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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Why is the existence of the Ability Delay even being debated? There is a ton of evidence out there proving there is one.


You can even go test it yourself!


Go and mount on your speeder and move forward as soon as the cast bar reaches the end. You wont be able to mount up, you'll just end up walking forward. You have to wait for the abilities animation to finish, which means you have to wait 1 second for a .5 second cast to finish.


This is how it should be

- Instant, no ability delay what-so-ever.
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I will say what I wish concerning my game experience. Myself, my wife, my daughter, my son, and my brother-in-law have seen no ability delays in-game played on 3 different PCs.


Then again, I built and maintain these three PCs myself, that may have something to do with it.


Me, my girlfriend, my mom and my dad all have PCs bought from a shop. That makes you a liar since we have our rigs bought as one piece and therefore you can't have yours built by yourself.



*actually built them all




And they said they are looking at it and fixing the issue. not sure what the issue is now except people don't want to wait?


This isn't about people wanting or not wanting to wait.


It's all about the immersion the game can provide. Our brains are used to "no delay", simply put - your brain tells your hand to move, it does so instantly. Given that the keyboard and the hotkey system is there to emulate those brain links, any delay breaks the immersion. You don't tell yourself "I'm going to push number 1 where my main attack ability is", but rather "I want to attack". When there is no delay, or to be more accurate - no noticeable delay, your brain accepts the control system and focuses more on what's happening on the screen. The game immersion raises to the point where you might not notice your surroundings.

The delay brings up the feeling that you aren't actually controlling the character, but rather fighting the interface.


Every millisecond above the "unnoticeable" delay (which varies from person to person) break this immersion and makes you realize you are sitting in your chair pushing buttons. This can be very frustrating since most players go to games to relax and rest.


Given my psychological education I understand this concern rather well and know why the character responsiveness is nr. 1 topic for Bioware and why some people can't enjoy the game when experiencing the delay.


To give a real life example (while it might be a bit crazy, works for the purpose) - Imagine you are in a car with your friend who is driving, you are sitting at the passenger's seat. Now your friend isn't allowed to drive, but he can only do what you tell him to by simple instructions, such as "turn the wheel left", "chance the gear up", "left indicator now", ect. And you aren't allowed to queue these instructions up ("drive at the end of the next block"). My personal guess is you won't be able to enjoy a thing from the passenger's seat and it will be very stressful transporting experience.

Edited by Harb_id
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The ability delays I can work around.


The fact that my parry animations lock me out of tanking skills on my SW I can't.


Not going to issue ultimatums but this could well be the difference between me resubbing and going back to the WoW treadmill until Diablo 3 comes out.

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The ability delays I can work around.


The fact that my parry animations lock me out of tanking skills on my SW I can't.


Not going to issue ultimatums but this could well be the difference between me resubbing and going back to the WoW treadmill until Diablo 3 comes out.


I think these are two different issues and I hope they can fix all the animation lock outs, because not all animation locks you out, the other issue with abilities not firing and general "clunkyness" i think relates to client server communication somehow and the more players in an 'instance' doing things the worse it is, and during PVP there are usually a lot of players firing off a lot of abilities.

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Well good thing the patch rolled out before the free month. They didn't fix jack squat so I can finally leave knowing they don't have any idea what to do.


I totally agree. I can't believe they haven't addressed this yet.

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Why has the most important problem in the game not been fixed, yet a new operation which 5% of the population will do has been added?


At least master strike doesnt channel without doing damage anymore, thats an improvement. Unfortunately my non global cooldown abilities frequently fail to cast after multitudes of keypresses.

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Yeah, I guess our being so slow due to clicking is why we wipe the other teams in PvP as a group.


Over 10 years of playing this way. Are we the best at PvP? No, never cared to be, but the three of us can wipe a group twice our size in PvP while the rest of the tards on our side run around like moving targets for the other team.


Your turtle comment was fail.


You click and therefor you will not experience the ability delay. Dont post when you do not even play the proper way. If clicking works for you thats fine but dont presume to say theirs no ability delay.

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I am seeing a lot of ability delay after the patch. A button lights up like I should be able to use it, but I click and nothing or takes 1 to 2 seconds.


Same. Before the patch it was once or twice every so often, it was annoying, but I dealt with it. Now I find myself unable to use certain instant cast abilities at all for 10+ clicks, which is pretty much a death sentance in PvP.


This needs an urgent fix. Unresponsive characters make the game not fun to play.

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I am seeing a lot of ability delay after the patch. A button lights up like I should be able to use it, but I click and nothing or takes 1 to 2 seconds.


i wish mine was that bad...sometimes it takes up to 10 seconds of clicking a skill before it works....it just sits there and i spam it and nothing happens and i know it is not my comp lagging because i can move around just fine.

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Hey guys,


I'm pretty excited about the video, its all in sequence and I am going to record the narration tonight! (as soon as fiancee goes to bed etc!)


So, would you guys prefer me to add background music or not? I currently plan not to have any background music... let me know :)


I hope to release the whole thing tomorrow or friday (latest) if possible!



I hope people will be able to stomach WoW comparisons/contrast as well as footage. I'm afraid some peoples sensibilities are immediately offended as soon as they "see" WoW.... its pretty amazing.




Anyways, don't be shocked by the length :)

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HAHA just seen this video. Now to the people who deny there is not ability delay or abilities not firing, have a watch of this video. I dare you!


Also shows a great example of the ability animation starting and stopping several times before firing.

Edited by gangbot
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Definitely agree with the idea that if this is not fixed SW:TOR will bleed subs in a few months (If not sooner).


This issue is a very odd one I've found. Some PvE content I seem to have no ability delay, able to kite kill mobs with only 10m range abilities, stun when I hit my stuns. Some other PvE content, though, I'll end up using the CC break move or a stun that ends up being wasted. One thing this becomes very evident on is the ability Tumult, which requires an enemy to be stunned to use. The ability delay combined with slight general lag will cause the ability to not get used even though the target is showing the stunned animation. PvP is unplayable except for the one with the 3 turrets since the other two are so compact that lag, character responsiveness, and fps drop to near nothing.


As a side-note; character responsiveness is particularly frustrating for the AC I've chosen- Jedi Shadow. This is due to the fact that using one ability gives a buff that buffs the next one... so you can't quite spam abilities as they're not nearly as effective without the buffs. Perhaps some of the nay-sayers are just playing AC's that allow them to not notice/be bothered by the character responsiveness, but personally I find this issue beyond frustrating when it gets bad (I'd say bad is about a 0.4 or 0.5 delay).






I'm sorry but this is simply not the case. I don't come from WoW myself so I can't attest to that but even Diablo 2 has better ability delay. Aside from intermittent FPS issues you're right, the game does run smoothly... It's just the connection to the server that is slow. Graphical effects have NO impact on server delay/lag

The severity of the ability delay seems to vary. In a instanced, indoor story area? Very minor. Outdoors? Prevalent. In a pvp? Terrible.

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Why is the existence of the Ability Delay even being debated? There is a ton of evidence out there proving there is one.


Because these forums are full of white-knighting idiots who would rather muddle the troubleshooting process in the name of verbally supporting a billion dollar corporation that doesn't even need their support in the first place.

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This is the reason this game might fail. This thread needs to stay on top.


It is (was) the single deciding factor in my decision to now hold off until 1.2 before resubbing. No matter how much icing is on the cake, no matter how much voice over and cutscene and story they inject, the majority of my time playing is spent in combat. And until combat responsiveness and fluidity is up to par, I will be patiently waiting and playing something else.

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