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Constructive Look for the Devs: Which companion(s) did you use?


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Do this in any forum and you'll find the only people who don't take the healers are spec'd full heals. Occasionally you'll see tanks take a DPS, though leveling for them is smoother with a healer, just slower. With the MASSIVE nerf to tank companions a few weeks before launch, they're useless. DPS classes can use DPS companions and get faster kill times, but the downtime required to heal back them/you after fights evens out the slower kill-time but lower downtime that you get from leveling with a healer. However, since healers are also the best world PvP companion, it's not a tie. It's also not a tie because psychologically the slower kill time is not as noticeable as the increased after-fight regeneration unless you're using a stopwatch.


That's a really good point. I've been severely disappointed in the tank companions...I mean, they can hold threat, but only at the cost of half their health (minimum) every fight, and often half of mine as well.


What was the rationale behind the tanking-companion nerf?




What is Bioware's intent for companions...is it expected/intended that we use the healer 90% of the time and ignore the other 4?


Or did they expect us to be able to switch depending on mood and desired style? If so, it doesn't work. The DPS don't DPS fast enough to avoid massive downtime between fights. The tanks don't mitigate enough damage, same result.

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I used Kira most of the time until I started on Voss, where I was forced to use Doc because of healing. The companions should be much more versatile, I want to use Kira as she is my student and I am her master. It is what fits best I think, but because she is a pointless dps class she is useless on higher level planets.


What I loved with Mass Effect 2 was that all the companions was balanced and non of them had any obvious advantages, which meant I could mix it up and go with the companion I wanted. But in SWTOR you are after a while almost forced to use the companion that has healing.

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29 Def guardian. T7 all the way!


I love the T7 dialogs so thats really the only reason I use him. If I was just going by mechanics it would probably be kira at least till doc opens up. But T7 is too awesome not to bring along and I exclusively duo with my wifes sage so slapping DPS gear on T7 hasn't really impeded me at all.

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That's a really good point. I've been severely disappointed in the tank companions...I mean, they can hold threat, but only at the cost of half their health (minimum) every fight, and often half of mine as well.


What was the rationale behind the tanking-companion nerf?

Tank companions formerly got a 60% boost to their armor. With this, tank companions could easily solo on-level elites without it even being close, and this ability along with 60s CCs allowed healing spec'd players to solo most heroic 4s and some flashpoints at-level just given enough time. So rather than taking the solution of something along the lines of an enrage timer for Heroic bosses (a very forgiving one, but one that requires a lot more than tank companion dps) or even just lowering that armor boost to 25-30%, they removed it entirely and made tank companions severely underpowered.

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46 Def/Vig Guardian.


Kira until Doc, then Doc all the way, a fully decked out Doc still also does ok DPS and his heals are quite high. I can kill, quest e.t.c non stop, elites no sweat, even champions though they take a while to take down :p


I decked out Kira also, but still stick with Doc, Kira does to good dps but I like the no downtime no chance of dying I get with Doc.

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50 Guardian, Defense Spec. Used Kira 100% of the time she was available. Never used Doc.


Didn't have many issues. When I did, it was usually because there were some AoEs which would kill Kira fairly early on, which made the fight quite a bit harder, and sometimes I'd bite it.


The only mob I can recall just *not* being able to deal with was a Sith Sorcerer Elite mob on Corellia. Too much Damage/AoE that I couldn't keep interrupted, and Kira would not decide that standing in the middle of a force storm was a bad idea. Silly girl.


I did find it amusing that the other Sith variants (the Juggernaut especially) were cakewalk, though.

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Defense Guardian. My preferred combat companion is Doc. My preferred dialogue companions are Doc and T7 at roughly 90% and 10% respectively. The only [rare] deviation from Doc is Rusk if I am teamed with a healer, he does decent damage, stays out of AOEs and doesn't usually pull aggro.
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Level 50 Jedi Guardian, tanky spec'd.


While leveling I used Kira till I met Doc, then never used anyone else.


Post level 50 however, I use Kira and Rusk for AOEing groups of weak normal enemies, or groups with only 1 Strong non-elite enemy present. Anywhere there are elites, or anywhere that is a high traffic pvp zone, I use Doc all the way since I'm more of an attrition fight in pvp, and he majorly reduces my downtime between fights where I would normally take 30-50% dmg before the mob is dead.


edit: T7 was only used on Tython and the fun final mission for the class story :p, Scourge, while humorous to listen to, was a waste to ever call out. Kira was my main dps'r since A: she's easy to upgrade since I'm artiface, and B: alot funnier than Rusk.

Edited by Sakon
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Guardian, dps spec until lvl 43 or so and then tank the rest of the way.


Used T7 from start to finish. Tried all the others, but he was just safer/faster then anything else. Juggling aggro as I wanted by manually taunting.


I don't understand the love for Doc. He makes it all more faceroll, but so much slower.

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43 Def Guardian - Kira, and i never switched yet, because i dual with my better half and she is a healer :)


I'm really looking for statistical evidence of which companion people use when soloing a tough fight. Kira makes perfect sense if you're questing with a healer.

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My main is Guardian Focus, cl46 atm, i´m suppossed to use T7 (tank) as i´m intended for DPS but not, till i got Kira i geared her with best equipment right now she has PVP orange and i´m doing just fine.


Now i´m gearing up T7 for my last battle with the Emperor:)

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Level 50 Vigilance Guardian


I actually used Kira from ~13 to 40. Once i got scourge i used kira for everything but elites and used scourge for harder fights. So something like scourge(30%) kira (70%).


I was also under leveled most of my endgame leveling, getting to corellia at ~45 and having to finish level 40 with space missions, grinding to the emperor, and daily Heroic quests. I am not going to lie, i died a bit, but i liked kira more than doc and felt her dps made it for it.

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46 Sentinel. I use Doc almost exclusively, mostly because I am on a pvp server and I rely on his heals to give me a bit of a buffer when I get into spontaneous fights. I do use Kira sometimes (in phases or where I know I won't be ganked), but in general Kira dies too quickly and then I get pummeled shortly after.
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44 tank-spec Guardian. Kira all the way, as it should be for a defense-focused player: you hold em down, she kills them. Much faster than using Doc and killing things yourself (provided you make sure she has good gear). And awesome in PvP, unless she gets CC'd or focused (rare so far, knock on wood). Edited by ciparis
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I leveled as a guardian defense spec. I would use Kira, T7 and Doc depending on the situation. For most of the questing process i used Kira, occasionally using T7 in his offense stance and i would tank. If i was having trouble with a fight i would use Doc because of the healer+tank=survivability, just would be a longer fight than using Kira or T7.
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