would balance things, but I'm not sure if that is something I would want. I'd like to see some differences between the factions, just balanced out.


Pretty much every channeled AOE has a groundprint. While troopers AOE is easy as hell to dodge out without taking damage the BHs isn't. I see print, start running away, bum at least 1 tick, 2 if I was finishing a move or smthing.


P.S. Thank you for being one of the guys that stand in my XS flyby with blue lights, ground sign etc indicating the AOE 4-5 sec before it actually happens ;)


P.P.S. Classes are supposed to be mirrored, what you want is pretty much irrelevant. All that players want is to have damage in the same amount/time as their counterpart and same mechanics for their attacks (full auto with pushback vs no-pushbak full auto). Animations should be different yeah, it's not like it's hard to do...well it is for BW obviously, verrrrrry harddddd wor***k, have to put in moar dialog, bigger empty areazzz hurrdurr with 5 mobz in them, fix bug with credits herp...animations/balance, wut's that?

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100% correct on the turrets in Alderaan Civil War.


I frapsed it multiple times, multiple machines, on a very low latency connection. Sampled it enough and mentioned it enough bunch of times, but people shrug it off.


Given two turrets activated at the EXACT same time with margin for error of maybe +-100ms result in Republic ship taking 5 points of damage instantaneously the moment the turret has turned, while Empire ship takes good 5 seconds for those points to drop.


I have lost close games of premades vs. premades with 5:0. for Empire, and quite a number of those games.


I thought I was dreaming and was tired or didn't pay attention, but I started closely watching this and recording every Alderaan Civil War, and every single time Republic ship will take 5 points of damage before Empire one. I've seen instances where our side will turn turret and no damage is done to Empire ship. They turn turret 3-4 seconds later and poof, 595 immediately.

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I think my original argument still holds though. I'm sure most pvpers can see a distinct advantage to not launching up into the air to fire your best aoe attack.


it's like tk throw vs force lightning, tk throw its hard to pick the source without looking carefully, lightning, the source is obvious from the other side of the universe.

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I agree with the op in several of the mentioned points in his post.


The same problem happened with WARhammer Online, and the reason why the same is happening here is that they came here to implement swtor too.


Gives you a kick when blowing up to pieces the imp scum doesnt it?


See, you are not only blowing up a toon.. youre blowing up a concept, a belief, a philosophy, a overpowered design character to make you believe that evil is good and strong and powerful, while in fact its exactly the oposite.


When you blow up any sith in pvp you are showing that.. even if they keep favoring the dark side, light, justice and good will wil always be there to guide you through the shadow valleys of everydays life.


So.. and to resume.. let them favor the Sith Empire faction as much as they want to.. cos the more they favor it, the more we republic have pleasure blowing them apart in pieces through the warzones.


Lock and load.

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