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Anni 1000x > Carnage for PVP


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Just made the switch at 50 and its an amazing difference w/ crap gear.


Anni is out best spec period. In PvE or PvP. Rage is good burst in PvP but you have very limited group utility. And Anni Burst is just as good, if not better. Carnage is just plain crap imo.

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Anni is out best spec period. In PvE or PvP. Rage is good burst in PvP but you have very limited group utility. And Anni Burst is just as good, if not better. Carnage is just plain crap imo.


Burst is why you pvp. My rage rotation easily does 15+k damage when used in combination with relics, on geared 50's. Anyone who isn't can't withstand a full rotation.


Annihilation is easily defeated pvp by any CC used on you. Breaking that dot rotation completely destroys the dps output. Annihilate is basically useless if you let the cooldown break once, which is very easy to let happen on pvp.

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Burst is why you pvp. My rage rotation easily does 15+k damage when used in combination with relics, on geared 50's. Anyone who isn't can't withstand a full rotation.


Annihilation is easily defeated pvp by any CC used on you. Breaking that dot rotation completely destroys the dps output. Annihilate is basically useless if you let the cooldown break once, which is very easy to let happen on pvp.


Sorry but thats a load of bull.


The whole point of DOTs is that the enermy even if they leave your range will still suffer damage while they are running away, thus is why anhihilation so effective, as you allways keeping damage on target while other trees require you being in close range of targets.


So far biggest issue with anhihilation is the same issue for all of the marauder trees, utility and the ability to stun/CC/escape thats our biggest flaw we lack the utility other DPS classes have.


Example, force choke is horribly buggy in PvP games as half the time you need to stand still for more than a couple of secs before it works then the animation/stun affect fails to take hold by mid way through abilitys cast....


Solution to this would be having force choke work as it does in PvE, ie no need to face target right in front but a more wider angle .

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I don't get all the hate on carnage. People just must not be doing it right. I've played around with all 3 specs and carnage has always been the best for me. I hit about 320k a match in PvP. You just gotta figure out the right rotation and make sure you know when to use a specific move, same thing as any other class. I don't get the hate. But then again everyone is entitled to their opinions. Carnage ftw :)
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rage is the best pvp spec, simple as that


Best, and most effective, are two bedmates that seldom sleep together


Rage has it's uses, for being an initiater, "surprise! you're dead" spec, yes, but you are reliant on cooldowns. Carnage is not reliant on cooldowns, they only make you less squishy, and like all other carnage builds, you pop cooldowns as needed, not as a "to do this right, you must pop this cd first, then this, then the last"

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Rage is good burst in PvP but you have very limited group utility.


Except for the part about perma-Predation being better group utility than anything an Annihilation spec can bring. Facepalm.



So far biggest issue with anhihilation is the same issue for all of the marauder trees, utility and the ability to stun/CC/escape thats our biggest flaw we lack the utility other DPS classes have.


No. Annihilation is the spec that has the least capability to maintain melee contact time. Carnage is absurdly good at maintaining melee time, and Rage is pretty close behind it.

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I have been trying both Carnage and Annihilation as I level up. I gotta say those Anni dots must have some absurd scaling if they are so great at 50. I find the extra speed, roots, and CC breaker of Carnage to be very enjoyable in PvP. But imo Marauder damage sub 50 is severely lacking in general.
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whats up easymodeXXXXXXXXX?


I think what we can all be happy about here is that bioware is trying to give us 3 viable pvp trees when at first it might have looked like rage was our only option. I personally think all 3 trees are very viable after watching some high level geared streamers.


For everyone complaining...anyone play wow when it first came out? Almost every class had 1 spec to use out of 3. The other 2 ware beyond useless.


Paladin - spec holy only


Druid - Resto only


Shaman - Ele or resto only (unless you had hang of rag for enahncement for lol)


Warrior MS only for pvp


Rogue - Sub wasnt an option for a long long time


Hunter -Marksman only



My point is...the game is in its infancy. The game wil evolve so much and the fact that all three trees are viable in pvp means as the players evolve and learn more about he game....specs are gonna get tweaked and open up way more than they already are. Marauders are in a VERY good place.

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Thats why every top PvPer reroll Anni.

Marauder forums GOD Klinda include.


Klinda "god"




Druid - Resto only


Wrong, Feral was viable with the right gear.


Shaman - Ele or resto only (unless you had hang of rag for enahncement for lol)






Warrior MS only for pvp





Hunter -Marksman only


Guess what? Wrong again.

Edited by Kodokai
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I have been trying both Carnage and Annihilation as I level up. I gotta say those Anni dots must have some absurd scaling if they are so great at 50. I find the extra speed, roots, and CC breaker of Carnage to be very enjoyable in PvP. But imo Marauder damage sub 50 is severely lacking in general.



I'm only in almost full offpiece PvP gear (as in non-set piece) with the OH weapon so not that geared... and my deadly saber bleed ticks crit for over 1k.

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ok druid with the grand marshal gear was viable as a bear that wouldnt die and kiled people very slow...it was a gimmick.


Shamans enhancement in vanilla wow was only usable with a hand of rag period


Warrior ms spec was the only viable pvp build in VANILLA wow...i was a grand marshal i would know


Hunters beast master and survival was not usable in vanilla wow.


Did you really even play it at that time when only MC and BWL was out?


Not trying to hijack the thread....my point is....this game is already much further along with choices than wow ever was at the start.

