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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Since the last patch or 2 I've now got a new problem where my abilities simply won't fire no matter how much I mash the button.


I can see the button being fired on the ui and a GCD is triggered but the ability just won't go off for anywhere between 2-8 seconds. Again, the ability is getting triggered on the hotbars but it won't actually fire no matter how many times I push the button.


It really sucks when I want to stealth and instead sit there mashing my stealth button only to see it fire 6 seconds later and 10 button presses later.


The ability lag has always bothered me but they did something a few days ago that has made it even worse.




Piss the crap out of me clicking the speeder 10 times or stealth 10 times and nothing happen. Broken game. You bought a TV home and it wont turn on no matter how you smash the on button.

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This is a video of my sorcerer, showing the problem with off-global cooldown abilities I'm having.


I interupt a spell then go to use force lightning, the force lightning shows an animation, however it doesn't trigger a cooldown or consume the buff, nor does it do damage. It does however trigger a global cooldown.


I can reliably repeat this many times and is particularly annoying on Immortal Jugg, when tanking and I use retaliation(off gcd) at the same time as any other ability it fails to use the ability but does however trigger gcd.

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Thanks for all the work and attention you've put in on this. I think it's one of the big reasons that Bioware has responded so positively, and indicated that this is a high priority for them to fix up.


Agreed, thank you Xcore

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just throwing in my 2 cents, glad to see im not the only one noticing this issue.


Coming from WoW, the only discrepancy i have, and that i even told my friends of, was the fact of the delay between hitting a key, and actually using an ability.


As a Sith Sorcerer(healer), i can easily see the latency of responsiveness. I cast Dark Heal, and even as fast as it is, i wont see the hit points increase for an additional .5 seconds after the spell has completed. theres also a .1-.4 second latency when i actually press down on the hotkey to use each spell.


and as all of you should already have noticed, the popping around the screen when there is a cc, or something similar involved. its like the game cant decide where you are supposed to be. this is most noticeable in hutt ball.


speaking of hutt ball, its a PAIN sometimes to try and throw the ball. mashing my hotkey takes a few attempts to actually proc the aoe cursor.


I really hope they fix this as this is the main concern i have with SWTOR. dont get me wrong, im still playing it, hell i stopped my WoW subscription in hopes this will give me something more challenging and new (WoW is becoming more and more faceroll, now even in PvP which is all i do).


Fix this responsiveness issue, and build more warzones, and you will undoubtfully retain many subs :)

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Hey, just wanted to give another update. I actually was able to spend some time on it today and the video is looking good. I'm trying to make it a little fun and exciting too through the intro as well as let my creativity go a bit with the editing.


In any case, we're getting there and I'm excited to release it soon. It will be my "homage" to this entire issue and 6 Thread Topic. I am hoping to release a "preview' asap if anyone is interested as well as Sequence/Content Draft.



I do take this very seriously still and the amount of support this has garnered really does show the absolute importance that should be placed on studying it as well as make it a key focus for development in an MMO.


I think developers have forgotten the "Gameplay" aspect of creating their game as they were blinded by WoW's "Features" (Which essentially are meaningless to actual gamers). Features can be implemented over time, core gameplay flaws leave a bad taste...




P.S.: Still reading every post in this thread as well as the Sticky Note on this subject! Until this has been resolved or my faith in Bioware has been shattered, I'll be on this :)

Edited by Xcore
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Hey, just wanted to give another update. I actually was able to spend some time on it today and the video is looking good. I'm trying to make it a little fun and exciting too through the intro as well as let my creativity go a bit with the editing.


In any case, we're getting there and I'm excited to release it soon. It will be my "homage" to this entire issue and 6 Thread Topic. I am hoping to release a "preview' asap if anyone is interested as well as Sequence/Content Draft.



I do take this very seriously still and the amount of support this has garnered really does show the absolute importance that should be placed on studying it as well as make it a key focus for development in an MMO.


I think developers have forgotten the "Gameplay" aspect of creating their game as they were blinded by WoW's "Features" (Which essentially are meaningless to actual gamers). Features can be implemented over time, core gameplay flaws leave a bad taste...




P.S.: Still reading every post in this thread as well as the Sticky Note on this subject! Until this has been resolved or my faith in Bioware has been shattered, I'll be on this :)


Preview! :D

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Just wanted to point out my little issue after some testing and trying to get a feel for what this is all about.


Testing my merc healer's basic heal (shooting your party member with your dual blasters), I press 1, watch the global cd start and end, and then my toon fires off his blasters... again, at the END of the gc. As my toons animation is going on, the ability bar is lit as in "ready to go" but if I hit 1 again, the game tells me the ability is not ready. I have to wait for the animation to finish. Shouldn't the animation at least begin at button press, not the end of the gc?


So in essence, I hit button, wait for gc to begin and end, animation begins and then ability fires, animation ends, and then I can fire again... all on an "instant" ability.


Action ability que set to 0.0. Tried a few setting with that and can't see much change but I really haven't messed around too much with it. I'm just assuming 0.0 is the most responsive setting to have. Lag is minuscule.


Having been a healer in WoW and trying here, you can certainly see some responsiveness issues. And healing can be stressful enough.


Now this to me is NOT game breaking as I've been adjusting. It is frustrating, though, to see you action bar lit up saying "GO!" and you hit a button only to have it say, "Just kidding, you need to wait an extra second." I think it's actually causing me to button mash more, not less.


I'll continue to adapt to this if this is the way the game is supposed to be BUT the developers need to create the content around this. "Instant" certainly isn't instant. Seem like every ability has a ramp up, and timing can become iffy in hectic situations.

Edited by Wintor
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BUT the developers need to create the content around this. "Instant" certainly isn't instant. Seem like every ability has a ramp up, and timing can become iffy in hectic situations.


