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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Just have a little toggle that to remove the .dll call. Have a warning come out saying "Running the game with this option enabled may cause severe performance degradation, please be adviced that this may cause client instability, your computer bursting into flames, the return of Hitler, etc. Run at your own risk"


There! No more problems.

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Some excellent suggestions here - and all things that the development team are actively looking at. There's no guarantee they'll all happen, but they're options on the table, as I understand it.


To reiterate, we're looking at ways to improve the visual quality of the game in non-cinematic gameplay as best we can. We understand people's concerns and desires and we'll continue to address them wherever possible.


Please communicate this to your co-workers:


Make it happen.

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To everyone that is complaining about false advertisement, i understand that it might look like bioware is throuwing sand at the players eyes, but thats game advertisement for you.


I refer you to the standard industry practise of the... Bullshot, thanks Penny Arcade, most of the PR shots that go out to the media are taken ingame at much higher resolutions than available for release clients, and most likely doctored for good measure.


Does this suck? yes it does. Is the gaming media to blame in part? hell yes... not eurogamer, not ign, not joystick, ever explains the disparity between their review shots and their PR shots, as long as they keep getting ad revenue from the bioware or EA, its all good.


Regarding SW:TOR, bioware will never take down the "doctored" media from this site. They will continue to use that same media in mags and ads, to use it on the game box. If that bothers you, unsubscribe, if not... well, welcome to pc gaming.


Welcome to PC gaming? No no no. I've played thousands of PC games in my life, and 99% of the time I can make ANY game look BETTER than advertised because of things like enabling major AA and Supersampling from the graphics drivers.


More like welcome to SWTOR gaming, where High res textures are DISABLED. They use high res textures everywhere, but FORCE us to play with ****** MEDIUM OR LOW TEXTURES.


This is the first MMO and first GAME EVER that has just decided to DISABLE the high textures. WHAT BS IS THAT?

Edited by Hanni
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To everyone that is complaining about false advertisement, i understand that it might look like bioware is throuwing sand at the players eyes, but thats game advertisement for you.


I refer you to the standard industry practise of the... Bullshot, thanks Penny Arcade, most of the PR shots that go out to the media are taken ingame at much higher resolutions than available for release clients, and most likely doctored for good measure.


Does this suck? yes it does. Is the gaming media to blame in part? hell yes... not eurogamer, not ign, not joystick, ever explains the disparity between their review shots and their PR shots, as long as they keep getting ad revenue from the bioware or EA, its all good.


Regarding SW:TOR, bioware will never take down the "doctored" media from this site. They will continue to use that same media in mags and ads, to use it on the game box. If that bothers you, unsubscribe, if not... well, welcome to pc gaming.


Well not only oc gaming but marketing in general. When you look at promotional screenshots for a console game it's generally photoshoped (erasing aliasing, higher textures...). ******** as always been a part of gaming in general (killzone comes to mind)

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I really hope my eyes are deceiving me this afternoon.


Stephen Reid, you really didn't just try to tell your paying customers that the textures we all played with in the beta, and the game was marketed in its entirety with, was just a 'UI bug.'


That is quite possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard come out of someone in a professional game development position, whether it be just a PR position or not. And I played WoW, so that's saying quite alot.


If this is your solution to the problem, then this situation seems ripe for a class action lawsuit.


Perhaps you don't understand the intricacies of false advertising, but it is illegal to present a product as something it is not, which is what you've done here if your statement is at all true.


I really hope you get the hand of your puppet master out of your backside and provide us with some information to the contrary, a simple "this is not our solution to the problem, we were just joking, because you're clearly not dumb enough to believe the game was never intended to run with high res textures when every single media facet from beta to screenshots and video on the official website utilized those high res textures and marketed as such."


I really do hope your dishonest response is the result of someone's hand up your backside, and not what you really believe. I know I couldn't spew that line of malarkey with a straight face. Though I suppose it helps when you don't have to speak to anyone face to face.

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Until you can resolve this issue. Can you just give me my toon in high resolution during game play?


Or even allow for us to set a specific number of toons on the screen to be set to high resolution.


Those solutions would hold me over until you can give us those higher graphic settings.


