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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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You've never proved me wrong at all. Nothing you have said has been accompanied by any shred of proof.


Not a single thing.


We get it. You want a McDonald's MMO easy-mode lobby game or you'll throw a hissy fit and uninstall... maybe... if you were even being honest.


Who's the troll here?


I'm not exactly the biggest social butterfly in the world, and I'm not having any trouble at all running content. So it ISN'T the game.


Seriously. I want you to show me physical data that says a LFG tool has anything to do with the difficulty of a boss fight. Right now. Do it. An LFG tool doesn't dumb down anything.


And FYI, SWTOR flashpoints are easier than WOW dungeons already so go take your easy-mode dumbing down somewhere else.

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Being courteous to someone you just met does not make them your friend. Sharing a taxi with a stranger does not make them your friend.


You're implying that somehow being a generally nice person means you want to be friends with everybody? NO. NO. Bad Taroen.


Not at all what I said. She said she doesn't want to have to pretend to like someone to get them to run hardmode flashpoints. That's her problem right there... She is only pretending.


When I talk to someone for the first time, I don't know which direction it's going to go. The guy may turn out to be a tool. But at least I'm honestly being nice, and not pretending. And if the person I met is cool, I may have a new friend in the works.

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You might want to look a few pages back.. we just talked about ways that a cross-server LFG tool can change a server and community permanently whether you use the tool or not. I know, I know.. the forums move really fast here! :)


Why does everybody automatically assume cross-server? There is more than one way to implement a LFG tool.

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One side says they have no problems finding groups, the other side says they have a lot of trouble finding groups.


I'd say all one has to do is stand for awhile at Fleet and watch the endless stream of the same lfg messages being repeated over and over and over to see what side is actually telling the truth.......

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WoW's community has been crap since the closed beta. Y'all looking through some seriously rose colored glasses if you think LFG ruined the community..


A global channel with a chat CD of 30-60 seconds would be a wonderful addition. Obviously not everyone has a full server or picked imperial side so user experience varies greatly. I play on sith worm and I have issues getting parties together even as imperial. Fortunately my wife and I have a system where we position and spam general chat of specific planets depending on what instance we're doing (level range). This seems to work decently and allows us to get groups together in less then an hour (on average it takes about 30 minutes to get a group together). I would kindly suggest to the doomsayers that you should just forgo the LFG function and allow those that need it to utilize it .

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You might want to look a few pages back.. we just talked about ways that a cross-server LFG tool can change a server and community permanently whether you use the tool or not. I know, I know.. the forums move really fast here! :)


A lot of people don't care at all about a server community.

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Taroen--on what server do you play? What is your character's name? Maybe we can run a few instances!


Space Slug, and Taroen, but I'm not there now cause I've been playing a marathon session and I need a break from it!


I do love the game tho... =)

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I simply don't understand why people do not want this feature. If you do not want to use it, then don't! There is nothing stopping you for doing what you were doing. Whther you like it or not, MMO's are becoming more casual. Speaking personally, I do't have the time or desire to find groups everytime I play. Being "harcore" is fine, just stop complaining about casual features because it sounds ignorant. Remember the harcores are the vocal minority, but there is nothing stopping them from finding gamers with similair interests using the same tools as they had before.
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You've never proved me wrong at all. Nothing you have said has been accompanied by any shred of proof.


Not a single thing.


We get it. You want a McDonald's MMO easy-mode lobby game or you'll throw a hissy fit and uninstall... maybe... if you were even being honest.


Who's the troll here?


I'm not exactly the biggest social butterfly in the world, and I'm not having any trouble at all running content. So it ISN'T the game.



I will bite one more time.



No mmo is hard, so the easy mode part is kinda dumb, Wasting time does not equal hard. People want to play the game, not waste time making groups.



