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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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I'm ok with the answer from bioware. You guys do the right thing. but i want the feature so hurry up hehe ;)


I hope you guys find a good solution to allow higher textures and still have no huge performance decrease. I would say you could let most of this prevent by using level of detail. however i don't know if thats so easy at all. and loading/unloading textures all i sent a good idea too.


I think you guys know what you do, another solution would be to give each system a rig-score if its high enough you can use the "High/Ultra" function of the game. if not your stick with the rest. Thats how some games did it. :) good luck!

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No offense anyone but....Did anyone really not get the memo over the last few years that the game would not be geared to high end machines? Did they not see the interviews or read the interviews that stated this. W


Interviews and and articles aside, as not everyone has time to follow their favorite games behind the scenes, tell me why then they STILL advertise high resolution textures on their website and in ALL of their gameplay videos?


Honestly this wasn't that big of an issue for me until I popped on the forums and saw the gripe about what their website has been displaying. Now, I knew my game looked like crap before that - and frankly was stumped as to why since the game looked rather fantastic in Beta - but I just sort of figured, "Hey, this is BioWare, it must be a bug they're working on fixinng." Then I read the forums. Then I went to the website and went through a bunch of the screenshots and gameplay videos. Now I'm mad and feel lied to.


Now, I'm not going to threaten to cancel my subscription or anything - and in no way blame those choosing to - but false advertising is false advertising no matter how you cut it. Even after this wonderfully distracting reply from SR, they still have the same screenshots and videos on their site. Anyone else notice, too, that in their gameplay videos that robed Jedi Knights or Sith Warriors don't succumb to BBS (big-butt syndrome)?


I want to play the game you guys show on your website. Where can I get that, cus apparently I bought the wrong game. :rolleyes:

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First av all the cinematic graphic looks exstremly bad, so dont even mention aboit calling it high quality . Secondly, of course mmo will lag in high quality but thats not an excuse, we still want the oppertunity to put max graphic on. We want ro hace high texture wuality! Dont you understand that the technology goes forward which means graphic will work very goood. The new generation graphic from amd is out now!!!! And new intel proecssor comes in april!!! So dont you dare give the lag issue to. E an excuse for not allowing us to plah with max settings. I'll be one of those who leave first if i dont see any progress.
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Since there is no impact to the server side, whether or not we have high resolution textures enabled, we should at least be given a choice. It's our machine, it's our game experience, and if we don't mind lower frame rates, we should at least have the freedom to choose.


Since they are worried about people turning it on and having a "lesser" game experience, they could keep the option out of the UI, and have it only be able to be turned on through modifying the settings file. That way, only people that are explicitly looking to enable it, and who should have a good idea of the consequences, would be able to turn it on.


It does have an impact, when you have 10 or more people running around in the same area with the high res graphics turned up your FPS drops like a rock. Imagine a battleground like Illium with 20 people. That is why there is lag.


The games engine cannot handle the high res graphics textures and can barely run the low res textures we see on out characters when not in cutscenes.

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Allow us to crank the settings to whatever we want. If it slows down our client, we can reduce them back down. It should be our choice.


Tell that to Apple. There are huge reasons why it makes sense to limit choice to ensure a fluid experience. That's how Apple has the reputation it does. The "It Just Works" mentality comes from the fact that they make several design choices that could otherwise be user-accessible, to ensure what is there runs as smoothly as possible.


As far as I know, it's not your choice, nor should it be. They want to be able to maintain a bottom line quality of experience, and if that means using textures that aren't as high resolution as you think your rig could handle, that's something they get to decide. Not us.

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If you buy a MMO for the graphics you're a weird, weird specimen.


As an older gamer I am astounded with the quality of graphics we can get in a MMO at the moment, would higher rez be even better? Icing on cake better perhaps, but I'll continue to enjoy my yummie cake regardless of frosting.


And "false"advertising of games has been going on as long as games are being sold. Boohoo. Dig up some old advertisements of old (pre) 8bit games.

If you really bought this game based on TV advertising, then... well... Good luck on enjoying your next whim for 15 minutes.

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It's just graphics.


Big deal.


Graphics aren't everything.


That's the truth. The aesthetics in this game far, far make up for the lack of graphical superiority. (Not to mention the other facets that really shine!)


Edit: Spelling.