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I'm only in almost full offpiece PvP gear (as in non-set piece) with the OH weapon so not that geared... and my deadly saber bleed ticks crit for over 1k.


Is Deadly Saber bugged? Mine sometimes crits for 1.2k sometimes 400 sometimes 600 :X I don't get the varying amounts (this is for each tick not 1/2/3 etc.)

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Annihilation isnt about burst, although you can achieve it with the right combos. Its more about control. Subjugation is one of the best talents of all 3 trees put together.


With that, roar, 0 range leap, and choke you can rotate interrupts like no tomorrow. Which is what beating good players is all about. Once you get it down you can literally toy with people. Sure you may take a little longer to kill em but your in control of the fight the whole time.


Plus Ann spec is hand dows the BEST fury builder by FAR. Berserk for ann spec is amazing, coupled with a frenzy right after and a medpack you basically have 2 full healthbars they gata get through, plus your undying rage, and ann talented camo which btw helps tons in pve.


rage is cute for the big numbers but a well played annihilation is a monster. The dots, heals and short cooldown interrupt is too good to pass up

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Is Deadly Saber bugged? Mine sometimes crits for 1.2k sometimes 400 sometimes 600 :X I don't get the varying amounts (this is for each tick not 1/2/3 etc.)


Are you sure you have 3 stacks when you are counting the 400 and 600 crits?


If you don't actually hit the person (if the blow is parried/dodged) then it won't apply a stack. Also, only melee attacks (annihilate, BA, assault, vicious slash, crippling slash, retaliation, rupture), and is not applied by either saber throw, force scream, smash, choke, etc.


Also are you positive the 400-600 crits aren't from rupture?

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Klinda "god"






Wrong, Feral was viable with the right gear.















Guess what? Wrong again.


you are wrong

if you were feral at 60 loooooooooool. I got to be a bear tank at 60 because we liked to try different stuff. This guy is perfectly correct. Sorry pal

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Are you sure you have 3 stacks when you are counting the 400 and 600 crits?


If you don't actually hit the person (if the blow is parried/dodged) then it won't apply a stack. Also, only melee attacks (annihilate, BA, assault, vicious slash, crippling slash, retaliation, rupture), and is not applied by either saber throw, force scream, smash, choke, etc.


Also are you positive the 400-600 crits aren't from rupture?


I only rolled Anni last night and didn't pay much attention it just felt the damage was odd and a bit random (on bleeds) I went from 250k average to 275-300k over the night so I feel Annihilation is a better spec damage wise - with more practice and not having to watch my bars as much it should get better.

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Klinda "god"




Wrong, Feral was viable with the right gear.






Guess what? Wrong again.


Sorry dude but I played through all the closed wow betas and then a Resto shaman through vanilla - the only time a serious player rolled enhancement was to have fun with the goa + wf bug with a 2hander. Even with Hand of Rag elemental was a far better spec and even then no-one would take an elemental over a mage. (I was in a top 25 world guild and we min-maxed)

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Thanks for all of those confirming my claims.


However I want people to realize that there are tons of undiscovered methods that these specs bring to the table. A few weeks ago NO ONE was talking about playing anni at high level pvp...it was all rage rage rage.


And while rage is in fact a good spec...i think we need to realize that all 3 specs ARE viable and it might be a little bit until the spec that performs the best will be revealed. At least our healing reduction ability is baseline and not tied to one spec.


Looking forward to all the theorycrafting. I am hoping all 3 perform pretty close to each other with each bringing new pros and cons given the situation. Choices are ALWAYS better than forcing to play one spec. And it seems BW is leaning towards choices.

Edited by Invidisus
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Sorry dude but I played through all the closed wow betas and then a Resto shaman through vanilla - the only time a serious player rolled enhancement was to have fun with the goa + wf bug with a 2hander. Even with Hand of Rag elemental was a far better spec and even then no-one would take an elemental over a mage. (I was in a top 25 world guild and we min-maxed)


Same. I could one shot people with my Severance if I got lucky, but in general a rogue or mage could one shot people every time.


People thought enhancement shaman were overpowered because of highlight reels...like that Klinda rage spec movie does.


I switched over to annihilation, and find I do much better, in 1v1 and group situations. I can take down a healer much more easily (adding force charge as a melee range interrupt, and consistant pressure) plus self heals and more consistant burst to one person.

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whats up easymodeXXXXXXXXX?


I think what we can all be happy about here is that bioware is trying to give us 3 viable pvp trees when at first it might have looked like rage was our only option. I personally think all 3 trees are very viable after watching some high level geared streamers.


For everyone complaining...anyone play wow when it first came out? Almost every class had 1 spec to use out of 3. The other 2 ware beyond useless.


Paladin - spec holy only


Druid - Resto only


Shaman - Ele or resto only (unless you had hang of rag for enahncement for lol)


Warrior MS only for pvp


Rogue - Sub wasnt an option for a long long time


Hunter -Marksman only



My point is...the game is in its infancy. The game wil evolve so much and the fact that all three trees are viable in pvp means as the players evolve and learn more about he game....specs are gonna get tweaked and open up way more than they already are. Marauders are in a VERY good place.


Very true. However, i have seen tanking spec warriors destroy in a team environment, during vanilla. One vs one, tank warrior spec sucked.


Im glad to see how tank spec in SWTOR can be just as effective. Alot of people forget, tanks win warzones, not healers.

Edited by Tycoon
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