I can post my displeasure of the game right? I don't know, because bioware has dropped the ball big time for me. I'm sure there are people who enjoy this so called hard core way of playing. Well, I'm happy for them, but pleasing the people like me who want to play the game, and not force to make groups. Who enjoy the combat, and getting loot.


If A lfg Tool ruins a mmo for you, well who is the one being anti social like saying? Having the tool lets you group with lots of people and has a chance to make friends with people in a much faster way.

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Not at all what I said. She said she doesn't want to have to pretend to like someone to get them to run hardmode flashpoints. That's her problem right there... She is only pretending.


When I talk to someone for the first time, I don't know which direction it's going to go. The guy may turn out to be a tool. But at least I'm honestly being nice, and not pretending. And if the person I met is cool, I may have a new friend in the works.


The way you worded it, it's exactly what you said. All she is saying that she doesn't want to be forced to make fake friends on the internet to play the game at all (which is what you say she should be doing). That is a perfectly reasonable request. You can't force somebody to be friends with someone else, especially someone they've never met in real life. Real friendships start naturally, not by putting you both in the same chat room.

Edited by Gungan
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Not at all what I said. She said she doesn't want to have to pretend to like someone to get them to run hardmode flashpoints. That's her problem right there... She is only pretending.


When I talk to someone for the first time, I don't know which direction it's going to go. The guy may turn out to be a tool. But at least I'm honestly being nice, and not pretending. And if the person I met is cool, I may have a new friend in the works.


Of course you're pretending, because your ultimate goal is to run a hardmode with them so you can pimp yourself up to the eyeballs with epics. You make friends naturally, over time, getting to know them.... not by simply walking up to someone to initiate a chat for your own hidden agenda. I played WoW for many years, and made many people that I consider friends and not once was it forced friendship... it just doesn't work that way. I'm a he btw...

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One side says they have no problems finding groups, the other side says they have a lot of trouble finding groups.


I'd say all one has to do is stand for awhile at Fleet and watch the endless stream of the same lfg messages being repeated over and over and over to see what side is actually telling the truth.......


It's because those people that can't get groups think that the only way to get a group is to spam general over and over.

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A lot of people don't care at all about a server community.


I know. :( Then they ninja and call people slurs and shout "go go go go go" and generally treat other people like they are just NPCs. Then people start quitting in droves, like WoW. It's really too bad and I hope it doesn't happen here.

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I know. :( Then they ninja and call people slurs and shout "go go go go go" and generally treat other people like they are just NPCs. Then people start quitting in droves, like WoW. It's really too bad and I hope it doesn't happen here.


That happens with or without a LFG.

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Space Slug, and Taroen, but I'm not there now cause I've been playing a marathon session and I need a break from it!


I do love the game tho... =)


Oh oh oh, I'm on Space Slug! I'm not sure what faction you play, but ping any of us and tell 'em Liore sent you for a group. :)

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I will bite one more time.


No mmo is hard, so the easy mode part is kinda dumb, Wasting time does not equal hard. People want to play the game, not waste time making groups.


Actually, there are quite a few people that want more than content that can be steamrolled by random groups acting stupidly. There's another game that does that. Why aren't you playing it?



I can post my displeasure of the game right? I don't know, because bioware has dropped the ball big time for me. I'm sure there are people who enjoy this so called hard core way of playing. Well, I'm happy for them, but pleasing the people like me who want to play the game, and not force to make groups. Who enjoy the combat, and getting loot.


If A lfg Tool ruins a mmo for you, well who is the one being anti social like saying? Having the tool lets you group with lots of people and has a chance to make friends with people in a much faster way.


Such a red-herring. You don't want it to make friends. You want it so that you can steamroll to your purples without ever even having to talk to anyone. Ever.


Go play a single-player game.

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Shame on You OP. Shame on You.