As a PC gamer, i want to play a game with ALL the eye candy, i have played MMOs for years, and have lots of subs for different games and lots of PCs in my home. I know I am not the "normal" gamer, but i am a dedicated gamer and I spend lots of money to have the best. I would think that gamers like me would be someone you would want to give the best you got, even if it cripples my systems. I love getting a new game that makes me upgrade my system so I can play it with the best settings...I am the kinda gamer that is willing to go get solid state hard drives in RAID to get faster calls off my hard drive to get the highest settings and run xfire/sli, and OC my cpu/ram/gpu... that is just what i like to do, that is why i game, i am an enthusiast that want to have the options for ultra settings, especially if they are already built the game. I mean dont hold the options back just make it so other lower systems can turn them off. ;)

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Just saying, this game is ugly even with the hi res textures, and if you put 1000 dollars into a computer to play THIS you wasted your money.


The game is fun. Dont kill it because you are obsessed with your purples.


Look at your character in cinematics, its the only time you should be seeing him standing still from the front anyway.


People are just looking for a reason to be upset.

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Agreed. :) It solved a major texture issue for me, I was just trying to pass it along in case anyone hadn't tried it


How exactly did you do that, cuz i would like to give it a try, now that i see no actual high-rez textures are coming. :)

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1.) Turbine has solved this issue as well as Blizzard with different clients for users to run as you must well know as you yourself know. Its just a matter of what buttons we select.


2) Allow us to edit the ini file and choose for ourselves and don't punish us for it.


3.) Low end client, Middle End client, High End Client.

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Please stop posting your replies in yellow until you provide us with some pics of what you say are very little from in-game to the holocron thing. The proof is in the pudding and no other posts are in yellow or red, or blue. I believe you are trying to make a bigger statement then you suggest and that the mipmap and not providing that much of an upgrade please provide the proof,


GamwizX always posted in yellow and always contributed to the forum, if you had been around little longer instead of finding out about this game in december you would know that.

Also it is called called minimap, mipmap doesn't exist.


Why don't you try increasing the minimap option for yourself and see what it does and then state your opinion.


It will not provide the quality real HIGH RES textures can provide because nothing can do that except those very textures working properly, but it will be an improvement.

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@Stephen Reid


First I'd like to say thanks for responding but I have a suggestion. Not sure if someone posted it....


I think most of us just want our own characters to look like they do in the cinematics. When we put a new piece of armor on, etc. we love panning around our character and want it to look nice.


So is it possible to give that high res cinematic texture to our own character only and leave everything else the way it is?


There are a few MMO's that do this and it works out well.


Thank you, I hope you see this =)

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I also feel cheated. Thank you for the opportunity to play in the beta. But For the first time ever, The beta looked and played better then the retail client. The graphics were actually DOWNGRADED as the game progressed.


I gauged my decision to buy a Collectors edition of this game based on that beta play, AND the still to this day misleading screenshots/media on the site.


To find out that the game is not what is being advertised, or even demonstrated, is very disappointing, and quite honestly something I would not expect from a company like Bioware.


If you want this game to succeed, STOP TRYING TO CONTROL EVERYTHING SO MUCH.


In this case subscribers are like star systems. The tighter you grip the more that will slip through your fingers.. and off to other games.

Edited by ccarlton
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What surprises me is the sheer number of players chiming in here who expect Single Player graphics and performance out of an MMO. You have absolutely no idea how an MMO engine has to work. Note I say: Has To Work. It may not function the same way all the time; as Reid pointed out, there are times when 16+ player Ops are happening and times when you are "alone" on the battlefield.


Every possible scenario has to be taken into consideration, and the game engine has to adapt to each. Therefore you need to establish as even a standard as you can... i.e. the graphics quality a player will see 90% of the time. It has to look good and perform even better. In cutscenes, it looks even better because many of the performance constraints are cut. In Operations and PVP matches, performance is key, but the game cannot look like it's from the 8-bit era, either.


In other words, they have to strike a middle-ground between Ultra Graphics and High Performance on the majority of the PCs people are playing on.


If they don't... then you can bet you'd have legions of people on here screaming that the game performs horribly, worse than it does now for some people. And no, it isn't as simple as programming in an "Ultra" toggle -- nothing is simply "programmed in" as easily as you put on a pair of pants.


