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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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That's me done, I'll see you guys when these problems get fixed, IF THEY EVER GET FIXED.


I guess I'll have to wait until the game is Free-to-play. Best get those Micro-transactions sorted out Bioware, you're going to need them in the state this game is heading.


Good riddance...

Edited by MurphyNox
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I would prefer that they just turn on the high resolution textures with a use at your own risk note. I don't care about shaders that much but low resolution textures bug me. The lack of high end textures with claims about performance is espcecially annoying when the game performs fantasticly on a midline machine.
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Keep this issue alive. They want you to back down, if you care about the future of SWTOR simply don't. Spread these images around, tell your friends, get websites like massively involved.


The ability to have those textures is there, just like match color to chest, it's just Bioware removing good features for all the wrong reasons.

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they already explained it.


in beta , they had, an albeit limited , amount of "control" over how many people would be shown on screen at a time as they say, also they had more "control" over the hardware that the testers would be using (or perhaps more detailed information on the overall variety of setups people would be using)


now , fast forward after release and duplicate the number of servers, and more than triple the number of people on the game...they dont have that much " control" anymore, so i can understand. while not neccesarily agree how it was handled. the decision they took


im sure we could have em back , just not now when there are sooo many other broken stuff that could potentially cause more harm than good by enabling high rez, i wont lose any sleep over it and continue to enjoy my trooper, agent, assasin and whatever else i fancy down the line




They do have contol. Planets are still sharded.

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Well, Reid, I'm sorry, but that was a bunch of ******** and you know it.


You can't deliver the high res graphics with your heavily instanced POS engine even though other older mmos handle it just fine.


And you REALLY think we're stupid? Medium settings "is a bug"? Medium settings were never intended?




Are you telling us your coders are so clueless that someone put in a "medium settings" option and noone noticed anything THE ENTIRE TIME THROUGH DEVELOPMENT?


Ya know what, go back to just not answering us.


I'd rather be ignored than treated like an imbecile.


And I will not be renewing my sub. Not because of the game, but because I refuse to be straight out lied to because the devs figure I'm too stupid to notice no matter how lame the words they have you type are.

Edited by Zorvan
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The definition and proof requirement of False Advertising is:




As such, this issue clearly falls into this category. I would not have purchased this game, spending over 120 dollars for the Collectors Edition, had it been advertised correctly as a low resolution game.

The game was misrepresented by screenshots, video play (check out any of the videos posted on youtube under the "Directors commentary") and beta experiences as a product that they had no intent to deliver upon at launch.


Simply put:




I don't really care if some of you feel that it "isn't a big deal". We were marketed and sold a product with no capability from the vendor to deliver that product. We got a beat-up pick up truck instead of the fancy sports car that we test drove. This is a MAJOR issue. Accepting problems like this only set a precedent for future games to do the same, because we're willing to accept unfinished products that do not make good on their claims. How quickly would you take a product back to the grocery store if it advertised the product as steak, but you found out it was hot dog meat? Sure, you can eat it, and might even be able to convince yourself its nearly the same thing, but dollars to donuts you'd take it back for your 10 dollars - why wouldn't you do the same for your 50 dollar investment?

Don't let this get swept under the rug.


Rather than sit here and complain about it, it's simple enough to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. I have already done so. It takes a few minutes to file the complaint online;




Don't take answers like this. You as a consumer are entitled to get the product you purchased.


Anyone who really wants to do something about this, that may make an actual difference, should fill out the form on the trade commission site.

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You posted this as if I'm not playing the same game as you are...


The difference between me and you is, I'm not sitting around taking screenshots and staring at stills, I'm playing the game in motion. Take someone you know that you consider attractive, take a closeup picture of their face, and watch how many imperfections are there that you didn't notice when you weren't sitting there staring at them under a microscope.


If that's your thing, great - but as a rebuttal to what I said previously it doesn't really mean anything. Afaic the game is MORE than pretty enough to be playable, enjoyable even. As I said before, I can only imagine that those that think otherwise are of the younger generation of gamers or tech-heads. Graphics are an incredibly small part of what it takes to make a game, imo. But hey, to each his own. I'm simply stating my opinion like the rest of you are.