LFG is needed for this game. What is murdering this game's flash point Content from 10-49 is that it is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE for any person to experience flash points. In order to go to a FP you need to be on Carrick Station, and you need to have the "patience" to wait hours as a DPS or a decent amount of time as a healer/tank to even run one. In that time you spent waiting to get a third of a level of experience you could've gotten a level leveling at a planet. A LFG System would create camaraderie within a community because it allows more players to experience content, meet other players for future grouping, and better enjoy both the FP content and planet side missions simultaneously instead of creating the feel that TOR is nothing more than a "single player MMO".

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I hope blizzard is paying you otherwise that means this is what you choose to do with your life, troll a forum for a game you hate. SAD existence is sad.


I love bioware, EA threatened them to get fired if not releasing this game broken or not only care about box sales like warhammer, sorry but that is fact and people should no,sorry to bustyour dream of a SW MMO as awesome as SWG, but it is broken, bad,not finished and will never get proper support because of EA, hate the man not the messenger.

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I love looking for groups, sometimes I sit in Fleet just whispering random people if they want to run a flashpoint (I whisper b/c I don't want to SPAM), I also like asking guildmates over and over if they want to drop whatever they are doing and come to the fleet so they can do what I have in mind... I myself hate it when I'm in the middle of finishing a quest but not getting guildmate asking me to go do a flashpoint instead, it sux not getting interupted that way.


In reality, its soo much fun finding the group, that sometimes, after I get the group together, I immediately dopped party and try and form another one instead. Since that is the real fun, meeting people and asking them to go do a flashpoint with me.

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I know. :( Then they ninja and call people slurs and shout "go go go go go" and generally treat other people like they are just NPCs. Then people start quitting in droves, like WoW. It's really too bad and I hope it doesn't happen here.





That is a very bad statement, My wife does not really want to make friends or cares nothing about the community. She does not mind talking to people and if she makes a friend great, but she plays it to spend time with me, and for the story/loot.



This whole, you need to be social to enjoy mmos thing, or you are a ninja looter because you don't care about community. Is the biggest bunch of crap I've heard.



I don't mind a community, but if I have to trade it for not being bored, well I won't be crying thats for sure.

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That happens with or without a LFG.


Enh. I mean, yes, jerks will happen anywhere. But cross-server LFG institutionalizes and promotes that kind of behavior, for reasons I've already posted about today.


Edited to specify cross-server LFG

Edited by Liore
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Oh oh oh, I'm on Space Slug! I'm not sure what faction you play, but ping any of us and tell 'em Liore sent you for a group. :)


I actually was going to reply to your post before when you mentioned it and that stuff about Kitty. I know who he is even tho I don't PvP. I'm on the Republic side of things, and there are some people over here who don't like that guy too much =P


People on our server are starting to get to know each other fairly well, eh..?


But I guess some of these guys just can't believe that a community can matter in an MMO...

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Well there is this easily usable block function that would solve that problem for you. They could even do like AION and add a report button that also blocks the person (which actually worked pretty well). I will say though that if someone is able to troll a channel that has a 60 second CD then bravo sir bravo.


Personally I would obviously prefer a functional tool but after looking at how the auction house works in this game I am a bit worried about how their LFG tool would turn out.



EDIT : I forgot to add that a global channel would require you be at least level 10.

Edited by Paralassa
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Actually, there are quite a few people that want more than content that can be steamrolled by random groups acting stupidly. There's another game that does that. Why aren't you playing it?





Such a red-herring. You don't want it to make friends. You want it so that you can steamroll to your purples without ever even having to talk to anyone. Ever.


Go play a single-player game.



I'm pretty sure I'm older than you and I am more in touch with the times.




That statement about playing a single player game makes me chuckle. I was playing Muds, before I started UO. I know how a MMO use to be and what it is now.



I know all about the community and the fun and drama it can bring. The game has changed since them days. A mmo is not just about playing with other people. When mmos was limited that was the draw into the game. Now, a mmo is a game itself, it should cater to all people of all types. Bioware wanted to set a bar for future mmos, well it's still stuck in the past.

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