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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Well crafted reply but i dont believe half of it. this is an MMO its probably gonna have a life of about 5+ years, i find it very very hard to believe that when developing the game Bioware did not future proof the game with higher graphic options.


I have the game maxed now if this is as good as it looks then no matter the styling of the graphics it will not age well, someone who posted previously mentioned that people with ultra high specs were having serious slowdown in areas, that is either down to problems with graphics drivers or its a bug somewhere in the games code that needs fixing because others with almost identical setups are having no problems, Iv logged over 200 hours on the game so far and the lowest my FPS has dropped to is around 30 on the imp fleet station.


Im not gonna moan to much because good or bad graphics im having fun actually playing the game but as i mentioned i personally think the dev reply is filled with half truths, the technical parts no have no trouble believing, SWG for instance at the time could come chugging to a halt client side if you had graphics set higher than your PC could handle if an area was filled with hundred of people.


What i refuse to believe however is that the so called "high" settings we are using now are the setting bioware intended from the start.

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You have coded the high res version, was available in beta.


Adding a 3rd graphic setting and copy/pasting those settings available in beta is not a big deal. You dont even need it to be tested, it was used in beta.


You are loosing all your credit by not telling the truth, and this is not the first time.

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Opinions aside, the game is sub-par from a technical standpoint which is obvious to most people that are posting here. That's what it boils down to.. fact, not opinion.


Game looks great and runs at a steady 40-60fps for me. I will disagree with your opinion.

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It is just unacceptable that a game that launched at the end of 2011 can not offer a hi res graphics option. Lotro launched in 2007 ish, has a hi res and a lo res client. Almost every other mmo simply has a character LoD managment option to alleviate performance issues. I don't appreciate the decision being made for me as to what level of graphics I can run.


The worst part of this though is that beta and every advertisement and piece of marketing represent this game as something it is not and there was no comunnity interaction in regards to this decision to tune the graphics down. I have already cancelled my subscription due to this issue, mostly due to the underhanded/backdoor way they went about it. It doesn't exactly inspire a lot of trust in the company.

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Anyone remember when Doom 3 launched? The highest quality setting couldn't even run right on high-end systems. It was great, I had to upgrade everything months later to play it the way I wanted. Nothing wrong with having options that are too demanding on hardware.. every year faster and faster GPUs hit the market.


Absolutely give the player choice. Give him so much rope he can hang himself with if he wants. If I'm questing in a zone and want to see all the whistles and bells I should have the right. If I'm in an operation and care more about performance and frame rates I should have the right. That's why the settings can be changed in game.


Giving a response that basically says "we think its too much for you" isn't acceptable. Enabling it with a warning its not optimized would be perfect, even if put off fixing its performance for months while tackling other issues.

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Could we get an interrim fix where just our own characters are rendered with high rez textures.. So we can look at ourselves and not see an smudged blob?


The textures are fine when we run around looking at other players, but we spend quite a bit more time staring at our own player and I personally would like that to look a little crisper..


This is what Guild Wars does. I'm completely for this.

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I am simply pointing out how silly this sounds. They're basically not allowing us to have the high/ultra settings, because they're afraid we'll complain about it.


Know what sounds silly? The medium setting was a Bug... But high is now the same thing as the medium settings. And even though all armor details are visible in any image we sent out to sell this game. you never get to see them.

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I'm really mad about this.


Why not just leave the high resolution textures as intended in the game, and those who have the PCs to use them, can pick those, and whoever feels the FPS goes too low when in a crowd can go back to the current medium "high".


This is the first time since I've started playing that I felt lied to and cheated and I'm thinking about quitting.



And even though all armor details are visible in any image we sent out to sell this game. you never get to see them.


I paid for something, and they delivered something of lesser quality.

Edited by Hanni
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It doesn't make any sense!


As earlier in Beta the High Resolution textures WERE available and plenty of beta testers were happy and content with it, without suffering performance problems!


It doesn't involve a lot of development, as it has been working before!


1. Why do you REMOVE the CHOICE for us to run HighRes textures? Why can't we decide if it's worth it to us and if our High End PC's can handle it?


The worst of all in this, is that this SIGNIFICANT decision and change was NOT COMMUNICATED to the public before release!!


2. With this statement, you basically confirmed and are now commiting and guilty of BLATANTLY FALSE advertisment! As ALL your screenshot and video footage, as well as earlier beta footage, shows HIGH RESOLUTION character models!


We PAID for the game (me 300 bucks for two CE editions) with the EXPECTATION to run the game as was ADVERTISED! With High resolution character models!


This brings us to the third point:


3. Are you going to offer a FULL refund for people that wish so, now the cat has come out of the bag?


It was obvious when he talked about "passing it around" that it would be a typical SR/BW answer.


This actually makes me wonder if that remote rendering this is true and the servers would blow up if everybody used the high res textures.


At least they got yet another notch on the "times we totally screwed" pole.

