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Addon request: Identify players wasting my time by not hitting spacebar


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To all the people complaining about skipping cutscenes.



do you realy think watching the same blacktalon story unfold 20 times is FUN!? it's not, trust me.


On the other flashpoints this is less of an issue but BT is like 10 min converations for a 20 min fight!


I skipp cutscenes, my guildies skipp cutscenes but we would NEVER drop a player for wanting to watch them though. I'll just get a coffee and let him winn all the roless also :D dont ened the social points ^^

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Yeah at first I was like...why would you?


Then I understood.:o


I think the problem is that if you type even a small message in the LFG box, it cuts it off and people can't read it. When Bio does a UI retool they need to look at that. Until then before you enter the instance you should make sure everyones on the same page.

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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


This "add-on" is already in the game. It's called "Group with someone and boot them after they don't hit the spacebar."


What else do you want it to do? You can't tell that someone isn't skipping the cutscene by watching their avatar picture in the corner of the screen?

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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


3 words that can be said many different ways.


Join a guild

Find a guild

Create a guild

Make some friends

Be more social


I could add about 20 more in. You know how many cutscenes I've watched after the intial playthrough in flashpoints? Zero.


Why? Because im not an introvert and actually like the social aspect of :


M (massive) M (Multiplayer) O (Online) Games.

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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


GOD YES!!! This should be a feature in the game RIGHT NOW, not an addon. Just some simple flag that says "Will not skip content" and people can check or uncheck it.


That way like minded people can all play together because right now, this current system discourages grouping.


It is very aggravating to get caught with that player that "needs to be fully immersed and not miss a cutscene"


Come on! It doesn't even matter what choice you make! JUST slam #1 and space bar


Grrr.. soooo aggrivating. In guild vent I will key up and start slamming my spacebar so the others can hear it lol like "COME ONNNNNNNNNN!!!!"

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While I agree that a lot of people jumped down the OP's throat on this, the fact that he stated he wants the addon so he can kick people of unlike mind is why they did. If you make a group and say "Hey, I'm in a bit of a hurry:" or "I've already run this 100 times:" "Can we please skip cutscenes?" And people purposefully watch the cutscenes to spite him, yes THEY are in the wrong. But creating an addon that essentially discriminates between those interested in the cutscenes and those uninterested would only cause problems.
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No, it's an MMORPG. Boy, you sure picked the wrong game if storyline is not important to you.


That's not fair of you to say. I really enjoy this game, the way it plays, the dungeons, the boss encounters, the lightsabers, the gear, the warzones. Just about every playable aspect I enjoy, but I don't like watching movies while I need to be gearing.

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GOD YES!!! This should be a feature in the game RIGHT NOW, not an addon. Just some simple flag that says "Will not skip content" and people can check or uncheck it.


That way like minded people can all play together because right now, this current system discourages grouping.


It is very aggravating to get caught with that player that "needs to be fully immersed and not miss a cutscene"


Come on! It doesn't even matter what choice you make! JUST slam #1 and space bar


Grrr.. soooo aggrivating. In guild vent I will key up and start slamming my spacebar so the others can hear it lol like "COME ONNNNNNNNNN!!!!"


Or.... you can join "like minded" people in a guild. Pretty simple solution that takes zero development time from actual important issues and its one that is totally player driven. Win-win for all.

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That is fine and I APPRECIATE the fact that you would not join when I put in the "no cutscene" disclaimer. I am glad a player like you who likes the story is a part of the community, I just prefer not to play together. No hate, no animosity, just don't want to group with you - that's all. An addon like this would improve player experiences by bringing like-minded players closer together.


No it would not. The only thing that will get you like minded players is what you are already doing. Advertising your group as a no cutscene loot run. The addon you're asking for would only allow you to be a douche to the poor person who's been looking for <insert FP here> for 40 min and takes your group out of desperation to maybe actually run it.

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While I agree that a lot of people jumped down the OP's throat on this, the fact that he stated he wants the addon so he can kick people of unlike mind is why they did. If you make a group and say "Hey, I'm in a bit of a hurry:" or "I've already run this 100 times:" "Can we please skip cutscenes?" And people purposefully watch the cutscenes to spite him, yes THEY are in the wrong. But creating an addon that essentially discriminates between those interested in the cutscenes and those uninterested would only cause problems.


How? I love these posts that shoot it down but don't give those mysterious reason why.

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GOD YES!!! This should be a feature in the game RIGHT NOW, not an addon. Just some simple flag that says "Will not skip content" and people can check or uncheck it.


That way like minded people can all play together because right now, this current system discourages grouping.


It is very aggravating to get caught with that player that "needs to be fully immersed and not miss a cutscene"


Come on! It doesn't even matter what choice you make! JUST slam #1 and space bar


Grrr.. soooo aggrivating. In guild vent I will key up and start slamming my spacebar so the others can hear it lol like "COME ONNNNNNNNNN!!!!"


Even though I'm not sure if your being serious, your in a guild, but...


A quick and dirty fix to this would be the color of the LFG icon. Purple like it is now for story mode and add a red icon for "I want this over quick" no story.

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Having read this thread, I am simply appalled.


Not at the OP. With many of the responders.


The OP said he wanted a way to identify those who would not spacebar. He is obviously someone who is running FP repeatedly , NOT SOMEONE who is going through the various stories. He even puts a message when LFG that he intends to skip them.


Now, if you want to focus on the story, that's perfectly fine. There's nothing wrong with that. And , conversely, if you chose NOT to focus on the story, that's also fine in many cases, like in re-running FP -- or else Bioware wouldn't have put in the spacebar to bypass it in the first place.


Yet the responses I see bash the OP for stating he wants to enjoy the game his way instead of your way , with one completely hypocritical post calling him elitist...because he didn't measure up to the elitist "you must read the story" demands of the responder.


Yes, Bioware took the time to craft these stories and do the voice over work. If you are running BT 10 times in a row to get a particular armor piece, does it REALLY make sense to demand someone sit through all the cutscenes 10 times in a row for the sake of story?


If you cannot bother to respond to the above , then please, stop trolling.

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wow i don't think i have ever seen this many people on here agree about anything lol



i like the cut scene's myself and sometimes depending on my mood i change my responses in them just to see what it plays out as ,and sometimes i do space bar thru but if your entire playtime is out gearing everyone else more power to you but from what im reading here your in the minority about this .

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Or.... you can join "like minded" people in a guild. Pretty simple solution that takes zero development time from actual important issues and its one that is totally player driven. Win-win for all.


I would if I hadn't been playing with the same group for over ten years :p I deal with my friends because they are my buddies. Strangers though in a PUG FP? No way! I'd love a feature in LFG to toggle your status to "skip content"

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Or.... you can join "like minded" people in a guild. Pretty simple solution that takes zero development time from actual important issues and its one that is totally player driven. Win-win for all.


^ this.


You can even call it <Spacebar Slammmers>, or <Cut the Cutscenes>, or <Impatient Imperials>, or maybe <Rushing Republic>, or even <ADD Troopers>.

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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


Could ya would ya pls stop playing

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