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I fail to understand......


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You're saying that this:




looks better than this:








Please leave.


try to show less bias please. picking a wow screenshot with low graphics and a ridiculous looking character on purpose vs. a high texture AA enabled screenshot, which is not possible ingame outside of cinematics.







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try to show less bias please. picking a wow screenshot with low graphics and a ridiculous looking character on purpose vs. a high texture AA enabled screenshot, which is not possible ingame outside of cinematics.








A little better comparison but the WoW screen shot is benefiting from a lower resolution, thus hiding some of the jaggies and graininess whereas that swtor shot is pretty high definition.


I think the youtube video does the best comparison.

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A little better comparison but the WoW screen shot is benefiting from a lower resolution, thus hiding some of the jaggies and graininess whereas that swtor shot is pretty high definition.


I think the youtube video does the best comparison.


It's so high def that you can see the pixels of his hairline!

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Pre-rendered you mean in WoW Model Viewer? Look it up, champ. Takes from the MPQ's.


Take similar screen shots "champ". You can't take an in-world shot from one game and compare it to the model viewer shot from another game. That's stupid. I have no bias as to which one looks better because I really don't care but you could at least try to take objective screen shots.

Edited by Chevex
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Works fine on my machine. I'd say some have pretty bad machines or don't know how to maintain what they have. WoW uses a lot less resources so it will run on a system that is crapola.


True. SWTOR runs fine for me too, but I've seen a lot of people complain about FPS issues, even with high end rigs.

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A little better comparison but the WoW screen shot is benefiting from a lower resolution, thus hiding some of the jaggies and graininess whereas that swtor shot is pretty high definition.


I think the youtube video does the best comparison.


Great post, thank you for the video :D.


WoW doesn't look half as bad as I remember, but SWTOR is still a lot better.

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It's so high def that you can see the pixels of his hairline!


Here, I reduzed the resolution of the TOR image to the exact same resolution as the WoW image.


WoW: http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/9749/worldofwarcraftcataclyss.jpg


TOR (same rez): http://www.codetunnel.com/content/images/samerez.jpg


as opposed to this high rez image:




Still not the same as taking both shots on the same rez rig but it's better. Look how much better swtor looks simply because it's lower rez image.


Next time do a little more investigating before just throwing up biased comparisons. A better comparison would be two high resolution images taken in both games on the same machine.

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TORs graphics look much better than WoWs.


WoWs cartoon graphics give the illusion of them looking better than they really are.


Another thing, I'm pretty sure TOR isn't optimized very well... they have a pretty bad engine.


Dear Jesus. "wow's graphics are worse because they only appear good while TOR's graphics appear good."




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The post about the low res is right. How many screenshots you see at 640x480 that look great but the game looks ugly.


There are a few things holding SWTOR from looking a lot better right now: mainly antialiasing and high res textures. With these in the mix I think it will be no contest.

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Here, I reduzed the resolution of the TOR image to the exact same resolution as the WoW image.


WoW: http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/9749/worldofwarcraftcataclyss.jpg


TOR (same rez): http://www.codetunnel.com/content/images/samerez.jpg


as opposed to this high rez image:




Still not the same as taking both shots on the same rez rig but it's better. Look how much better swtor looks simply because it's lower rez image.


Next time do a little more investigating before just throwing up biased comparisons. A better comparison would be two high resolution images taken in both games on the same machine.


And this post can officially /endthread.

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I'm not saying TOR's graphics aren't necessarily better but that if they are its negligable at best and should run on much lower RECCOMENDED system requirements. The fact I need double the requirements to pump out just an itty bitty more graphics then wow tells me somethings wrong.........
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The problem with this argument of a 2011 game having worse graphics than a 2004 game is not an accurate argument. WoW has had many graphic overhauls over the years, so really you're comparing 2011 to 2010. So the person who linked the WoW vs TOR pic was actually making a legitimate point if he was linking graphics from 2004, otherwise you need to change the argument.
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I'm not saying TOR's graphics aren't necessarily better but that if they are its negligable at best and should run on much lower RECCOMENDED system requirements. The fact I need double the requirements to pump out just an itty bitty more graphics then wow tells me somethings wrong.........


Something IS wrong, they haven't finished optimizing it. WoW was nowhere near optimized when it was first released. Basically everyone is telling you to chill out and let BioWare iron out the kinks. They haven't even added anti-aliasing back in as an option yet. Draw distance isn't an option either. These things will come in over time and people need to just relax.

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Dear Jesus. "wow's graphics are worse because they only appear good while TOR's graphics appear good."





Perhaps I wasn't clear with that post, I was saying WoWs graphics only look as good as they do because they weren't going for a realistic look.

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Perhaps I wasn't clear with that post, I was saying WoWs graphics only look as good as they do because they weren't going for a realistic look.


Neither was TOR. They have said in several interviews that the purposely went for an art style with staying power rather than realism.

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Graphics over haul or not WOW in its form today looks very close to TOR but running on much much lower RECCOMENDED system specs........


I have not seen one WoW screenshot that comes close to how good TOR looks on my machine. I wish I were not at work so I could post my TOR screenshots.

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How a game made in 2004 that runs on a dual core processor, 2gb of ram, and an ati 3850, looks better with all max settings than a game just released late 2011. Now don't get me wrong I love SWTOR, but how this game can require a quad core processor, 4gb of ram, and a 4850 is beyond me. If Blizzard can make a game run and look good on such low hardware, then with TOR"S requirements we should be getting better results and performance then we currently have.


Its still early in the release, there are still diagnostic programs running in the background that have not been removed yet. They need to monitor the server loads and stuff like that early on. In most mmo's there is a big jump in performance about a month or 2 in when they finally remove most of that stuff and it runs much cleaner and smoother.

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Graphics over haul or not WOW in its form today looks very close to TOR but running on much much lower RECCOMENDED system specs........


Yes but realize that SWTOR looks just as good as WoW (even after graphics overhauls) and they haven't even finished optimizing TOR yet and giving us more graphics options. It's only going to get better from here. So the comparison is a just launched 2011/2012 game to a game with an 8 year head start. TOR will start to surpass WoW I believe, but only time will tell for sure.

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TORs graphics look much better than WoWs.


WoWs cartoon graphics give the illusion of them looking better than they really are.


Another thing, I'm pretty sure TOR isn't optimized very well... they have a pretty bad engine.


While i agree with you that TOR looks MUCH better than WoW....TOR has as much cartoony graphics as WoW does.


I hated it at first too....though their art style has grown on me.

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