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Everything posted by I_am_Waffen

  1. The large number of complaints in regard to PvP gear is that its nearly impossible at 50 to obtain expertise to be at least on par with the players running around with expertise in every slot. An easy solution to this problem is why not allow high level screw skill armor/weapon/mod/enhancement/etc. makers create level 50 expertise gear. The gear could be designed to be either unmoddable, slightly weaker than level 50 gear to discourage players from wearing it in PvE, and the new level 50s will be capable of at least contributing in smaller ways rather than in no ways. Thoughts on the idea?
  2. Increases the pool of players searching for matches. More players searching = faster game finds
  3. Obviously you're a Republican. If you close your eyes and plug your ears you think problems such as homosexuality and underage sex goes away. Go back to your troll den. Eh, there's two methods to fixing it. One is to limit the amount of players that are allowed to participate in Illum (Adding a Queue system w/ a wait time so that players of the opposite faction should they wait long enough can eventually get in). Idea #2 is add Tenacity into the game where Republic Players gain X amount of damage, healing, and health proportionate to the amount of players that outnumber then. Personally I like #1.
  4. No, he pretty much hit it on the nail. You're entire argument is "I am an Imperial. We win Illum and I have fun doing so. This obviously means Republic Players need to simply learn to play the game". I can't say how it is for a majority of the servers, but judging from the amount of Imperials complaining about playing Hutball to much on the forums I'd say Imps outnumber Republic by a large margin. On Shadowrealms for instance, we're outnumbered 6:1. When there is six imperials for every Republic Player. In theory we can do what you say and rally all the Republic Players to go to Illum, but what says you won't do the same and just bring back the 6:1 Ratio? I however can't say much about Illum because I am not 50 and my PC just broke (), but generally when you're the team that is getting graveyard camped and have no chance of ever winning Illum because of number superiority the system is obviously broken. How BW fixes this (And they will) will up up to them.
  5. Being in an MMO challenges a player every day. The system that I'm proposing simply discourages players from making careless or reckless mistakes because they find it funny or amusing to be immature and stupid in a video game.
  6. I some how doubt this. Where are your sources or links?
  7. As I play my character and do my datacron hunting in lowbie zones after dinging 50 I noticed a silly trend. Simply how lax and silly it is for people to abuse the death feature. I noticed for example people on Tatooine jumping into the Sarlocc Pit because their "return to town" ability was unavailable. Doing this allowed them to teleport back to town instantly at a slap on the wrist cost to their equipment. BIOWARE THIS IS COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE. Players who for go practices such as these are taking advantage of a system that holds nothing more than a wrist slapping for abusing such mechanics. This game should reinforce the notion of experience loss and deleveling upon PvE death at a bare minimum. If players lose experience on death it'll definitely make them think before they act. It adds the concept of depth and strategy. "Will I be able to fight this group of mobs or do I need to be patient and wait" or another line of "Should I just hoof it back to town or do I want to take a X% experience loss because I'm impatient?" It also makes PvE content strategic because in instances we'll no longer see jedi's randomly charging into mobs because what's the worst that can happen!? Overall, this is a blatant issue that needs to be addressed. I'm tired of watching impatient WoW care bears outright abusing the death system because they're impatient or just making reckless decisions because there is no consequence for their erroneous decisions while playing the game. It'll make SWTOR a much better game and place if the game holds you up to your actions.
  8. 17 Pages worth of people have been trolled.
  9. Arena Season 3 ruined WoW PvP because it restricted all of the gear you could acquire by ratings giving 1850+ rated teams significant advantages in terms of weapons and later shoulders to enforce e-peenism for the "hardcores". Cross Realms saved WoW PvP because low pop servers and factions that had significant majority of players were capable of finding games quickly rather than waiting 30-60 minutes for a BG/Arena.
  10. Completely. Your foundation is based on you wanting to be an e-bully that picks on other players for not having an equal footing so that those players give you attention that you lack elsewhere in life. Next troll!
  11. It really sounds like you need a new hobby rather than worry what internet people think about you in a video game. You're entire argument is you want to be popular and known in an online MMO. That's really sad mate. You can do other things in a video game to become popular rather than run your rofltrain in warzones all day obliterating groups because they lack the gear you have due to a lack of competition. It really sounds like you're afraid of cross realms because it'll decrease your win ratio. Welcome to Republic!
