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CHOICE IS AN ILLUSION - not an RPG - MMO on rails


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Really have you not played the trooper storyline? I seem to also remember having some interesting choices on my sage.


Of course if you just auto choose light everytime, then the problem is you not the game.


After you get your ship at around 15 or so you can grind to 50.

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If we look at other MMOs, there's different routes to get to top level, so in those MMOs you basically are creating your own story. Everyone can take their own path to the top, so that by the time you get there, you've developed a unique character that in your mind's eye belongs to you and you alone...


With WoW at least, your 'story' consists of which quests you do or don't do. Every loremaster in the game has the exact same backstory, where they've all done the same quests, seen the same dialogue and saved the same people. Even for the non-loremasters, your 'story' is only as unique as the quests you have missing from your loremaster achievement.

Did you know that you can't get quests on a planet before you reach the prescribed level for said planet? I went to Tattooine at 23 and couldn't get quests until I reached level 24.


I went to Alderaan at 24 and couldn't get quests.


And the "side" quests are bunk because they are only side quests to your main quest....ie only your main quest line takes you to the areas where you'd find side quests.


Yes, this game is focused on main quests, much like KoTOR. Within those quests, at least, are distinct choices on how you'll progress your character. Will you kill the kid's father for the money, or let them get away? Will you side with the Hutt who betrayed you, or with the incompetent imperial agent? To me, that's somewhat more of a 'unique' background then choosing whether to kill 10 spiders or just skip the quest.

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This is why I prefer RP-PvP servers. When I played Heroes/Villians I was on a great rp server where we had a lot of fun. In DCU I had found a few RP'ers (I know, rare on MMO's) and we had great fun on the PvP servers with some others. Yes, you can "grind" the game by doing nothing but quests, farming, and such, or you can seek out some RP'ers in a RP_PvP server and have a blast creating your own Star Wars story line.


Look outside the box.

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In Fallout 3 I killed that DJ in the Washington ruins, which then proceeded to mess up the entire story line because he was a necessary character. Now that's freedom of choice. He shouldn't have been rude to me and maybe he'd still be alive. But that ability to forge your own destiny is what attached me to that game and gives it a great memory in my mind. The story was my own, the decision to kill him was my own.


Elder scrolls are much the same - I don't know what you're talking about. You can kill whoever you want in Elder Scrolls, steal from whoever you want... Kill someone and take over their house, or be a bandit hiding out in the woods, or a noble wizard whose friends with the king, CHOICE is the beauty of Elder Scrolls, and on top of that the quests/enemies actually provide a challenge as you proceed.


You cannot kill whoever you want in Elder Scrolls, you cant kill any main characters as far as I've noted, they just faint and then wake up again.

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The ezmode quest tracker is by far the worst feature to ever be implemented into an MMO ever.


Nothing makes the leveling process more braindead than this feature, and for some reason developers have gone gaga over it, while even going so far as to extend that same braindead mentality to other features in their games.

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The ezmode quest tracker is by far the worst feature to ever be implemented into an MMO ever.


Nothing makes the leveling process more braindead than this feature, and for some reason developers have gone gaga over it, while even going so far as to extend that same braindead mentality to other features in their games.


So stick to playing chess if this easy stuff bothers you so much.

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Unless of course you're light side.


The OP is right. Much of the choice in this game is an illusion. You make one choice at the beginning of the game, and then much of your path is set out before you.


news flash: there is no real choice in a game.. all your so called choices are already planned out for you by the developers, you just have the illusion of choice. Hence every "choice" you make has a scripted response. Your only REAL choice is to play it or not.

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You're absolutely right. I love how all the Final Fantasy games had radically different options for me, complete with different characters surviving and different ending outcomes.


Baldur's Gate was in no way similar to TOR, you are correct there as well.


Elder Scrolls games? Those storylines are totally mutable!


Oh wait, none of the above is true.


Well, at least in tabletop RPGs players set the story! Oh, wait, the DM absolutely will use every tool at his disposal to TPK you if you try to break the story. (I mean he probably will anyway, but he definitely will if you try to break his story).


onlya bad dm would kill his players for getting out of the story. A good DM would change the story for the players, not the other way around. Get better DMs

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So stick to playing chess if this easy stuff bothers you so much.
Funny guy. I see you'd rather shut down intelligent discussion than face the fact that this game has some flaws.


The "go play another MMO" mentality has been prevalent in so many flops. WAR fanboys repeated as oft as possible; it didn't stop EA from all but shutting down the game (2 servers atm?).


The reality is, the mentality is out of place in an MMO. "Go play another MMO" basically says, I'm fine playing without you, but drawn to its conclusion and you end up with WAR, where no one was left to play at all except the most diehard fanboys. MMOs are about the social experience; WoW reached epic status once it transcended the genre and became a cultural phenomenon, not because it reached 10m+ accounts.


A community rife with "go play another MMO" within its first month obviously has no shot at rivaling that kind of success. The community itself is anti-social, which is very fitting given how anti-social so much of this MMO tends to be.


Incidentally, you completely ignore my complaint, that the ezmode quest tracker, which has become a favorite of all MMO developers, is a root problem here. But, like I said, you're too busy being sensitive about this game to have an intelligent discussion about an issue that isn't even limited to this game.

Edited by Ansultares
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My first ~15 levels or so I made choices made as if I were roleplaying (something I hardly EVER do in games). I wanted to feel connected to my character.


I killed a few NPCs who were real a-holes, and I saved some other people who didn't deserve a grisly fate. Then went to the light/dark side vendors and saw all of the relics were based on your light/dark points.


I had accrued 1200 light side and 1050 dark side. I could use exactly zero relics in the game.


