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Let us play in offline mode


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I can't wait until all of you canceled on such and such date are gone.


this is a great attitude. hoping for the MMO that you play to lose players. just pray all the players you hate leave and hope the game doesn't die in the process. risky wish you have there.

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See, being a working guy, husband, and dad,my schedule doesn't lend itself to hours spent online at any given time. Now the occasional sat night after everyones asleep may find me sitting my comp, with time to group and do fp's and heroics or just level with friends, but otherwise i'm limited to a few half hours here and there. So I really appreciate how easy it is to play without the normal MMO bs I experience in other games. But I never have a problem finding people to play with when i can. Sounds to me like you guys just want the game to force you to group, and that's the kind of mmo crap that's kept me out of the genre up until now.
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This is a great idea.


This would make leveling easier to power through the story quests and get leveled up.


I hardly ran into more than a handful of people while leveling and I didn't do any heroics past level 12.


Every time I would sit for an hour trying to get a group nothing would happen so eventually I just resigned to solo the game.


Please BW add this offline feature. I would love to just pretend teh game is solo since it feels that anyways.

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I agree, i call this game a SPMMO, single player MMO. Getting groups in this game is too much a pain in my *** to even do when I can just level faster running solo. Maybe if they had a LFG global chat or a LFD like wow has and I don't give a rats hairy *** if its copying them. the world is built on that so go flame somewhere else.

You do realize what "MMO" stands for, yes? Single Player MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER Online? Kind of an oxymoron lol.

I don't understand why this is even an issue with so many people. I've played wow for years and years. Leveling to max there is no different. I can go from 1-85 and barely see anyone else. The leveling experience is not where you see an MMO's true colors. End game, like it or not is where most people spend a majority of their time. If you look at statistics for the percentages of players at each level range, you often find high percentages at the low and high end, not in the leveling middle-ground. I don't know why anything else is expected of people.

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You do realize what "MMO" stands for, yes? Single Player MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER Online? Kind of an oxymoron lol.

I don't understand why this is even an issue with so many people. I've played wow for years and years. Leveling to max there is no different. I can go from 1-85 and barely see anyone else. The leveling experience is not where you see an MMO's true colors. End game, like it or not is where most people spend a majority of their time. If you look at statistics for the percentages of players at each level range, you often find high percentages at the low and high end, not in the leveling middle-ground. I don't know why anything else is expected of people.


Hold on a second.


So you're saying that most players spend the majority of their time at end game yet BW/EA invested the majority of it's resources on voice overs for leveling up? (including every single side quest)


You're just trolling now. BW is perfect and makes every decision perfectly. Go back to WOW and get on BW's level.


If what you say is true then you're telling me the leadership at BW never researched this?


The truth is the leadership at BW never did research this. Obviously if they would have they would have made different decisions.


The leadership at BW changed and is now imo failed after EA acquired them.

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i would consider playing the game again in a single player mode with the economy fixed somehow so i need not worry about credits all the time, and no montly payment almost forgot to say that


exactly, some of us could do without a lobby chatbox for $15/mo

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The fact that this game does not ignore the soloplayers does not mean the multiplayer part is bad. In fact I'd call it better than most, if not all modern mmo's.


I think some people just need to be forced to group or they come to the forums and cry the game is not mmo enough for them. Silly people those are.


theres more to online mmo's than flashpoints , guilds and raids.

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Lets face it the desirable features of this game are the story and voice overs. The other key MMO features are greatly lacking and the ones that do exist are outdated.


let's face what? Your personal opinion that happens to have no grounding in reality? :rolleyes:

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ITT many anti-social people, plain and simple. I actually do flashpoints heroics and 2 man groups with other people, am I doing it wrong?


Nope, you are doing it right. I leveled in a group of 2-4 and did FPs all the way to 50. I'm social level IV almost V.


These people that don't want to group or feel they are better off leveling solo, you are wrong. You get XP bonuses for running with a group.


