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Everything posted by Pyretechnic

  1. I didn't even notice the event >_> I'm still running around dromund kass with friends new to the game.
  2. They were more fun to watch back in August when the entire DOW was having -4% / +4% days. I don't listen to economist much lately.. the more you follow the news the more you realized how wrong they usually are (that or they talk about the obvious after it happens).
  3. Much like world PvP too if I remember tarren mill correctly. Once they tried to structure it things took a turn for the ugly and instanced (wintergrasp)
  4. I am of the opinion the game shipped early to meet holiday sales. So yes, these features are the expected norm in any mmorpg. I am however glad to see them in the video.. means we don't have to wait past march for them to materialize in game.
  5. Do the first flashpoint, black talon, and your on your way to level 2.
  6. Crying children still crying after getting pacifier they cried for. The video is a nice peek at the future. And of course they are also working on the bugs.. seriously expected a PR video about bug fixes? THAT would be horrible PR.
  7. Have any of you coded in .NET 1.0? Hero feels like that. I can't wait until they optimize the hell out of it.
  8. I also have a 5870, in empty zones the performance is great, in 16 man operations I loose FPS pretty badly. Its like with wow, when all those effects go off at the same time you need a pretty good system to keep the settings at max
  9. Thats what I do in wow, 30 days on alts inbox then return to sender and an additional 30 days in my own inbox. In swtor mail disappears after a few days.
  10. Unlike other games there is no loss when the auction expires.. so if there is no limit people would use the auction as a free storage. Personally I use an alt if I hit my 50 item limit.
  11. I'd like to click THROUGH my companion... I like that he follows close as I sneak past mobs.
  12. My 600 can reach zero pretty quick in very healing intensive situations.
  13. Most people post on the forums when they hit something frustrating in game. A happy player isn't a posting player.. usually anyway.
  14. Perhaps the idea of organized world pvp with objectives simply doesn't work. The ilum daily shouldn't require players from the opposite faction to complete. I'm not sure how they can reasonably balance the two factions for ilum, unless they make it free for all pvp...
  15. You obviously didn't try Final Fantasy XIV ahhaha
  16. Scroll up and read. I post a reasonable work around and I'm immediately branded a bioware fanboy. Personally I find it hilarious, and sad, that people consider this lame little issue game breaking. Something they can easily avoid or fix themselves leaves them stranded at higher levels only able to PvP? LOL Pathetic. I have a couple like that myself. The fix will help clear out my log completely. Until then its a minor nuisance at best. ... now if only they'd figure out and fix the skill lag issue.. especially in battlegrounds and 16 player operations
  17. I see lowbies there all the time. If they were banning the curious the game would be pretty empty by now.
  18. Yes you have a legit issue, but in no way does it paralyses your game play. I don't comprehend people like you who'll spend hours and waste so much emotion on what, something they can easily fix themselves? Pathetic! I give you an easy way around it and you accuse me of fanboyism.. If it bothers you so much get off your butt and do something about it. If a small bug in a game makes you vent this way I can't wait until you buy a home. How many calls will you make once a window ceases to open easily. Oh no, applying WD40 to your window is below you.. someone has to fix it for you "nao"
  19. So when your arguments fail you resort to shouting? No, me my friend, I am a do it yourself kind of guy. I'm not going to wait for bioware if I have a reasonable workaround on my end. But please, don't mind me and continue your childish rant here.
  20. Wowzers.. happy I don't pvp on ilum (and happy I'm with the empire haha)
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