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Anni 1000x > Carnage for PVP


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You seem to be mentally divided on the subject. That is not healthy.


I'm expressing my own feelings from warzones against skilled/geared troopers (hardest enemy for marauder) when they're running around you, damaging/dotting/slowing and your carnage/rage burst either scratch them or they outheal themself in a few ticks. Would be happy to see how you take them down.


http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRrRMfMzZhMr.1, 56 valor rank.

Edited by VictorLototskyy
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I'm expressing my own feelings from warzones against skilled/geared troopers (hardest enemy for marauder) when they're running around you, damaging/dotting/slowing and your carnage/rage burst either scratch them or they outheal themself in a few ticks.


You're expressing random feelings about random topics.


I agree that Annihilation is the best spec to hump a Commando healer into the ground (note: a DPS Commando should get rolled by any Marauder spec).


And for the other 7 ACs?



Would be happy to see how you take them down.


Rage with a full sequence of combos and several cooldowns can take one down fairly well, but that requires no enemy team interference. But, Annihilation is significantly easier with the faster interrupts and armor penetration.



The question on the flipside is this: Which spec kills an Madness Sorc most effectively?


And another good one: Which spec kills a guarded healer most effectively?




No Hemorrhage, I can respect that. Phantom, though, makes me go tisk tisk, at least with 2/2. 1/2 is arguable for escaping with DOTs. Maybe 2/2 if you really hate traps in Huttball I suppose ...



Enraged Charge makes me sad though, especially the 0/2 Cloak of Carnage part. I consider 1/2 CoC pretty much mandatory and EC is terribly inefficient. And no Ravager/Stagger/Malice. All three are debatabale, but Stagger seems like something you would value significantly, with how much you complain about the CC.

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Anni is not better than the other tree - it has DISTINCT advantages in certain situations but that's the point each spec is very good in certain situations


I myself feel comfortable in Anni but rage is deffo an excellent spec 2 take guarded healers or something similar down quickly - something an Anni cannot do - but an Anni is a solo wrecking machine and can annoy and kill targets efficiently without loosing much health


Both have their own roles to fill in a pvp groups - carnage jus duno where that comes in

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From best to worse as specializations go for Marauder are the following: Annihilation, Rage, and Carnage.


Rage could use some love, but Carnage right now is just poo. I've tested all three specializations extensively and while Rage can put out some good burst, I find Annihilation has the best survivability, and unmitigated damage.

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if you don't take the 30% slow on rupture you're just stupid man



rank 51 marauder here, tested all 3.


Annihilation is the best.


Rage is really good but with the current ingame abilities delay and against laggers smash will miss half the time and lot of classes have defensive buffs against kinetic dmg, when you fight groups of 50s that use their buff you dmg is really lowered (against another marauder smash will deals no dmg because of saber ward (-50%) and the aoe dmg reduction spec (-30%))


On the other hand annihilation deals great dmg on a single target; since it's bleeding dmg it goes through armor; it gives you great survability thanks the heals (45-50k heals on average game but you can do a lot more) and you build fury super fast, it's just amazing and more consistent then Rage.



really? so you take an extra 30% slow, while we already have like 3 rooting spells and a really long slow, instead of what, an increase in dps? but we should totally listen to your advice..


the only thing i have to say is, assuming 'balance' (and we have to assume that as we do not have damage numbers) every spec has his own skillset, and NONE of them is universally better than every other. think about it . if annihilation has such great sustained dps and healing, carnage HAS to have more burst and pure damage. it's just logic. and in a 1v1 fight, what wins, burst or sustained ;)

Edited by DarthBoga
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The number 1 best part about this discussion comes down to the fact that there are multiple options/directions we can take our class and be successful. the fact that there is not one end all be all spec for the class like it usually comes down to in MMO's makes me thrilled that I picked this class on launch day and stuck with it when the naysayers were crying broken!

Sith Marauder 4 Life!

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Rage is really good but with the current ingame abilities delay and against laggers smash will miss half the time and lot of classes have defensive buffs against kinetic dmg, when you fight groups of 50s that use their buff you dmg is really lowered (against another marauder smash will deals no dmg because of saber ward (-50%) and the aoe dmg reduction spec (-30%))


Part of being a consistently skilled 1v1 pvper, is recognizing enemy buffs and debuffs, including defensive buffs. If you are fighting another marauder and they pop saber ward, does it make any sort of sense to sit there and fight them, or try to land big hits through it? No, when another marauder pops saber ward, I either counter with a saber throw to root them and kite away, or I use stealth to get some distance and break LOS. If I have to, I pop my own saber ward.


When I pvp with Rage, I make sure my abilities will hit. It's not hard to charge, force crush, battering, and stealth. Then the ticks go off, you open with a smash if no shield is up, and then choke->obliterate for a second smash. Most people are below 25% hp at this point, so you can hit them with vicious as well. If they pop a shield, use the stealth to kite away or LOS. We can abuse terrain mechanics just as well as any other class.

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