Worst game design.



Same. I'm currently light II, but with 4000 DS points ... Grey gear needs to be implemented, badly for people who want to stay neutral.


Secondly the OP is right. On all accounts.

The quests path is rigid and you cannot get away from it. What if I want to skip X planet because I do not like it? In theory I can, in reality I can't.

As for the consequence of your DS/LS points, those are really limited. Whatever your alignment you will have the same final quest in the Act III.

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The only game were you could really do anything you wanted at anytime, only limited by skills or equipment was the game this replaced. Star Wars Galaxies. And EvE online. But EvE is brutal, unforgiving and will beat you within an inch of your life. Which many people love. :)


The Ultimate sandbox game has been around since the late twentieth century -- and it's still around -- and it's called NationStates.net. It is an MMORPG (well, it used to be "massive"), and it is pure RP. No GUI, though. Be careful what you wish for.

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Same. I'm currently light II, but with 4000 DS points ... Grey gear needs to be implemented, badly for people who want to stay neutral.


Secondly the OP is right. On all accounts.

The quests path is rigid and you cannot get away from it. What if I want to skip X planet because I do not like it? In theory I can, in reality I can't.

As for the consequence of your DS/LS points, those are really limited. Whatever your alignment you will have the same final quest in the Act III.


you can skip all but some class quests......which would take maybe....45 minutes?

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for the people wanting an open choice based mmo, they exist. they are korean mmos. they have very little story if any, and you can go where you want when you want. want to go die to high lvl mobs? go. do it.


they have tried western releases, and failed very badly, very fast. so i hate to say it, but you are in the minority. which means you will not be catered for initially, although later on down the track it may happen.


but dont be afraid, the minority has proven time and time again to be FAR more vocal on forums and other such media, so come here, and complain and you will gain alot of support.


ppl, when you see a 200 page thread about wanting something changed, and you cannot understand why it is not getting done!?!?!?! its because if, IF, the players who didnt think the change was required where to stop PLAYING THE GAME AND ENJOYING IT and come to the forums to post a counter argument, it would prolly be 15000 pages long.


so dont all fool yourselves. a little support doesnt mean you are right. it means ppl who agree with you are more vocal.

Edited by Darth_Pants
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I think the clash between roleplaying your character as you think your character would act, and the DS/LS mechanic, is indeed a bit dubious. It is something that needs to be looked at more closely.


It's all very well if you're a Jedi or a Sith, by nature they're usually going to be solidly LS/DS.


It's also a good thing that you can roleplay the opposite Side to your Faction - you can be an emo Sith or a nasty Republic person.


But if you're a truly morally grey , truly "neutral" character (like my Smuggler, who sometimes does bad things but regrets it later, and compensates by gruffly doing the right thing), it seems unfair that you're penalized in the "cool toys" department.


i.e. in a game in which so much emphasis is laid on roleplaying your character, it seems counter-intuitive that you'd be "punished" for actually roleplaying your character :)


OTOH, I suppose you could argue that being "grey" won't in fact give you access to heights of power in the SW universe. That's not how the SW universe is set up.


Hmm, maybe, but then again, this is an MMO too.


Maybe for a certain balance of DS/LS you could get more of a Social reward, to symbolize the fact that you're solidly roleplaying?


Dunno, but this one of the few flaws that I can see in this otherwise remarkable game.

Edited by gurugeorge
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The ezmode quest tracker is by far the worst feature to ever be implemented into an MMO ever.



What game these days does not have an identical tracker?


Sure, I miss the little paper notebook I scrawled down all my EQ quests in so I could remember where I got them, what I had to do, the cryptic clues, etc. I also miss the dulcet tones of my dial up internet connection. The world moves on....

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onlya bad dm would kill his players for getting out of the story. A good DM would change the story for the players, not the other way around. Get better DMs


Depends on just how "out of story" they get. :) I try to accomodate my players in terms of what interest them, what they want to pursue, their long term goals, etc, but the world exists for its own sake, it doesn't always rewrite itself to conform to them. I don't have any issue if they manage to negotiate with the NPCs instead of fighting them, or insult someone they probably should not have angered, or find a clever and creative way to nullify an encounter and win easily. On the other hand, if they decide they want to go into the lair of the most powerful lich in the land when they're way underpowered to face him, he doesn't "scale down" to make a "fair fight". He will just toast them with a single spell, then animate their corpses for fun. Fortunately, I haven't had players that dumb for a very long time.


I normally run a "quasi sandbox" game. I start with a bunch of plot hooks, then, whichever one they follow gets more and more detailed, and the plot gets narrower, until the final conflict, which then explodes into more plot hooks, etc.

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Unless of course you're light side.


The OP is right. Much of the choice in this game is an illusion. You make one choice at the beginning of the game, and then much of your path is set out before you.


All choice anywhere is an illusion. You can decide to eat beef or chicken for dinner, but it really doesn't make a bit of difference.


The topic is pretty silly as its based off a false precept that any choice we make ever matters.

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All choice anywhere is an illusion. You can decide to eat beef or chicken for dinner, but it really doesn't make a bit of difference.


The topic is pretty silly as its based off a false precept that any choice we make ever matters.


youre pretty much completely wrong

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This is not completly true.


Me and a friend.

He playes a SIth Marauder, and i play a Jugg.


He made a Light side choice during a class quest, he dident had to fight and got the item.


I made the dark side option and killed them all.

After that he got a direct update and i had to take out 20 mobs on a differend location.


In the end you always end up following the rails but there is a choice to be made.


Ive seen plenty quest where i was asked to do a task, instead i told them to just give it to me or i would kill them.


Thats a choice.

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