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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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This happens to me constantly on my shadow. Nothing is less fun than not being able to even fire off abilities.


Yes there is. So used to click skills multiple times that now I click stealth few times too, which put me in stealth then out of stealth and makes me sitting duck for 6 seconds.


One more thing. Now whenever I win a fight I ask myself did poor guy lose cuz his abilities didn't fire.

Edited by Cincar
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The actually combat in this game is extremely frustrating.


From knowing what attacks have landed, to what you have time for next given enemy health, what your next attack choice will be.


It's all very frustration and plays like the game is impaired in reaction time. It is clunky, slow, and choppy.


I like the game. I hope this gets fixed though.


I'm having an okay time with the quests, but the real gameplay remains in WoW unless this stuff gets fixed soon.

Edited by LeonBraun
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I've been playing my Juggernaut alt a bit lately, and it is absolutely TERRIBLE with him. Retaliation has to be one of the most broken abilities in the game. So often it not only doesn't go off, but also prevents me from using OTHER things too.
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Had this issue REALLY bad last night. To the point where I wasn't even having fun because I was dying to things I should have been able to kill with ease.


That is the most frustrating way to die. This problem only emphasizes itself more during those clutch moments.

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I have to agree with this, the combat in this game lacks fluidity and doesn't feel right.


I have been playing a Sith Marauder and I feel like there is too much time between ability executions due to animations on "instant" abilities and the GCD. I feel like my avatar is just standing there like an idiot getting punched in the face waiting on the GCD. I have issues with keystrokes registering and abilities executing when they should and taking the amount of time they should (it says instant!). I am frustrated with combat, it feels even worse on my operative using concealment in terms of pauses between abilities.


This has to be addressed, I just don't think I will keep my subscription active much longer if I keep having to struggle with these shortfalls. As the OP said, playing WoW and even EQ2 I don't feel like melee combat had these issues.

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Something i noticed, and i did this on purpose when i noticed a defensive cooldown wouldnt work. I stood there in the middle of a pvp warzone not doing anything at all, tapping the defensive cooldown and it would not work at all, pressing it 100 times, my target died and THEN it worked. I was targeting an enemy being attacked by my teammates and i was not using anything but testing to see if it would work. Then after that the same thing kept happening but realised if i used tab to change target the defensive cooldown would work every time i changed target. odd.
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This has to be addressed, I just don't think I will keep my subscription active much longer if I keep having to struggle with these shortfalls. As the OP said, playing WoW and even EQ2 I don't feel like melee combat had these issues.


Agreed 100%. Its making me really really really sad, you have no idea how big a KOTOR fan I am. SWTOR was something I had been waiting for like a kid on christmas eve for months...


Even now, I look longingely at the launcher icon. The world is amazing. The story is rich and immersive. The classes are interesting and I actually enjoy the gameplay a TON... when it works.


Problem is, about half of the time i have between .5 and 1 seconds delay on my abilities. I click, and the reaction time is that of a 1k ping... but the game tells me im at 50 ms!


I just cannot enjoy a game that feels so laggy... its frustrating. Extra frustrating when you desperatly just want to enjoy it...

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Coming from LOTRO which has the best character responsiveness you can get, I have felt a noticable decrease in quality with SWTOR However I am confident this will be fixed in the near future as LOTRO had the same problem on release and the issue isn't big enough for me to stop enjoying myself or playing.
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Yep this needs to be fixed. And heals need to go off when the cast is done, not when the stupid animation is done. It is stupid that if I move after the cast is finish the heal never goes off. Or my heal target dies when the cast was finished but the heal didn't go off because of the animation. Edited by Cyndelx
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That video by the op is nothing but smoke and mirrors. This so called ability delay is nothing more than ability interupt. When you see the word cancelled in red on the cast bar, that means the casting was interupted, not delayed.

You guys are being fed with a line of bull which is exactly why there is no fix. There is nothing to fix. Take a look when xcore is trying to summon his speeder. He is trying to move before its finished being summoned. Doesnt take a mental heavyweight to notice the user is at fault here. Same in a battle when tryi g to use an ability. Its not being delayed, its being interupted.

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I think at this point. Bioware has an obligation to the loyal subscriber base. That is to describe what is going on---The cause of ability delay. It is their program.


If they can't tell us the cuase within the next 2 weeks (even if a fix will take longer) then we may begin to doubt their ability to fix it.

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That video by the op is nothing but smoke and mirrors. This so called ability delay is nothing more than ability interupt. When you see the word cancelled in red on the cast bar, that means the casting was interupted, not delayed.

You guys are being fed with a line of bull which is exactly why there is no fix. There is nothing to fix. Take a look when xcore is trying to summon his speeder. He is trying to move before its finished being summoned. Doesnt take a mental heavyweight to notice the user is at fault here. Same in a battle when tryi g to use an ability. Its not being delayed, its being interupted.


The ignorance is strong in this one..

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Coming from LOTRO which has the best character responsiveness you can get, I have felt a noticable decrease in quality with SWTOR However I am confident this will be fixed in the near future as LOTRO had the same problem on release and the issue isn't big enough for me to stop enjoying myself or playing.


I get the feeling the it is exactly like LOTRO. Same in both games is the use of animation as a form of cast time / ability duration time for instants. LOTRO suffered horribly from the same responsive problems until they did their combat revamp. e.g. Not having your next ability fire when you expected or even not at all and having to mash the same skill several times to make sure it goes off. Makes repetative combat very frustrating and detracts from the game.


Then after their revamp it felt nice and fluid. The "feel" of combat was improved a hundred fold. In addition I really liked how they made the next "queued" ability much more visually noticable.


Hoping SWTOR does the same thing and sooner rather than later.

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That video by the op is nothing but smoke and mirrors. This so called ability delay is nothing more than ability interupt. When you see the word cancelled in red on the cast bar, that means the casting was interupted, not delayed.

You guys are being fed with a line of bull which is exactly why there is no fix. There is nothing to fix. Take a look when xcore is trying to summon his speeder. He is trying to move before its finished being summoned. Doesnt take a mental heavyweight to notice the user is at fault here. Same in a battle when tryi g to use an ability. Its not being delayed, its being interupted.


Yo have to admit- its a good trick to get the devs believing it. . .

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That video by the op is nothing but smoke and mirrors. This so called ability delay is nothing more than ability interupt. When you see the word cancelled in red on the cast bar, that means the casting was interupted, not delayed.

You guys are being fed with a line of bull which is exactly why there is no fix. There is nothing to fix. Take a look when xcore is trying to summon his speeder. He is trying to move before its finished being summoned. Doesnt take a mental heavyweight to notice the user is at fault here. Same in a battle when tryi g to use an ability. Its not being delayed, its being interupted.


Oh my gosh, you'd think people would stop this nonsense after the devs have disagreed with them multiple times.

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why did bioware unsticky thread?



I was wondering about that myself. I just assumed that it was so the issue would not be seen by people thinking of buying the game. I thought that this thread had been buried into obscurity.


Most are still experiencing the problem and we have not heard anything at all for a while now. I actually like the questing and find the fights to be a challenging, which is great. But not being able to function correctly in a hard fight is frustrating.

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I told this to some guy that the delay responses with this game is gamebreaking. He told me no it isn't. I pvp just fine... He was a commando and only had one button to press. And how shady of bioware to unsticky a thread because it will destroy this game. How about you fix it and let it be in the open till you do.
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