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  1. Bump...Any news on server merges/transfers?
  2. my "standard" server never has more than 25 people anywhere, so yes its not an mmo and i dont even bother trying to find groups, Telos restoration project
  3. haha so you want the game to be even more empty than it is/feels? have fun with your empty planets, unless you were one of the lucky people that actually has people on their server
  4. Good for you, your server actually has a large population then.
  5. Its called a MMORPG for a reason we want to play with people! if not i'd play an RPG.
  6. Yeah I agree *** bioware, at early access/release you asked us to not roll on full servers! so we should all roll on empty servers with no one to play with? I should have stayed on my full server Mind Trick and not listen to the developer now im on telos restoration project. Its not fair let now that you made the server sizes bigger since we moved off the full servers? Give us transfers back to servers with communties.
  7. I don't get why you all keep complaining at us for obviously you don't know what its like to play on a empty "standard" server all your servers that you're getting groups and such for are probably very heavy or full.
  8. I know im not 50 yet but the server im on is so empty i dont see the point, im guessing your server actually has a community?
  9. WOW im on both of those too! Telos is SOO empty though I switched there from Mind Trick when i had early access cause of the queues which was stupid cause telos sucks, is mind trick still good? meaning lots of people asking to do runs and such?
  10. I'll resub when we get server transfers, whats the point in getting to 50 with no one to play with.
  11. Agreed! I'm basically alone wherever I go in the game and there's hardly ever anyone asking to do flashpoints, so why not play offline
  12. Wow i wish i was on a server with more that 15 people per planet.
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