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Everything posted by badchx

  1. Wow has 1.5GCD without haste. If you cancel, the gcd will NOT be triggered.
  2. Wow has 1.5GCD without haste. If you cancel, the gcd will NOT be triggered.
  3. The movement will of course never be exact, but it's very close. And I used the same keybindings and keystrokes. In the last video I only used 1 finger to press the buttons.
  4. Remember that when your healer in PVP/Raid has to move/cancel a heal because of LOS/range or something on the ground. Don't stand in fire!
  5. Video with spam. http://youtu.be/sRSeFzPnVWo As you can see I moved too soon a couple of times due to the castingbar disappearing.
  6. Eh? If I go faster, nothing will work in swtor. And thats the point. I need to press much slower to get off spells in swtor.
  7. Again, I didnt spam on my priest, one buttonpress. If you look at my actionsbars in the video, you can see only one "click". When I release my movmentkey, I should be able to start casting right away? I hope you agree on this. Wow compared to swtor, the heal actually starts when I press the button. In swtor I get an error message. This feels wrong.
  8. Not calling anyone noob? Crock? I'm using one finger, and I press the buttons one time. Buttons: 2->W->2->W ... The video is to show responsiveness, not ability delay.
  9. Repost this from another thread. Made a new video regarding wow vs. swtor and responsiveness. And this time only using one finger. NEW: OLD:
  10. Made a new video regarding wow vs. swtor and responsiveness. And this time only using one finger. NEW: OLD:
  11. A little offtopic, but hope it's okay. Regarding the lack of any real response from BW. /wow-fanboy-in Just browsing the wow-forum, and saw this thread. Topic: "Your 5.0 Class preview Likes,Dislikes,Errors & wishlist" http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3010643951 Post #9. This is how it should be. /wow-fanboy-out
  12. Hi Klarick Any chance you can post a video of your gameplay? Fx pvp? Just want to compare to my Siths gameplay.
  13. And btw, made a new wow-clip to answer a poster earlier in the thread. Frostbolt->jump->instant Fireblast->land->start herbing. Smooth Just for fun.
  14. So what you're saying is that it's an animationdelayproblem? Because we cant be watching the feet of our chars when fighting a movmentboss? And nobody is going to listen to footsteps during endgame pvp/raid?
  15. Hi, I made the video. My point with this video is that when I release my move button, be it running og strafing, I expect the game to allow me to start casting right away. In wow, thats not a problem. In swtor I have to wait 0.2-0.5 sec before I can start casting. My "fix" to this, is always doubletapping my keys. Very annoying. But it almost seems that there are different animationlenght between the classes. I see that your Twi'lek is somewhat smother than my Rattataki. And if that also is the cause, we have a huge problem when it comes to endgame pvp/raids. "You're not a Twi'lek ey? Get out".
  16. Just did some more testing regarding responsiveness. Made a clip showing my Priest in wow, and a clip of my Sith doing the same move. It feels like swtor is like me, a little bit slower than the rest of the world (of warcraft). PS. Addons might not be such a bad idea? Quartz with latencytimer. Love that addon.
  17. YESSS! BW is looking into it. Nr 1 rated question. http://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/nty9d/im_stephen_reid_senior_community_manager_for_star/ Some gamer: "Ability Delay. This has been brought up all over the forums at swtor.com including http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=95738 . Have you guys discussed this internally, and if so, is there an ETA for a fix on this issue?" Stephen Reid: "Hey! It has been discussed internally, and we'll talk about it publicly soon. It's not a simple issue so we don't want to issue a quick, off-the-cuff response."
  18. I think the combat is so bad, that I cant stand healing in this game. Even Rift got a better combatfeeling. And I cant understand how people can say that swtor-combat is better than wow? 0.5 delay on instants? Castbar not showing. Wow is king when it comes to this aspect of the game.
  19. This is kind of in the same problemarea. Just frapsed my self healing in a cantine. Had 120fps and around 70ms. (i5 2500k, 16gb ram, ssd, 560ti) (ps: I'm not a clicker, just to show you the spells I used )
  20. OP: Nice post. All true. And this is why I've paused my subscription... But if it get fixed, I'll be right back.
  21. Paused my subscription due to the 'beta' feeling I got ingame. Controls/combat system is for me so bad that I don't enjoy the rest. I actually reactivated my wow-account just to compare the games. To rule out that's not in my head or the wireless keyboard I use. It was not. And the lack of UI-mods is not helping either... So I'm going to pause my subscription a couple of month and rejoin you guys later when I hope and expect things to be smoother. And this post is a reminder to myself that I always should wait a couple of months before entering a new MMO. I never learn.
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