This is a very great danger, in this current system it is impossible to have challenging and meaningful as well as super tightly tuned PvE Raid Content. The encounter naturally has to be more forgiving to imperfect and sub-optimal play currently, even at the highest level. So, the less perfect the character responsiveness is through perfect UI Sync, Animation/Sound Sync with ability effect to player input, the higher the potential for over or under tuning gets....


PvP is currently completely unplayable at competitive levels, I am not even anything near professional but I am fast enough and fully keybound (fully... Every ability including 1h buff and mounting etc) to notice it. I can only imagine the very competitive PvP scene or professional level players find this PvP unplayable.


PvP cannot be competitive at very high levels as the gap between, very bad/bad/average/good/great and professional is non-existent... It isn't rewarding, skill cap is Unbeliveably low...



The above are the real reason this overarching and extensive problem will "make or break" SW:TOR. I just wish all these deniers would be able to grasp the importance of this... If you love SW:TOR or want it to succeed at the highest levels, how can you not support this?


Even if you dont yourself experience this problem of responsiveness or disconnect from your avatar, look at how many do... I think It is established through analyzing the past 6 threads on this that the faster, more twitch, more competitive, higher APM and faster reflexes you have, the easier it Is to notice.


It's fine not to notice it but to let that be a reason to deny this is very ignorant, why not simply accept that perhaps you aren't playing t that level where one pereives it? It's like accepting that you aren't as good a driver as Michael Schumacher, painter as Da Vinci, Writer as Shakespeare etc....


I would urge all who don't necessarily experience this problem to not let their pride, love for SW:TOR or hate for WoW stand In the way of improving this game.


I would urge all who believe this to be intended and we all need to adapt, realize that it is in your own best interest to have SW:TOR take market leadership from WoW but in order to do so, it needs to be equal better in certain key areas. You need the WoW population to jump ship amd stay here... This is not a bad thing... Relax, WoW community is fine, I'm part of It... A lot of people you play with every day in SW:TOR are/were... It's not so bad.


Please stop the White Knighting, BioDroning for SW:TOR and Bioware or High Horsing on WoW.

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so how many threads of this have been closed and restarted now? lol


anyways, i agree, those are the primary reasons i ended up leaving [insert mmo here] for WoW...wow was nothing special, but the combat was smooth, which is unstateably(although you did it quite well) important for a pvper. While i can deal with this in pve at this point in time(as i pretty much only pve as warzones have terrible fps...my other glaring issue with this game), when we get to the point where they have added more content and we are doing operations reg., i can't see doing that in the current state.


I pray they fix this-i really don't want to face my old guild again after leaving another mmo that i swore would be the one...especially not this one, a star wars mmo, that is nearly perfect but for one or two huge problems.. And this game is already more balanced than wow for classes imo(as hard to judge as that is at this point due to said issues........), and i'm really tired of dominating pvp just because i chose a dk as my main.

Edited by Jedikillar
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I'm actually starting to believe that this nonsense is at least partially related to fps and/or the amount of people around you in a given zone.


Having played a BH to around level 35 a few weeks ago, I fancied a change and made a Jedi Guardian. Now, the combat was very smooth and crisp - just what I wanted, but I am finding that as I level the ability delay that I was very aware of on my BH is becoming more evident on my jedi. I just started on Hoth 20 minutes ago and I have died 4/5 times all partially due to this delay. Its extremely frustrating and it is only noticeable when you are in a close fight with a tough enemy - ie when you are mowing down groups of 3/4 trash mobs it doesnt matter if stuff is delayed because its easy anyway and you dont notice. Abilities just don't execute or they all get jammed up or something. Its very hard to pinpoint what it is but its very annoying.


The strange thing is that, at night, when no one is around and the servers are quiet, there is rarely any delay whatsoever. I'm starting to think its related to the fact that in busy areas my FPS dies, to such an extent that I don't even bother PVPing anymore despite the fact I am packing a Geforce 560 ti, and have PC specs that should run the game with no problems whatsoever. I'm also finding that the game stutters constantly as I'm moving around, and this effect becomes more regular and excruciating the longer that the client has been active. I basically have to close everything down and restard my PC to get the smoothness back. When I say 'stutters' its like a 0.5 sec freeze every 8-10 seconds. Minor but aggravating.


Its all very frustrating at present as it feels like a multitude of small problems combining to both make it difficult to identify what is causing it, and make the gaming experience quite annoying. I'm not going to quit over this and intend to play for another month, but if this stuff isn't remedied, I don't see any future in this game for me when it comes to end-game - as it won't really be playable.

Edited by Larlar
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Repost this from another thread.


Made a new video regarding wow vs. swtor and responsiveness.

And this time only using one finger. :)






This is excellent stuff and demonstrates perfectly that awesome responsiveness you have in WOW compared with SWTOR.

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ive already unsubbed because of this. made it to lvl 38 and 28 on two different characters but its become unbearable for me.


i only played wow for a little bit but the responsiveness in that game was excellent and when i moved over to rift it wasnt as good but still bearable. swtors responsiveness is just terrible to the point where the game feels incomplete in the state its in.


i could care less about endgame content. they couldve put in 1 warzone and 1 expert dungeon at end game and i still would have played it as long as the responsiveness was at least up to rifts standards. if the responsiveness was as good as wow i would've probably gone with a 6 month sub from the very beginning like i did with rift

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Preview! :D


I'll be uploading a preview tomorrow (Friday) evening after work etc. :)



It'll be about 3-4min in length so not an el-cheapo preview, but the video in its entirety still requires editing which I hope to complete over the weekend...



Edit: Also with the preview I'll include full write-up of content and sequence draft/details.

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