  12. You're argument is very flawed. You don't want "jerks" like this mate you're debating in your Warzones, yet every Warzone game has "that guy" who insults everyone's mothers, harasses other players, and questions their sexuality for not playing the game the way they want them to. The real problem sounds like MMO/Multiplayer games aren't up your alley and you could find solace in single player games. This is a problem in every MMO. Thick skin OP or just leave it alone.
  13. MMOs implement these features because they are received by the customer base that made the MMO model successful, the casuals. You can cry, pull statistic out of your rears, and complain about how cross server or LFG systems will ruin the game, but lets be honest. You represent the minority of the MMO community. If MMO developers listened to this minority MMOs would be largely unpopular, ill received, and otherwise rejected by the gaming community for being stupid. The casual player base rather be rewarded than punished for playing a game. Many of us may be on high population servers where queues aren't a problem, but we also have to look at the other servers, the low population community. These are the servers that will need these tools more than anyone else. Have you ever played on a low pop server OP? I have before, they are not fun. 30 minute queues for a Warzone is not a definition of "fun". How about shouting in general chat for hours trying to find a tank or healer to run a 50 flashpoint only to give up in frustration because you cannot find that last player not just one night, but every night? I doubt I'd stay subbed to a game like that for long. You might say reroll to another server, but why should low pop server players be forced to do that and be punished for the server selection they chose?
  14. Shame on You OP. Shame on You. LFG is needed for this game. What is murdering this game's flash point Content from 10-49 is that it is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE for any person to experience flash points. In order to go to a FP you need to be on Carrick Station, and you need to have the "patience" to wait hours as a DPS or a decent amount of time as a healer/tank to even run one. In that time you spent waiting to get a third of a level of experience you could've gotten a level leveling at a planet. A LFG System would create camaraderie within a community because it allows more players to experience content, meet other players for future grouping, and better enjoy both the FP content and planet side missions simultaneously instead of creating the feel that TOR is nothing more than a "single player MMO".
  15. Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining about acquiring gear. I had a blast first week because the skill curve in terms of organization was even. Its just that its not to terribly fun to try and organize seven other players using in game chat to try and beat a pre-team consisting of this guy who have stronger organizational and communicational abilities. Not saying add an in game voice chat (we saw how successful that was with WoW and other MMOs!), but expecting pug players to join a ventrilo/teamspeak server at the start of a game is silly. Yeah I know right. This was one of the immediate problems back in WoW during Vanilla with the original Grand Marshal/High Warlord system. Pre-Teams would farm pugs all day every day and would bail out at first glance of a pre-team. I know Bioware will get around to fixing it, but its frustrating that game mechanics force us to feed them (Auto Kick system if you don't leave spawn) and have a otherwise degradable experience.
  16. Let me start this thread off with this screenshot. What do we see exactly? A familiar sight to many non pre-team players. After destroying the opposition the pre-team passes the ball back and forth while farming players who come straight out of the spawn. They're completely helpless because they do not have the gear, coordination, communication, or skill to stage a break out. The result is 15 minutes of being graveyard camped. It is just not limited to Huttball. You also witness this in Voidstar as well as the Civil War. (Civil War tends to be worst because some pre teams prefer to capture a single point and leave the other towers uncapped) What am I proposing? The first response I am going to get is going to be "Brackets noob l2p". Right, Brackets will solve the crisis immediately for low level players. What will happen to the level 50s? The issue will not go away. It is simply putting a band aid on the problem. What we will see at 50 is the same issue with pre-teams doing the same thing because an organized force always comes out on top if facing an unorganized force. What needs to also be added is pre-mades have heavily increased chances of going against pre-made teams. In addition to this, add a deserter debuff to discourage pre-mades from re-queuing because they don't want the challenge of facing an opposition pre-made. Conclusion I've noticed queue times are increasing for both factions for Shadowlands at least. This is because most players do not want to waste their time and become aggravated at being spawn camped or just obliterated by the same pre-teams every match. Occasionally we get that one true good match with even teams which reminds me how awesome PvP can be. Overall, for PvP to be enjoyable for the average Joe changes need to be added. The premise of the pre-team needs to be addressed.
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