If you are not in a guild, I'd suggest you find one and start running with people. This game was made for it and to not group, you are missing a key element in SW:TOR.

Edited by Resallaprov
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And, yes, OP, that would be amazing. People would make mods I could use to play however I wanted. If I made a mistake or changed my mind about something I'd be able to hex edit my save game. I'd be able to take my time and progress at my own rate instead of rushing through to save myself from paying hundreds of dollars for the same amount of fun I would get from a $60 single player game.


yes I feel very rushed because I have to complete the content before the month is up. I am only really interested in biowares storytelling and voice acting because they did a great job at that. The MMO features are not worth 15$/mo to me so id like an option to enjoy the game.

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Lets face it the desirable features of this game are the story and voice overs. The other key MMO features are greatly lacking and the ones that do exist are outdated.


Let us play this game offline, we paid $60-$120 for it and its clearly designed as a single player game with some co-op.


The people who want to co-op can continue to pay the $15/mo and do that.


Thanks Bioware




You cancelled and now your begging for offline mode in an MMO?

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It would be a nice option to be able to force a solo instance. Fleet is sometimes more trouble than it's worth. I'd like to be able to visit fleet and the vendors and gtn and not have my framerate crushed by all the other players bioware wants me to see.


Fleet is fine with 50-100 people in my experience. The times when they put 250+ in that instance is when my game experience goes to heck.


Make smaller instances an option or make it an option to go into fleet solo. You'd still be connected to everything, you just wouldn't see hundreds of people standing around and moving at 5 fps.

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I do at least 2-3 group runs daily. in fact I'm just coming back from doing Athiss, Mandalorian and two heroics on Tatooine :p


and I had a blast doing so :]



I used to do normal quests with random people in beta, but in the live version nobody seems to want to do that (which is weird considering you get more exp for group playing and of course social points.. oh well)

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Not sure which servers or what time people are playing to get "no one is around, planet is ghost town"


I admit, I got one 50 during the first week and a half, and at that point the last 10 levels worth of zones had 15-20 people. However, playing through some alts i haven't seen a world have less than 100 people, and run into a minimum of 2 or 3 people at every quest objective.


My computer (which is NOT top of the line) grinds to a halt in the fleet with 250 people, with people swarmed around PVP and FP daily terminals, GTN, and mailboxes heh

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Do you guys play on light servers or something?


My usual game time varies from afternoon or sometimes late night (3am pst+) depending on work. There is ALWAYS people wanting to do FP's 10-50 on the fleet or a convo going on in any zone I'm in. If it's 6pm server time on your server and it says light wouldn't it make you think that your server is just dead? Roll on a heavier one (there are hardly queues anymore) or keep slugging it out. Whichever you choose, quit whining. Do you cry this much about everything that has easy solutions?

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The title of this should plainly be I don't want to pay monthly. But the problem is that when patches come out for new content, you wouldn't get it because you're not paying monthtly. Patches? Gone too. Honestly, my wife and I have seperate accounts, we love the game and have friends who play as well. Our server is very heavy woth players, Ven Fallow. We pay 30 bucks a month for both of us, and are completely content. Theres plenty of people that don't want to pay monthly, but want the content additions that will roll out.


Bioware. Thank you. We love your game.

Edited by Ethan_Vantrie
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yes I feel very rushed because I have to complete the content before the month is up. I am only really interested in biowares storytelling and voice acting because they did a great job at that. The MMO features are not worth 15$/mo to me so id like an option to enjoy the game.


OP wants KOTOR 3, not an MMO. Move along, nothing to see here.

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The fact that this game does not ignore the soloplayers does not mean the multiplayer part is bad. In fact I'd call it better than most, if not all modern mmo's.


I think some people just need to be forced to group or they come to the forums and cry the game is not mmo enough for them. Silly people those are.


And here I thought I would meet some other players from the opposing faction for some good ol' world pvp while leveling up. Silly me.

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