Edited by they
Spelling fix.
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In short they are not going to ever implement high res textures. you want good graphics play a game that came out 4 years ago high res pacs and DX10. you wanna play TOR be content with Nintendo 64 armor textures lego vblock shadows and be done with it. Was it mis represented? yes it was . can we do anything about it? no not really except unsub. ill live with it and play until im through the hard modes this is not the game im looking for Obi wan
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If you buy a MMO for the graphics you're a weird, weird specimen.


As an older gamer I am astounded with the quality of graphics we can get in a MMO at the moment, would higher rez be even better? Icing on cake better perhaps, but I'll continue to enjoy my yummie cake regardless of frosting.


And "false"advertising of games has been going on as long as games are being sold. Boohoo. Dig up some old advertisements of old (pre) 8bit games.

If you really bought this game based on TV advertising, then... well... Good luck on enjoying your next whim for 15 minutes.


Everyone bought this game based off advertising, what are you talking about?

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It's just graphics.


Big deal.


Graphics aren't everything.


No but honesty is and not the player base finding it out when Biowaste knew all along and shoveled **** sandwiches to us all.

Edited by Zezel
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It's just graphics.


Big deal.


Graphics aren't everything.


To me it isn't even about graphics. I am just disappointed in the way this was handled. Seems like BW could have been more upfront about what they intended. MMO players need to have a certain amount of trust in the game developer in order to stay around paying a monthly fee. If you lose trust, you aren't going to believe 'We are working on that."

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This is a little disappointing. Other mmos handle this problem by capping the number of high res character models it will render for the current scene. I would at least like to see my character and companions in high res. I understand priorities, but hopefully we can have some sort of solution for this soon.
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Seriously your comparing wows graphics to this for high end textures? That is absolutely absurd.


It's not absurd at all.


WoW definitely has far more better quality textures on their armor sets than this game.



When a game as old as that has higher resolution textures on their toons than a game released in 2011 of the same genre, there is something wrong.



But you know what's even worse? When the company falsely advertises the otherwise for months only to release a game that is subpar to everything they told us the game will be.



Next gen MMO my arse.

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So, the textures are adaptive?


Why not render the player character's textures in high res mode and then dynamically render everyone else's? Render creatures and NPCs in high-res, too because there shouldn't be too many on the screen at one time for high-end PCs.


This change would only require one fundamental alteration (but i know next to nothing about programming or the work involved in implementing engine changes) - they can leave everything the same but tell the client to render the player, NPCs, and mobs in high res. I don't care how pretty my group mates or guild mates are, but I do want to be able to take nice screenshots of my character in action, or admire my new gear in its full glory.

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That's the truth. The ascetics in this game far, far make up for the lack of graphical superiority. (Not to mention the other facets that really shine!)


At least learn how to spell before giving us your 2 cents here, please...

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Better to be hit by the door on the way out than stay here and keep bending over for Bioware.


Hey Carnac, i was simply pointing out that me and the person i was referring to don't share the same DREAM structure.

Normal person's hopes and dreams can hardly be fulfilled by a video game, right?

You can agree or disagree with me of course, but what he/she wrote is just absurd.

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You're right, as long as graphics don't break your immersion into the Star Wars universe, they don't matter at a-






Turn your head slot off then. To be fair, that helm wouldn't look good no matter how high res the textures were.

Edited by Mandrax
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If you buy a MMO for the graphics you're a weird, weird specimen.


As an older gamer I am astounded with the quality of graphics we can get in a MMO at the moment, would higher rez be even better? Icing on cake better perhaps, but I'll continue to enjoy my yummie cake regardless of frosting.


And "false"advertising of games has been going on as long as games are being sold. Boohoo. Dig up some old advertisements of old (pre) 8bit games.

If you really bought this game based on TV advertising, then... well... Good luck on enjoying your next whim for 15 minutes.


Agreed, even though I'm offended by Bioware making the choice for me, if I want to buy a game for graphical goodness, it most certainly won't be an MMO.

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So, the textures are adaptive?


Why not render the player character's textures in high res mode and then dynamically render everyone else's? Render creatures and NPCs in high-res, too because there shouldn't be too many on the screen at one time for high-end PCs.


This is probably too complex of a solution for Bioware to handle right now. I mean, surely their designers would have suggested this at one point.

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Hey Carnac, i was simply pointing out that me and the person i was referring to don't share the same DREAM structure.

Normal person's hopes and dreams can hardly be fulfilled by a video game, right?

You can agree or disagree with me of course, but what he/she wrote is just absurd.


I disagree that expecting the game's level of graphical fidelity to match that of the in-game gameplay footage being released by Bioware right this very moment is a 'dream'.

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