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I guess graphics satisfaction is a matter of perspective and experience - I didn't even notice the lack of "hi-res textures". Frankly, I find it incredible that anyone considers TORs graphics subpar enough to be worth unsubbing over.


Take a look at the screencap in my sig. That's why I've canceled. I'll consider giving BioWare more money when the game looks as good as or better than F2P games.

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I have a high end system - let my computer worry about high resolution draw calls. If other players have medium systems, then they can set their graphics lower to handle few draw calls. I prefer not to have my system brought down to a lower level....for no upside.
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Sorry, bunch of ********.


You can't deliver the high res graphics with your heavily instanced POS engine even though other older mmos handle it just fine.


And you REALLY think we're stupid? Medium settings "is a bug"? Medium settings were never intended?




Are you telling us your coders are so clueless that someone put in a "medium settings" option and noone noticed anything THE ENTIRE TIME THROUGH DEVELOPMENT?


Ya know what, go back to just not answering us.


I'd rather be ignored than treated like an imbecile.


They truly do think we're stupid. That we will just be 'ok' with an answer like this.

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Anyone who really wants to do something about this, that may make an actual difference, should fill out the form on the trade commission site.


Honestly people dont be lazy fill it out....it will change this game for the better guaranteed!

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SWTOR! We really like everquest 1. So we made our game look like it.




We're also big fans of Asheron's Call.


Personally, even though we got a response. I'm not letting this issue die. This is totally unacceptable in 2012.


Actually, it looks like EQ had better textures back in 1999? Look at the fidelity on these pants and belt. The muddy crap that is SWTOR textures doesnt come close to it :p



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It is an amazing game. How is that?


In my view, at most, this is an OK game. The biggest stand out so far hasn't been the visuals, the mechanics, or the story really. Its been the music. Outside of that, Ive seen other MMOs do a whole lot better than this.

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recreate this exact shot with your character... at this zoom level and post it. I dare you. Go ahead, we will wait.



Ok, I accept your challenge! :D It will not be EXACT, but it will be as close as I can make it. I don't have a republic character that can go to tatooine, but I'll do my best.


Here's 5 screen shots on a speeder in tatooine on my Sith Warrior:


1, 2, 3, 4, 5




Does it look better than WoW overall? Hell's yes. I mean, come on.


Could it look better? Yes. The game only uses up 480megs of video mem (I finally confirmed this myself using gpu-z, ATI Tray Tool doesn't do it)... with triple buffering on. I got plenty more to spare.


Is it BS that we can't have the option to use existing higher res textures? Yes. It's BS.


Is it enough for me to unsub over? No. I won't unsub unless I'm not having fun playing the game.

Edited by Daemonjax
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In comparison to single player games and other genres of multiplayer online games, MMOs have much higher variability in the number of characters that can be potentially rendered on-screen at the same time. In MMOs, even though most of the time you'll see a relatively small number of characters on screen, there are certain situations in which many more characters will be seen. Some examples of these situations include popular gathering places in-game (in our case, the two fleets), Operations with large teams, and Warzones. In those scenarios the client (and your PC) has to work hard to show off a lot of characters on-screen.


Can't you 'just add' an limitation slider? To limit the maximum number of visible characters that are rendered at high quality? I have seen this option in more games, if I remember correctly EQ2 also has an option like this.


Since the replies here go way to fast I haven't read through the entire topic, so someone might have already mentioned this.

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Take a look at the screencap in my sig. That's why I've canceled. I'll consider giving BioWare more money when the game looks as good as or better than F2P games.


The saddest part about your signature is that the environment around you looks incredible, but your character looks like a bag of muddy bantha waste.


How can Bioware say this is working as intended? It looks HORRENDOUS.


Give us graphics options! I do not want to play on low settings, my computer can HANDLE your high-res textures.

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