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Ninjas - why do they still do it?


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Happens all of the time, but I generally don't care. The only time I've had an issue is situations such as the following:


  • I run up to a quest mob as someone else is killing it.
  • I wait for the respawn. Meanwhile, someone else walks up and also waits.
  • I kindly ask if they need the mob for their quest and send a party invite.
  • Said someone declines my invite and tags the mob I was waiting for.


It wouldn't matter to me as much if I hadn't taken that extra step to be considerate. The wait didn't bother me. I invited the next guy that showed up and we killed the mob five minutes later.

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Happens all of the time, but I generally don't care. The only time I've had an issue is situations such as the following:


  • I run up to a quest mob as someone else is killing it.
  • I wait for the respawn. Meanwhile, someone else walks up and also waits.
  • I kindly ask if they need the mob for their quest and send a party invite.
  • Said someone declines my invite and tags the mob I was waiting for.


It wouldn't matter to me as much if I hadn't taken that extra step to be considerate. The wait didn't bother me. I invited the next guy that showed up and we killed the mob five minutes later.

Yeah; this happened to me recently and I just couldn't get why the guy would not group.
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Why do people feel it's still reasonable to walk right past someone fighting some mobs guarding a security chest or gathering node and just take it?


It's called the Right of Capture.


"...that pursuit alone vests no property or right in the huntsman; and that even pursuit, accompanied with wounding, is equally ineffectual for that purpose, unless the animal be actually taken."


See Pierson_v._Post

Edited by MadJerry
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How can you ninja a quest objective? In a couple seconds itll just pop back up. This makes no sense.


There seems to be some inconsistencies on how long it takes an objective to reactivate. This particular objective takes longer than the mob repop timer. I was level 48 on the Sith Warrior quest line, don't remember the exact part.

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Actually, I'm guessing a few of those ninjas are here on the forums complaining of how hard it is to get a group, I've put everyone of the ninjas I've met on my ignorelist (quite a big list by now) and they've been refused access to quite a number of groups I've tanked/healed for, revenge is sweet :D


I couldn't agree more. I don't expect this thread to realistically help against ninja-looters or gamers with bad netiquette (yep, an actual word) in general either.


However, just like the guy I quoted said and others as well including myself do, it's more effective in the long run for us to police our own community and ignore them in-game since the devs don't have a penalty system.

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Probably because they know people will immediately go cry about it on the forums.


Here's one of the D bags now. Just like any community there will be decent normal people and D bags, just like this one.


You hurt this guys butt by pointing out what an A hole he is.

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The character that I have created is mercenary and absolutely self-centered. He's only concerned about what's in it for him, be it credits, gear, or prestige. He's completely amoral and views all other people as obstacles to what he wants.


Why would this character NOT take your chest?

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The character that I have created is mercenary and absolutely self-centered. He's only concerned about what's in it for him, be it credits, gear, or prestige. He's completely amoral and views all other people as obstacles to what he wants.


Why would this character NOT take your chest?


Because even the most self-centered and selfish individual (who is not totally insane) realizes that some concession must be made to their other needs.


You lose access to the content if you keep it up because more people will refuse to group with you. I'm sure you can keep yourself warm thinking about all the loot you got while you spam "LFG" for hours on end as you see group after group ignore you and hit the dropships.

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Everyone is born naked in this world. The world didnt take your money, you just werent smart enough to acquire any.

I had some. It was taken. It's not a difficult concept to understand. Also, that's the most ridiculous statement I've ever heard. We are NOT born equal. If games were like real life some characters would be created already at lv50 with 100,000,000 credits and a set of purples. Probably because their parents stole it from me.

Edited by Game_Hermit
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I think the simple answer is because they can. These people are a minority of players however they know that they can act horribly with no negative consiquence what so ever. QUOTE]




Welcome to the human race on the internet. Is it any wonder I dislike humanity so much?

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Because even the most self-centered and selfish individual (who is not totally insane) realizes that some concession must be made to their other needs.


You lose access to the content if you keep it up because more people will refuse to group with you. I'm sure you can keep yourself warm thinking about all the loot you got while you spam "LFG" for hours on end as you see group after group ignore you and hit the dropships.


.... what?

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You lose access to the content if you keep it up because more people will refuse to group with you. I'm sure you can keep yourself warm thinking about all the loot you got while you spam "LFG" for hours on end as you see group after group ignore you and hit the dropships.

As I said before, no node belongs to you. They're there for everyone. First come, first served. Working on my crafting has in no way impaired my ability to find groups. In fact, yesterday 2 of my 3 group members complimented my l33t healer skills. So far groups love me. I bet it drives you nuts that I have more crafting materials than you and I can still get a group easier. I also bet that you're going to learn nothing from that information, unfortunately. The fact is, though, that most people are reasonable enough to understand that they don't own something simply by standing near it.

Edited by Game_Hermit
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I won't jack a node if someone is killing the mobs next to it. However, if someone does not reciprocate that courtesy, I will promptly follow them and jack their nodes. I won't start it, but if they do I will return the favor in spades.


I had some jerk pull this on Balmorra when I was doing the quest in which you collect the mine cores. I'd triggered the set of mobs that spawn when you activate the mine, as I was killing the spawn some twink ran up and ninja'd the core.


Moments later I saw him killing the spawn for the 3rd core. so I ninja'd his and went back to core #2. He had to wait for #3 to respawn to complete his quest just as I had to wait for #2. I didn't say anything to him, he didn't complain either. You ninja my quest objective. I'll ninja yours.


When it comes to quest objectives, If someone is there before me I wait to see if they are going to use the item or if they're just killing the mobs.


Nodes in the wild (crystal, junk piles, slicing terms etc) are not an issue. If someone's there I move on. I get just as much, if not more by sending my droid on a mission, no loss if I don't collect a wild node (and a lot less frustration from broken nodes).

Edited by Mirasa
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.... what?


Sorry, thought the conversation had drifted into people being loot grubbers in flashpoints, rolling need on everything, etc.


Anyway, the general point stands. I've seen people pull this kind of thing on me before and I remember them. We're close in level so one assumes they'll need someone to tank for them someday and I'll say "You know, I don't think I'm going to roll with you. You're the ubermensch anyway, I'm sure you can handle it on your own."


MMOs, people have memories and being a jerk does slowly erode your rep and leaves you playing only with people like yourself- other jerks.


Enjoy SWTOR! :)

Edited by Jimer_Lins
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