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This will have me cancelling my family's 3 accounts sooner rather than later. Specifically for the following 3 reasons:


1. Our characters look like garbage close up. I like to enjoy new armor as I get it, but when it is blurry and you can't make out the details that are obviously supposed to be there, it breaks my immersion.


2. Bioware has advertised this game with much higher resolution textures than are available in game.


3. The doublespeak in this post would make Orwell proud ('high' setting is a UI bug.. lol), and I'm not going to be treated like an ignorant sheep by a company I pay money to.

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I would just like to know Stephen, why High resolution textures were used to promote the game, when they are not available for the comsumer. This is very misleading, and quite cheap I have to say so.


Here is a good example of jedi knight progression vid, where the armor is in high resolution, but in game it is in low res....

Edited by Nimiuel
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Good explanation. I appreciate the dedication to communicate with us.


Obviously I am not in a position to offer viable solutions, however, I would offer up one anyway (just in case).


I would prefer to see just my own character (and companion perhaps) in high rez but leave everyone else in the stage as is.


(Ok offering another), further, perhaps you could have a character count that dynamically scales back the level of detail based on how many are in the area.

Edited by Zantom
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As I expected. What a bunch of HOOLA. bioware. the textures were there in beta, and now suddenly they are not.


This post of yours was exactly what I was expecting. a very creative , well written piece of hoola turning things into YOUR favor.


What do you think we are , a bunch of kids?


Anyway, I know enough. i'll most likely finish my 3 month sub, and if some serious efforts arent made concerning the fps and texture issues, i'm gone.


The sheer ignorance is staggering.


Oh, p.s , Nicely done. advertising with stuff that's not in the final product. That's illegal in my country, as it can be considered false marketing. making people pay for A , whilst they get something different.

Edited by fredspekvet
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I'm glad it works for you as well. :) I've compared those high quality shots to shots I've taken in game. I cannot tell a noticeable difference, especially while in the middle of playing the game.


Exactly :)

Now it is true that there is a problem with the textures, however forcing minimap helps a lot, i keep it on high quality all the time, not just with this game.


Some users posted pictures where their game looks so ugly that i was actually shocked because i haven't witnessed something as horrendous as that on my end.


I think everyone with a decent enough PC should try this.

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I feel bad for Stephen Reid, he's been trying to get us info. I'm sure once he found out the answer he was like "oh crap, real good job guys, next time how about telling me this before the games released".


But really in the end there really should have been a statement or disclaimer before release date explaining so you weren't dupped into making your purchase based on their screenshots. As this really is a clear example of FALSE ADVERTISEMENT as all campaign material and STILL posted shots are using the high rez textures.


I was misled on my purchase. Graphics are all you have to judge a game by until you actually play it.


It's a real shame. In the end the message was, "Hero engine, that was supposedly made for MMO's, is a piece of crap adn obviously not made for the -Massive- part in MMO."

Edited by WarheartZero
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As I expected. What a bunch of HOOLA. bioware. the textures were there in beta, and now suddenly they are not.


This post of yours was exactly what I was expecting. a very creative , well written piece of hoola turning things into YOUR favor.


What do you think we are , a bunch of kids?


Anyway, I know enough. i'll most likely finish my 3 month sub, and if some serious efforts arent made concerning the fps and texture issues, i'm gone.


The sheer ignorance is staggering.


When you quit... can I have your stuffs?

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woah. overreacting much?


No, not really. When the NDA dropped, the High Res picks came flowing out, they've been coating this site and others for months, the reviewers in their reviews put up these sexy screen shots, then when we get the final, retail game and log in, it looks like we rolled around in a puddle of dog **** at best, and we don't even have the option of using the high res textures, it's just another classic example of Bioware saying "We're well aware you want to play that way, well, too bad, you're going to play this way because it's better for you!", choice, no freedom, do as your told or don't play, kind of sounds like the United States these days....

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This will have me cancelling my family's 3 accounts sooner rather than later. Specifically for the following 3 reasons:


1. Our characters look like garbage close up. I like to enjoy new armor as I get it, but when it is blurry and you can't make out the details that are obviously supposed to be there, it breaks my immersion.


2. Bioware has advertised this game with much higher resolution textures than are available in game.


3. The doublespeak in this post would make Orwell proud ('high' setting is a UI bug.. lol), and I'm not going to be treated like an ignorant sheep by a company I pay money to.


I would just like to know Stephen, why High resolution textures were used to promote the game, when they are not available for the comsumer. This is very misleading, and quite cheap I have to say so.


Here is a good example of jedi knight progression vid, where the armor is in high resolution, but in game it is in low res....


But really in the end it really is something that should have been adressed before release date. As this really is a clear example of FALSE ADVERTISEMENT as all campaign material and STILL posted shots are using the high rez textures.


I was misled on my purchase. Graphics are all you have to judge a game by until you actually play it.






Edited by Hanni
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A feature that would go a long way would be just high res textures on our own char. This is where our camera is closest and seems most important to most. Those in the distance are not going to matter as much, but the one char you are up close and personal with should be high res.
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