Yes, the game has been long in development. It would be even longer in development, and possibly never actually released, if they made concessions for every single player out there. YOU want Ultra graphics. Joe Schmoe wants more Dialogue Options. Bob wants more Character Customization. Everybody wants their "dream feature" in and functioning 100% of the time... at launch... right now. It just can't happen that way.


I agree the promo screenshots (high res) were a bit of a bait and switch. But let me tell you, this isn't the first time a developer has done this... they all do. They'll always put their best foot forward. I can't count the number of games I've purchased where something was hyped and it didn't deliver in the final product. You folks who are decrying Bioware or EA and calling them monsters for "fooling you" make me laugh. Quite often, you're being fooled, cajoled, convinced, or influenced by advertising... everywhere... for every product in every industry. Ever see a hamburger advertised, and said "boy that looks delicious" -- yet when you get your hands on the final product, the bun is a little soggy, the tomatoes aren't as great, and the entire thing is somewhat lacking? Yet, it doesn't taste bad... in fact, you overall enjoyed it, so you give the "marketing stuff" a pass.


These graphics aren't horrible. If you think they are, you're simply overreacting. But it's your $15 a month, and you can take it elsewhere. If this problem is nagging you that much, then I suggest you do, and kindly vacate these forums.

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GamwizX always posted in yellow and always contributed to the forum, if you had been around little longer instead of finding out about this game in december you would know that.

Also it is called called minimap, mipmap doesn't exist.


Why don't you try increasing the minimap option for yourself and see what it does and then state your opinion.


It will not provide the quality real HIGH RES textures can provide because nothing can do that except those very textures working properly, but it will be an improvement.


Just a correction, the term is indeed 'mipmap'. Not minimap.


You can verify this by googling both terms.

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100 percent serious. This game is ugly. Its ugly with high res textures and looks like a cheap xbox 360 game.


Its a REALLY fun game, but dont smear the screen with this nonsense about how this game or wow are high end pc games graphically.


I play BF3 and Skyrim, I dont come to SW:TOR for super cool graphicxszzs.


Its just a fun game.

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I really hope my eyes are deceiving me this afternoon.


Stephen Reid, you really didn't just try to tell your paying customers that the textures we all played with in the beta, and the game was marketed in its entirety with, was just a 'UI bug.'


That is quite possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard come out of someone in a professional game development position, whether it be just a PR position or not. And I played WoW, so that's saying quite alot.


It is dumb, because that isn't what he said. What he essentially said was they decided to remove the high res textures as an option but neglected to change the drop down. The bug was not changing the drop down to remove the word "medium".


Doesn't matter if you agree with the decision or not, the decision was made, and the UI bug he reffered to was them not removing the word "medium".

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How exactly did you do that, cuz i would like to give it a try, now that i see no actual high-rez textures are coming. :)


There is an option in Catalyst under Gaming/3D I think it is (at work so I can't check at the moment) where you can set Mipmap.

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How exactly did you do that, cuz i would like to give it a try, now that i see no actual high-rez textures are coming. :)


In your GPU settings, catalyst if you are with an AMD, there is an option called "Catalyst A.I" switch that to quality or high quality and try to notice a difference. You might see a bit of an improvement on world textures, companion UI wardrobe. But you wont see a big difference in armor textures, as its being locked by software.

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Could we get an interrim fix where just our own characters are rendered with high rez textures.. So we can look at ourselves and not see an smudged blob?


The textures are fine when we run around looking at other players, but we spend quite a bit more time staring at our own player and I personally would like that to look a little crisper..


Yes this an approach I believe they took in guild wars for the hub areas, where other peoples armour was rendered using lower res models/textures.

I do hope this is doable and they aren't restricted to some global setting where everything is either high res, or low res.

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1.) Turbine has solved this issue as well as Blizzard with different clients for users to run as you must well know as you yourself know. Its just a matter of what buttons we select.


2) Allow us to edit the ini file and choose for ourselves and don't punish us for it.


3.) Low end client, Middle End client, High End Client.


If Bioware is concerned about client performance on this issue they should make enabling the "Ultra" level textures an extra step, say an option in the launcher rather than the normal game client.

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